2019-2020 University Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2019-2020 University Catalog archived

Course Descriptions



  • CHEM 262 - Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CHEM 110 and MATH 102 and junior standing. An introduction to classical and statistical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics with an emphasis on biological systems. Topics include enzyme kinetics, the thermodynamics of metabolic cycles, and the conformational energetics of biomolecules, especially protein folding. Desjardins.

  • CHEM 266 - Physical Chemical Measurements

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 261 and consent of the instructor. Laboratory work illustrating the principles and instruments of physical chemistry. Laboratory course. Tuchler.

  • CHEM 295 - Special Topics in Chemistry

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: CHEM 241 or 241S and consent of instructor. One-credit studies of special topics. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Possible topics include solid state chemistry, metabolic diseases, culinary chemistry, developments in physical chemistry, data handling, and reaction dynamics. Staff.

  • CHEM 297 - Special Topics in Chemistry

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: CHEM-241 or CHEM-241S. Two-credit studies of special topics. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Possible topics include electrochemistry, medicinal chemistry, atmospheric chemistry and the environment, and the dynamics of photochemistry. Staff.

  • CHEM 298 - Special Topics in Chemistry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Vary with topic. Three-credit studies of special topics. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Possible topics include RNA biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, and atmospheric chemistry and the environment.

  • CHEM 299 - Spring-Term Special Topics in Chemistry

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisites vary with topic and instructor. Studies of special topics. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Possible topics include medicinal chemistry, materials chemistry, or atmospheric chemistry and the environment.

    Spring 2020, CHEM 299-01: Topic: Mechanisms of Stem-Cell Growth and Differentiation (4). Prerequisite: CHEM 241. A practical guide to mammalian stem-cell biology. We explore the molecular underpinnings of stem-cell maintenance with a focus on cellular signaling pathways and stem-cell niche microenvironments, both in the embryo and the adult. We study the biochemistry of directed differentiation and lineage determination and discuss the function of stem cells in adult tissue homeostasis and recovery from injury. Within a laboratory setting, students culture and maintain embryonic stem cells, perform pluripotency assays, and direct embryonic stem cells to differentiate into neural progenitors and cardiac muscle cells. Friend.

  • CHEM 341 - Biochemistry I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CHEM 242. A study of the structure, function, biosynthesis and breakdown of biomolecules, including amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. Enzymes, biological membranes and membrane transport, signal transduction, and regulation of metabolism are studied in greater detail. J. Friend, K. Friend.

  • CHEM 342 - Biochemistry II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CHEM 341 or BIOL 215. A continuation of CHEM 341 with an emphasis on the structure, function, and metabolism of nucleic acids. Topics covered in detail include gene expression and regulation, DNA replication and repair, RNA transcription and processing, and protein synthesis and degradation. K. Friend.

  • CHEM 343 - Biochemistry I Laboratory

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 341. Experiments demonstrate the techniques used to study proteins and lipids. Isolation and characterization of proteins and lipids using gel electrophoresis, UV-Vis spectroscopy, chromatographic techniques including GC-MS, and the proper reporting and analysis of experimental data are included. Laboratory course with fee. J. Friend, K. Friend.

  • CHEM 344 - Biochemistry II Laboratory

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 342 and instructor consent. A laboratory course designed to demonstrate the fundamental techniques used to study nucleic acids. Methods to isolate and characterize DNA and RNA include PCR, gel electrophoresis, hybridization techniques, and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Laboratory course with fee. K. Friend.

  • CHEM 345 - Advanced Biochemistry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CHEM 341, BIOL 220 and consent of instructor. A more advanced treatment of current topics in biochemistry. Specific topics vary by year but may include enzyme/ribozyme kinetics and mechanisms, signaling pathways, biomolecular transport, chromatin structure/ function, RNA processing pathways, and regulation of gene expression. Friend, LaRiviere.

  • CHEM 347 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CHEM 242 and consent of instructor. An introduction to the synthesis of complex organic molecules. Topics include control of stereochemistry, synthetic methodology, modern synthetic reactions, protecting groups, natural products synthesis, and combinatorial chemistry. Staff.

  • CHEM 350 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CHEM 250 and 261. An introduction to group theory and its application to inorganic spectroscopy and an introduction to organometallic chemistry, organometallic catalytic processes, and solid state chemistry. Uffelman.

  • CHEM 365 - Advanced Physical Chemistry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. A more advanced treatment of the fundamental areas of physical chemistry, such as thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, statistical mechanics, and quantum mechanics. Specific topics vary with student interest. Desjardins, Tuchler.

  • CHEM 399 - Advanced Topics in Chemistry and Biochemistry

    Credits: (3 credits in fall or winter, 4 in spring)

    Prerequisite: CHEM 242 or instructor consent. Studies of advanced topics. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • CHEM 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced work and reading in topics selected by the instructor and meeting the special needs of advanced students, in accordance with departmental guidelines (available from chemistry faculty). May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Staff.

  • CHEM 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced work and reading in topics selected by the instructor and meeting the special needs of advanced students, in accordance with departmental guidelines (available from chemistry faculty). May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Staff.

  • CHEM 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Advanced work and reading in topics selected by the instructor and meeting the special needs of advanced students, in accordance with departmental guidelines (available from chemistry faculty). May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Staff.

  • CHEM 421 - Directed Individual Research

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Literature search, conferences, tri-weekly reports and laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required. May be carried out during the summer. Staff.

  • CHEM 422 - Directed Individual Research

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Literature search, conferences, tri-weekly reports and laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required. May be carried out during the summer. Staff.

  • CHEM 423 - Directed Individual Research

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Literature search, conferences, tri-weekly reports and laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required. May be carried out during the summer. Staff.

  • CHEM 431 - Summer Directed Individual Research

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Literature search, conferences, weekly reports and, laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required. Staff.

  • CHEM 432 - Summer Directed Individual Research

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Literature search, conferences, weekly reports and, laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required. Staff.

  • CHEM 433 - Directed Individual Research

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Literature search, conferences, weekly reports and, laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required. Staff.

  • CHEM 471 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemistry and instructor consent. Literature search, conferences, reports and laboratory. Maximum of six credits. Laboratory course. Staff.

  • CHEM 472 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemistry and instructor consent. Literature search, conferences, reports and laboratory. Maximum of six credits. Laboratory course. Staff.

  • CHEM 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemistry and instructor consent. Literature search, conferences, reports and laboratory. Maximum of six credits. Laboratory course. Staff.

  • CHEM 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3

    Prerequisite: Honors candidacy, senior standing in chemistry, and instructor consent. Laboratory work resulting in a thesis exhibiting a significant understanding of an important problem. A student interested in Honors in Chemistry or Biochemistry should notify the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department Head by the end of the sophomore year. Staff.


  • CHIN 103 - Supervised Study Abroad: Beginning Chinese

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Consent of the department and approval of the International Education Committee. This course is designed to introduce Chinese language and culture to students with little or no previous Chinese language background and prepare them for studying first-year Chinese. Combining language study with studies of other aspects of Chinese culture (literature, art. history, economy, etc.) provides students with first-hand experience of the development of contemporary China. Classes and discussions are held at the International College or Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Students learn through personal experience about the emergence or modern China and its changing culture. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 105 - Supervised Study Abroad: Beginning Chinese

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Consent of the department and approval of the International Education Committee.  This course is designed to introduce Chinese language and culture to students with little or no previous Chinese language background and prepare them for studying first-year Chinese. Combining language study with studies of other aspects of Chinese culture (literature, art, history, economy, etc.) provides students with firsthand experience of the development of contemporary China. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Students learn through personal experience about the emergence of modern China and its changing culture. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 111 - First-Year Chinese I

    Credits: 4

    An introduction to modern spoken and written Chinese. In addition to classroom drill in speaking and reading, extensive use is made of both the language laboratory and the computer in outside preparation. Fu.

  • CHIN 112 - First-Year Chinese II

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: CHIN 111 or the equivalent. A continuation of CHIN 111. Further work on modern spoken and written Chinese. Fu.

  • CHIN 113 - Supervised Study Abroad: First-Year Chinese

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite. Chinese 112, consent of the department and approval of the International Education Committee. This course is designed to improve active oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying second-year Chinese. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students have opportunities to mingle with ordinary Chinese people, to engage in everyday conversation, and to have first-hand experience of the development of contemporary China. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 115 - Supervised Study Abroad: First-Year Chinese

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisites: CHIN 112, consent of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee. This course is designed to improve active oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying second-year Chinese. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students have opportunities to mingle with ordinary Chinese people, to engage in everyday conversation, and to have firsthand experience of the development of contemporary China. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 261 - Second-Year Chinese I

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: CHIN 112 or the equivalent. A continuation of first-year Chinese with intensive drill in spoken Chinese closely coordinated with acquiring Chinese characters and reinforcing sentence patterns. Audiovisual materials are used extensively. Zhu.

  • CHIN 262 - Second-Year Chinese II

    FDR: FL
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: CHIN 261 or the equivalent. A continuation of CHIN 261 with intensive drill in spoken Chinese closely coordinated with acquiring Chinese characters and reinforcing sentence patterns. Zhu.

  • CHIN 263 - Supervised Study Abroad: Second-Year Chinese

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Chinese 261 or 262, consent of the department and approval of the International Education Committee. This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying third-year Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students discuss and debate with Chinese students about emerging social. economic, and policy issues. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 265 - Supervised Study Abroad: Second-Year Chinese

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisites: CHIN 261 or 262, consent of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee. This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying third-year. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students discuss and debate with Chinese students about emerging social, economic, and policy issues. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 301 - Third-Year Chinese I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CHIN 262 or the equivalent. This course is focused upon reinforcement of Chinese structural patterns and extensive acquisition of Chinese characters, as well as topical conversational practice and the introduction of much cultural information essential to communication in Chinese. Staff.

  • CHIN 302 - Third-Year Chinese II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CHIN 301 or the equivalent. A continuation of CHIN 301 with added emphasis on writing. Staff.

  • CHIN 305 - Introduction to Business and Legal Chinese

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite or corequisite: CHIN 262 or equivalent. This course provides basic knowledge of the Chinese language necessary for doing business and for handling legal issues. Topics are selected that represent typical business and legal use of the language, and discussion of the grammar. Certain language features and their use and context are provided. Extensive drills and practices of the sentence patterns and specialized vocabulary, both in and out of class, further help students use the business and legal Chinese appropriately. Fu.

  • CHIN 311 - Advanced Chinese I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CHIN 302 or the equivalent and instructor consent. Advanced readings with discussion in Chinese. This course reinforces Chinese structural patterns and extensive acquisition of Chinese characters and enhances students’ ability to speak and to write. Topics involving current Chinese culture are introduced and discussed. Staff.

  • CHIN 312 - Advanced Chinese II

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CHIN 311 or the equivalent and consent of the instructor. This course focuses on advanced readings in Chinese literature with intensive practice in speaking and writing. The texts analyzed are authentic modern literary works from both China and Taiwan . Zhu.

  • CHIN 315 - Introduction to Classical Chinese

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CHIN 311 or corequisite of CHIN 312. This course is an introduction to the basic grammar and syntax of classical Chinese, the standard written language in China for over two millennia until the early 20th century (and for many centuries the first written language in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, as well). Literary, historical, philosophical, or political texts from the premodern Chinese era are selected for oral discussion and for written exercise. The aim of the course is to help students gain reading knowledge of and be able to appreciate the treasure house of the ancient Chinese culture. Fu.

  • CHIN 363 - Supervised Study Abroad: 3rd- or 4th-Year Chinese

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent and approval of the International Education Committee. This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for further study. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 365 - Supervised Study Abroad: 3rd- or 4th-Year Chinese

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent and approval of the International Education Committee. This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for further study. The 2019 course fee for the 4-week course is $2,700 and for the 6-week course is $4,150. Fu.

  • CHIN 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. Advanced study in Chinese. The nature and content of the course will be determined by the students’ needs and by an evaluation of their previous work. Fu.

  • CHIN 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. Advanced study in Chinese. The nature and content of the course will be determined by the students’ needs and by an evaluation of their previous work. Fu.

  • CHIN 403 - Directed Individual Study

    FDR: HL: only when the subject is literary.
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. Advanced study in Chinese. The nature and content of the course will be determined by the students’ needs and by an evaluation of their previous work. Fu.


  • CLAS 111 - Roman History

    (HIST 111) FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The course covers a long chronological span, from the period of the city’s prehistoric foundations to the final years of the western Empire in the fifth century CE. The aim of the course is not only to treat the major political and social events of Roman history according to the annalistic tradition, but also to give special attention to various cultural norms and practices, the structure of Roman society and its institutions, and the interactions between different social groups in each period. Central to our study of these themes will be a consideration of the wide range of primary evidence available to ancient historians and an understanding of the methodological problems encountered in reconstructing the history of any society. Easton.

  • CLAS 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar

    Credits: 3

    First-Year seminar. Prerequisite: First-Year standing. Topic and FDR varies by term.

  • CLAS 200 - Greek Art & Archaeology

    (ARTH 200) FDR: HA
    Credits: 3

    An introduction to ancient Greek art and archaeology. We encounter some of the greatest works of art in human history, as we survey the development of painting, sculpture, architecture, and town planning of the ancient Greeks. We encounter the history of the people behind the objects that they left behind, from the material remains of the Bronze Age palaces and Classical Athenian Acropolis to the world created in the wake of Alexander the Great’s conquests. We also consider how we experience the ancient Greek world today through archaeological practice, cultural heritage, and the antiquities trade. Laughy.

  • CLAS 201 - Classical Mythology

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3 in fall, winter; 4 in spring

    An introduction to the study of Greek mythology, with an emphasis on the primary sources. The myths are presented in their historical, religious, and political contexts. The course also includes an introduction to several major theories of myth, and uses comparative materials drawn from contemporary society and media. Crotty.

  • CLAS 203 - Greek Literature from Homer to the Early Hellenistic Period

    (LIT 203) FDR: HL
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. Readings in translation from Homer, Hesiod, the tragedians, the comedians, and the lyric and pastoral poets, including selections from Herodotus and Thucydides, and from Plato’s and Aristotle’s reflections on literature. The course includes readings from modern critical writings. We read some of the most famous stories of the Western world–from the Iliad and the Odyssey, to Milton’s Paradise Lost and Joyce’s Ulysses, via Virgil’s Aeneid and Lucan’s Civil War. All of these works are epic narratives, each presenting a different concept of the hero, and yet, at the same time, participating in a coherent, on-going and unfinished tradition. We consider such questions as the role of violence in literature; the concept of the heroic as it reflects evolving ideas of the individual and society; and the idea of a literary tradition. Crotty.

  • CLAS 204 - Augustan Era

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3

    An interdisciplinary course taught in English, using the tools of literature, history and art to examine a specific, complicated, and pivotally important period in the evolution of western culture, focused on the literary. Readings from the poets predominate (Virgil’s Aeneid and Ovid’s Metamorphosis, selections from Horace, Propertius, Tibullus and other poems of Ovid) and also including readings from ancient historians dealing with Augustus and the major events of his period (e.g., Suetonius, Plutarch, and Tacitus on such topics as Actium and problems of succession). The topic for each lecture is illustrated with slides of works of art and architecture from the period. Selections from historians and from material remains are chosen according to intersection points with the literature. Carlisle.

  • CLAS 205 - Reading Rome: A Survey of Latin Literature

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3

    The course offers a survey of influential works composed in Latin between the 3rd century BCE and the 2nd century CE. Alongside poems, histories, and philosophical writings that were originally conceived of as literary projects, we also examine plays, military chronicles, speeches, and letters, all of which come down to the present as “literature” but may not have been created as such. The boundaries of “literature” is an ongoing topic of inquiry throughout the term. Students explore the literary traditions represented in the readings and consider their impact on other traditions, with the bulk of class sessions spent discussing the significance of the literary works and improving our knowledge of the contexts–historical and literary–in which they were composed. Dance.

  • CLAS 210 - Sex, Gender and Power in Ancient Literature

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3

    Open to all students without prerequisite. An examination of literature in various genres (poetry, philosophy, drama, and history) in an attempt to understand the diverse ways in which Greeks and Romans conceived of gender identity, gender expression, and sexuality. We also interrogate the power dynamics that underpinned these conceptions. Readings include primary sources from antiquity (e.g., Homer, Euripides, Plato, Plautus, Livy, Ovid) as well as secondary sources that explore sex, gender, and power in both ancient and modern contexts.  The course examines several influential works composed in Greek and Latin between the 8th century BCE and the 1st century CE. Alongside poems and philosophical writings that were originally conceived of as literary projects, we also examine plays, historical works, and even some inscriptions, all of which come down to the present as “literature”, although many may not have been conceived as such. The boundaries of “literature” is an ongoing topic of inquiry throughout the term. Dance.

  • CLAS 214 - The Athenian Acropolis

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3

    In this course. we study the art and architecture of the Acropolis, from the Neolithic period to today. with a particular focus on the Archaic and Classical periods. Our study is based upon a detailed and chronology survey of the buildings. dedications, and religious practices conducted on the Acropolis. We conclude the course with a discussion of the Acropolis in the post-Classical period, and the meaning of the Acropolis for Greeks today. Laughy.

  • CLAS 215 - Ancient Drama and Its Influence

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3

    In this course we study ancient tragedy and comedy, both Greek and Roman, and look, too, at the cultural forces shaping ancient drama and some of the influence on later drama and thought. In addition to later plays that hail from ancient drama, we consider some philosophical interpretations of the significance of drama, and, in particular, tragedy. Crotty.

  • CLAS 221 - Plato

    (PHIL 221) FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An in-depth examination of the philosophy of Plato.  We look at Plato’s epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, and political philosophy through a careful analysis of several dialogues, including some or all of the following:  Euthyphro, Laches, Apology, Gorgias, Meno, Phaedo, Symposium, Phaedrus, and Republic.  In addition, we consider certain challenges posed by Plato’s use of the dialogue form, such as whether we are justified in assuming that Socrates is a mouthpiece for Plato’s own views, and how we should interpret Plato’s frequent appeal to myths and other literary devices within his dialogues. Smith.

  • CLAS 223 - Ancient Greek Religion

    (REL 223) FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    In this course, we examine the strange and wonderful world of ancient Greek religion, beginning with stories of the gods that all Greeks knew: Homer and Hesiod. We then study religion on the ground, examining how religion functioned at a number of sanctuaries and shrines in Greece. Topics covered in this course include ancient conceptions of the cosmos; the nature of Greek deities and heroes; the distinction between myth and religion; the art and architecture of sanctuaries; ritual performances and festivals; ritual sacrifice; sacred games; oracles; the underworld; sacred mysteries; women and religion; and the socio-political role of Greek ritual practice. Laughy.

  • CLAS 224 - The World of Late Antiquity

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course introduces students to the historical period between the close of the ancient world and the rise of the Middle Ages ca. 250 to 650 AD). Students read primary sources and explore the historical evidence in order to investigate the reigning historical model of “Decline and Fall” inherited from Edward Gibbon and others, and study the development of Christianity and Judaism during this period. Finally, the course investigates the formation of Europe and the rise of Islam. Staff.

  • CLAS 225 - Ancient Greek History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course is an introduction to ancient Greek history from the Bronze Age to Alexander the Great, with emphasis on the remarkable and often brutal world of the Archaic and Classical Greeks. During this time, warfare is a constant, but the legacy of the Greeks also contains radical experiments in egalitarian political life, philosophy, art, literature and science that emerge from their dynamic history. Most of our readings are from the ancient sources themselves, including Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Aristotle, and Plutarch. Apart from learning the history, therefore, we also ask such questions as how to interpret primary sources and how to resolve conflicts among them. Laughy.

  • CLAS 241 - Law, Litigation & Justice in the Ancient World

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course studies justice and law in the ancient world by looking at Greek and Roman philosophical texts about the nature of justice and law, and by considering actual legal cases from the ancient world. The course aims to show how litigation and theory mutually correct and inform one another, while also showing the inherent and continuing interest of ancient thought about law and justice. Students hear lectures, engage in in-class discussion, participate in an on-line discussion, moderated by the instructor, and write two research papers. Crotty.

  • CLAS 287 - Supervised Study Abroad: Athens

    (HIST 287) FDR: HU
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Classics and history of Greece. A survey of the development of art, archaeology, history, and literature in ancient and modern Greece, with an emphasis on the relationship between past and present conceptions of Greek identity. Gildner, Laughy.

  • CLAS 288 - Supervised Study Abroad: Rome and Ancient Italy

    FDR: HA
    Credits: Not yet approved for new spring term.

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Offered when interest is expressed and faculty resources permit. This course traces the growth of Rome and Roman civilization from its modest beginnings to its glory during the Republic and Empire. Lectures and readings prepare students for daily visits to sites, excavations, monuments and museums in Rome and its environs, and to locations in the Bay of Naples area. Benefiel.

  • CLAS 295 - Topics in Classical Civilization

    Credits: 3 credits in Fall or Winter; 4 credits in Spring

    Selected subject areas in classical civilization. The topic selected varies from year to year. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Fall 2019, CLAS 295A-01: The Roman Empire and Its Peoples (3). Meets requirements in the History major. The ranks of Roman society below the elite were occupied by numerous social groups which we might identify as marginal. Although often overlooked in our literary sources, the behaviors and experiences of ordinary men and women, slaves and ex-slaves, and freeborn foreigners from the provinces are essential for understanding the inner workings of Roman social hierarchies and the economy. This course examines how such groups made their way in the Roman world by operating within existing institutions or by forging new avenues for civic engagement and upward social mobility. In order to access their voices, we must look to their depictions in the world of Roman comedy and novels, the art and material culture they produced, and the most important body of evidence available to grasp the lives of ancient Romans, their personal inscriptions. (HU) Easton.

  • CLAS 326 - The Trojan War

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The Trojan War ranks among the greatest tales ever told. But is the story real? In this course, we begin with the literary evidence, including the epics of Homer, as well as contemporary accounts from the Bronze Age Greeks, Hittites, and Egyptians. We then follow the archaeological evidence, from the palaces of mainland Greece to the presumed site of Troy itself. Our search leads not just to the truth that lies behind the destruction of Troy, but reveals a long-lost international community of world superpowers whose cities were nearly all destroyed at the same time that Troy fell, an international cataclysm on a scale never before seen in ancient history. Laughy.

  • CLAS 338 - Pompeii

    FDR: SS4
    Credits: 3 in fall-winter; 4 in spring

    The site of ancient Pompeii presents a thriving Roman town of the first century AD, virtually frozen in time by the devastating eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. In this course, we examine Pompeii’s archaeological remains-public buildings, domestic architecture, painting, artifacts, inscriptions, and graffiti-in order to reconstruct the life of the town. We also consider religion, games and entertainment, politics, and the structure of Roman society. Benefiel.

  • CLAS 343 - The Roman Emperor

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 4

    An exploration of the figure of the Roman Emperor in art, architecture, monuments, and the urban fabric of the ancient world. Analysis and assessment use innovative digital scholarly resources that are currently available to students and scholars of the classical world. Each week, a different discipline within Classics (e.g., history and historiography, epigraphy, numismatics) is presented, followed by hands-on assignments working with the scholarly tools that can be used to query or conduct research in that field. Group projects focus on a particular time period and evaluate how the figure of the Roman emperor, his public relations, Roman society, and the expression of political power shifted over the centuries of empire. Benefiel.

  • CLAS 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 423 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, major in classics, and instructor consent. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 433 - Archaeological Fieldwork in Italy

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Students should be in good physical condition. Undergraduates with an interest in archaeology, ancient history, classical studies, art history, and related subjects are invited to apply. Additional fee required. Applicants are chosen by the Classics Department on the basis of academic qualifications, references, and personal statements. Previous archaeological field experience is welcome but not required. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Students work on-site at an archaeological excavation in Italy. Fieldwork includes excavation and/or analysis of at least one of the following: artifacts or material culture; architecture; epigraphy; pottery; urbanism; digital methods. Benefiel.

  • CLAS 434 - Archaeological Fieldwork in Greece

    Experiential Learning (EXP): YES
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Students should be in good physical condition. Undergraduates with an interest in archaeology, ancient history, classical studies, art history, and related subjects are invited to apply. Additional fee required. Applicants are chosen by the Classics Department on the basis of academic qualifications, references, and personal statements. Previous archaeological field experience is welcome but not required. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.  An experiential-learning course conducted during eight weeks in the summer from early June to early August. Students participate in an excavation in the Athenian Agora, the civic and commercial center of ancient Athens, and one of the most historic and fruitful archeological sites in the world. Laughy.

  • CLAS 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, major in classics, and instructor consent. The student researches and writes a senior thesis under the direction of a faculty member.

  • CLAS 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, honors candidacy in classics, and instructor consent. Honors Thesis.

Cognitive and Behavioral Science

  • CBSC 110 - Brain and Behavior with Laboratory

    FDR: SL
    Credits: 4

    An introduction to behavioral neuroscience, including the physiological bases of sensation, learning and memory, motivation, cognition, and abnormal behavior. The laboratory component extends classroom materials to include experiential learning with comparative neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and research techniques in behavioral neuroscience.

  • CBSC 111 - Brain and Behavior

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 3

    An introduction to behavioral neuroscience, including the physiological bases of sensation, learning and memory, motivation, cognition, and abnormal behavior.


  • CBSC 112 - Cognition

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 3

    An introduction to human information processing, including an examination of perception, attention, memory, problem solving, and language. Johnson, Whiting.

  • CBSC 113 - Principles of Development

    FDR: SS3
    Credits: 3

    An introduction to the development of individual capacities from conception through the life span. Analysis of thought and behavior at different stages of growth with special emphasis on the period from infancy through adolescence. Fulcher.

  • CBSC 114 - Introduction to Social Psychology

    FDR: SS3
    Credits: 3

    The scientific study of how individuals’ feelings, thoughts, and behavior are affected by others. Topics include prejudice, the self, interpersonal attraction, helping, aggression, attitudes, and persuasion. Woodzicka.

  • CBSC 118 - Psychology Mythbusters

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: First-year standing. In this course, students learn how to test psychological myths and to determine a status: confirmed, plausible, or busted. We explore a variety of myths, including the existence of the unconscious mind, relationship myths, brain myths, psychology and law myths, social myths, personality myths, and mental-illness myths. Students critically evaluate psychology myths by 1) gathering and writing about empirical evidence; 2) designing, running, and analyzing an experiment on a particular psychology myth; and 3) making class presentations. Johnson.

  • CBSC 150 - Psychoactive Drugs and Behavior

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 3

    An introduction to broad psychological perspectives of drug use, misuse, and abuse. The pharmacological and physiological actions of psychoactive drugs, as well as personality and social variables that influence their use, are considered. Emphasis is given to historically significant and currently popular drugs of abuse. Stewart.

  • CBSC 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar

    Credits: 3

    First-year seminar. Prerequisite: First-year class standing. Topical description when offered. Applicability to FDRs and other requirements varies.

  • CBSC 210 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CBSC/PSYC 110, 111, or 150. This course is an empirically informed exploration of the characteristics, course, and treatment of psychological disorders as they are currently defined. A biopsychosocial framework is utilized to examine the continuum of psychological functioning, from psychopathology to flourishing. Murdock.

  • CBSC 213 - Development of Human Sexuality

    FDR: SS3
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: CBSC 113 or PSYC 113. This course examines the fundamentals of the development and practice of sexuality in the human being and the historical, psychological, and psychosocial aspects of human sexuality from childhood to old age. The course covers major theories of the development of sexuality in heterosexual, gay, and lesbian people. Students also explore how sexuality itself may be “constructed” as a result of culture, media, and gender. Primary source material as well as popular media depictions of sexuality are examined. Students engage in the creation of a comprehensive sexual education program which involves contact with parents, teachers, and experts in the field. Fulcher.

  • CBSC 214 - The Psychology of Humor

    FDR: SS3
    Credits: 3

    This course focuses on theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding humor, covering traditional and contemporary theories of humor, along with social psychological, developmental, biological, and cognitive perspectives on humor. In addition, humor as a moderator of life stress is examined. Disparagement humor is a central topic, along with nonverbal markers of humor elicitation. Woodzicka.

  • CBSC 215 - Seminar in Evolutionary Psychology

    FDR: SS3
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: CBSC or PSYC 110, 111, 112, 113, or 114. The purpose of this course is to examine evolutionary theory as a means of explaining human behavior. The main premise is that behaviors such as cooperation, aggression, mate selection, and intelligence exist because individuals exhibiting these behaviors were more likely to produce healthy offspring that perpetuated those behaviors (i.e., natural selection). We evaluate the validity of this argument in a number of areas of human behavior and also discuss how culture has shaped our genes. Evolutionary psychology is not an area of psychology, like social psychology or cognitive psychology, but is instead a lens through which all human behavior can be explained. Though it is tempting to engage in “arm chair” application of evolutionary theory to behavior, this is a science course; all arguments must be backed up with data. Whiting.

  • CBSC 216 - Health Neuroscience

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: one course chosen from CBSC/PSYC 110, 111, 150, BIOL 111, or CHEM
    This seminar provides an introduction to the scientific study of physical and mental health using research methods in neuroscience. We examine the effects of exercise on the brain (from the cellular/molecular to systems-level perspective), how neuroplasticity contributes to both the etiology and treatment of neurological and psychological conditions. and extensively discuss the effects of stress on the brain. The course features comprehensive readings of popular psychology/neuroscience books, as well as empirical reports and reviews published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. A background in neuroscience is recommended. as well as  additional experience with psychology and/or biology prior to enrollment.

  • CBSC 223 - Toys and Playful Learning

    FDR: SS3
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CBSC or PSYC 113. This course examines the fundamentals of the development and practice of play, with emphasis on toy play. The course covers major developmental theories of the development of skills through playful learning. Students explore how gender and gendered toys impact children’s play, skills, visions of the future, and body image, and how toy play can be used to intervene with childhood developmental issues. Primary source material is examined along with popular media depictions of toy play. Students engage in the creation of skill building which involves contact with parents, teachers, and experts in the field. Staff.

  • CBSC 235 - Effects of Poverty on Families and Children

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CBSC or PSYC 113 or POV 101. This course explores the problem of child and family poverty, the issues it raises for psychologists and social policy makers, and the implications that poverty and social policy have for children’s development. This class explores how children’s perceptions of the world, or their place in it, are affected by economically stressed families. Staff.

  • CBSC 240 - Data Science: Mind Analytics

    Credits: 3

    Psychological tests promise to match you with your soul mate, reveal the hidden depths of your personality and attitudes, and predict your success in college. How would you determine if these promises are being kept? Students build data-science skills while teaming on how to assess a test’s reliability and validity, including tests of abilities, personality, attitudes, and more. No programming experience is required while we use R, a popular open-source programming language, to learn data management, data visualization, model-comparison metrics, and statistical inference in a reproducible and ethically responsible manner. Johnson.

  • CBSC 250 - Statistics and Research Design

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: One course in CBSC/PSYC and at least sophomore standing. Corequisite: PSYC 250L. Students learn about the design and analysis of psychological research, with particular emphasis on experimentation. Students learn statistical inference appropriate for hypothesis testing, and they use standard statistical packages to analyze data. Laboratory course. Brindle, Johnson, Murdock, Whiting, Woodzicka.

  • CBSC 252 - Sensation Measurement and Perception

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CBSC/PSYC 110 or 111, and CBSC/PSYC 250 (as corequisite with instructor consent). Problems associated with sensory encoding, scaling, contextual and social determinants of perception are considered. Special emphasis is placed on the role of the senses in daily life. Lorig.

  • CBSC 253 - Neural Mechanisms of Motivated Behaviors

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CBSC/PSYC 110 or 111, and either CBSC/PSYC 250 or BIOL 201. The anatomical, physiological, and neurochemical bases for behaviors are considered. Some examples of behaviors to be discussed include thirst and drinking, ingestion, reproduction, and learning. Stewart.

  • CBSC 254 - Attention

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: CBSC/PSYC 110, 111, or 112, and either CBSC/PSYC 250 or BIOL 201. An examination of the theories and mechanisms associated with attentional processes. Topics include: selective attention, divided attention, inhibition, working memory, and the application of these processes in human/machine interfaces. The functioning of the above processes in abnormal patient populations is also examined. Whiting.

  • CBSC 255 - Cognitive Neuroscience

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisites: NEUR 120 or CBSC/PSYC 110 or CBSC/PSYC 111; and CBSC/PSYC 250 (as prerequisite or corequisite). Corequisite: PSYC 255L. An examination of the role of the central nervous system in the production of human behavior. Special emphasis is placed on the contribution of the cerebral cortex to cognitive activity and to the effects of brain injury on psychological processes. Laboratories focus on neuropsychological testing and basic concepts in the brain’s distribution of complex function. Laboratory course. Lorig.

  • CBSC 256 - Neuropharmacology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: CBSC/PSYC 110 or 111, and either CBSC/PSYC 250 or BIOL 201. This course combines lecture and seminar elements to explore the physiological bases for drug action in the nervous system with emphasis on molecular mechanisms. The course begins with an overview of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics and then proceeds to examinations of major neurotransmitter classes, functional neural circuits, and a survey of recreational drugs, drug abuse, and drug dependence. The course concludes with a consideration of pharmacotherapies for selected disorders of cognition and affect. The role of neuropharmacology in the growth of our understanding of normal neurochemical function is stressed throughout. Stewart.


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