2019-2020 University Catalog archived
Global Learning (GL)
Global learning is an important part of our mission as a university. By global, we mean of or related to substantial interactions across national borders or substantial comparisons between different nations. Global learning is the acquisition of the skills and knowledge needed to understand those interactions or comparisons. Many departments and programs offer special opportunities for students to develop and explore their interests in this area. In addition, the faculty have developed a set of outcomes to distinguish courses in every discipline that meet global learning objectives.
For an approved GL designation, courses must meet at least one of the following four student learning outcomes:
- Demonstrate an understanding of how global issues, processes, trends, and systems have shaped the subject under study
- Demonstrate the ability to use globally diverse cultural frames of reference and alternate perspectives to think critically, solve problems, or interpret issues and situations as they relate to the course topic
- Demonstrate an understanding of how the field of study is viewed and practiced in different cultural contexts
- Demonstrate improved language competency where global learning is done abroad in a world language, not English.
Approved courses with permanent designation:
ARAB 225 - Arabic Dialects
ARTH 102 - Survey of Western Art: Renaissance to the Present
ARTH 140 - Asian Art
ARTH 170 - Arts of Mesoamerica and the Andes
ARTH 257 - Dutch Arts, Patrons, and Markets
ARTH 258 - Baroque and Rococo Art
ARTH 271 - Arts of Colonial Latin America
ARTH 273 - Arts of Modern Latin America
ARTH 274 - Art and Revolution: Mexican Muralism
ARTH 276 - Chicana/o Art and Muralism: From the Street to the (Staniar) Gallery
ARTH 357 - Caravaggio and Artemisia Gentileschi
ARTH 383 - Digital Florence
ARTS 234 - Permasculpture
BUS 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar
BUS 191 - International Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
BUS 347 - Ethics of Globalization
BUS 337 - Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations
BUS 391 - Corporate Social Responsibility Practicum
EALL 215 - East Asian Cinema
ECON 241 - Economics of War and Peace
ECON 244 - The Auto Industry: Economics, Society, Culture
ECON 255 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
ECON 270 - International Trade
ECON 274 - China’s Modern Economy
ECON 276 - Health Economics in Developing Countries
ECON 280 - Development Economics
ECON 281 - Comparative Institutional Economics
ECON 288 - Supervised Study Abroad
ECON 376 - Health: A Social Science Exploration
GERM 311 - Advanced German
HIST 103 - China: Origins to 20th-Century Reforms
HIST 130 - Latin America: Mayas to Independence
HIST 131 - Modern Latin America: Túpak Katari to Tupac Shakur
HIST 226 - Pillage, Peddling and Piety: Travel in the Middle Ages
HIST 236 - Afro-Latin America
HIST 286 - History of Kyrgyzstan from the Silk Road to the Present: Crossroads of Empire, Culture, and Religion
LACS 101 - Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LACS 256 - Trans-American Identity: Images from the Americas
LACS 257 - Multiculturalism in Latin America: The Case of Brazil
LACS 396 - Capstone Seminar in Latin American and Caribbean Studies
MESA 250 - Writing Mt. Lebanon: History, Language, and Politics
MESA 255 - Language Policies and Politics
MUS 121 - Worlds of Music
PHIL 105 - Introduction to Theories of Knowledge and Reality
PHIL 110 - Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHIL 120 - Modern European Philosophy: Descartes to Hume
PHIL 130 - Classical Chinese Philosophy
PHIL 247 - Medicine, Research, and Poverty
PHIL 248 - Ethics of War
PHIL 272 - Philosophy and Science Fiction
PHIL 347 - Ethics of Globalization
PHIL 346 - Medical Ethics
POL 105 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 214 - The Conduct of American Foreign Policy
POL 215 - International Development
POL 246 - Post-Communism and New Democracies
POL 247 - Latin American Politics
POL 268 - Migration, Identity, and Conflict
POL 278 - Intelligence and National Security
POL 286 - Contemporary South Africa Politics
POL 287 - The Maghreb: History, Culture, and Politics
POL 296 - Special Topics in Global Politics
POL 380 - Seminar in Global Politics
POL 384 - Seminar in Middle Eastern Politics
POV 247 - Medicine, Research, and Poverty
ROML 297 - Spring Term Abroad in Romance Languages
SOAN 240 - Food, Culture, and Society
SOAN 246 - Post-Communism and New Democracies
SOAN 250 - Revolutions and Revolutionaries
SOAN 263 - Poverty and Marginality in the Americas
SOAN 268 - Migration, Identity, and Conflict
SPAN 161 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 162 - Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 164 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 204 - Conversational Skills
SPAN 205 - Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
SPAN 209 - Intro to Hispanic Linguistics
SPAN 211 - Spanish Civilization and Culture
SPAN 212 - Spanish-American Civilization and Culture
SPAN 213 - Seville and the Foundations of Spanish Civilization
SPAN 216 - Living on the Edge: Identities in Motion in Argentina and Uruguay
SPAN 220 - Introducción a la literatura española
SPAN 240 - Introducción a la literatura hispanoamericana
SPAN 308 - Power and Ideology: (Critical) Discourse Perspectives
SPAN 312 - Medieval Spanish Cultures in Context
SPAN 333 - El Cid in History and Legend
SPAN 340 - Spanish-American Short Story
SPAN 342 - Spanish-American Narrative: The Boom Generation
SPAN 344 - Spanish-American Poetry
SPAN 347 - Poetry and Power
SPAN 380 - Spanish Grammar Rules: The Making of a Language
SPAN 393 - Workshop in Literary Translation
Approved topical courses when designated as appropriate on a term-by-term basis:
BUS 390 - Supervised Study Abroad (Spring 2020, Social Innovation in Scandinavia)
ENGL 295 - Spring-Term Seminar in Literary Studies (Spring 2018, African-American Poetry)
LIT 295 - Special Topics in Literature in Translation
SPAN 392 - Spanish Language Theory and Practice
SPAN 397 - Peninsular Seminar
SPAN 398 - Spanish-American Seminar