2019-2020 University Catalog 
    Jun 26, 2024  
2019-2020 University Catalog archived

Course Descriptions



  • HIST 210 - Paris: History, Image, Myth

    FDR: HU
    Experiential Learning (EXP): YES
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Students may not take this course and ARTS 223. Participants in this course spend four weeks in Paris asking the following questions: how has history shaped Parisian life and Parisian spaces? How can we use photography to document the city’s changing landscape as well as understand its rich past? Indeed, how has photography–the development of which is closely tied to Paris’ history–altered the fabric of the city? Topics include the social and political transformations of the 19th century, the shifting geography of artistic Paris, and contemporary trends such as immigration and gentrification. This course is taught in close collaboration with ARTS 223, creating an interdisciplinary context for students to explore the relationship of photography to the modern history and contemporary issues of Paris.


  • HIST 211 - Scandal, Crime, and Spectacle in the 19th Century

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course examines the intersection between scandal, crime, and spectacle in 19th-century France and Britain. We discuss the nature of scandals, the connection between scandals and political change, and how scandals and ideas about crime were used to articulate new ideas about class, gender, and sexuality. In addition, this class covers the rise of new theories of criminality in the 19th century and the popular fascination with crime and violence. Crime and scandal also became interwoven into the fabric of the city as sources of urban spectacle. Students are introduced to text analysis and data mining for the humanities. Horowitz, Walsh.

  • HIST 212 - Crime and Punishment in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An exploration of the history of crime, law enforcement, and punishment during the period of 1200-1650. Our central project is to investigate the deep problems of writing history from a paucity of very biased sources: the criminal records of a world of the past. We begin with the central historical questions: What counted as criminal when, who defined it, and with what authority? What could count as proof of guilt? What constituted acceptable punishment (torture, imprisonment, spectacle executions, penance) and how did this change over time? What role did politics, religion, class, gender, or marginal status play? Vise.

  • HIST 213 - Germany, 1815-1914

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The impact of the French Revolution on Germany, the onset of industrialization, the revolution of 1848, the career of Bismarck and Germany’s wars of national unification, the Kulturkampf between Protestants and Catholics, the rise of the socialist labor movement, liberal feminism and the movement for women’s rights, the origins of “Imperialism” in foreign policy, and Germany’s role in the outbreak of the First World War. Patch.

  • HIST 214 - Dictatorship and Democracy in Germany, 1914-2000

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The failure of Germany’s first attempt at democracy in the Weimar Republic, the interaction between art and politics, the mentality of the Nazis, the institutions of the Third Reich, the Second World War and Holocaust, the occupation and partition of Germany in 1945, the reasons for the success of democratic institutions in the Federal Republic, the origins of modern feminism, the economic collapse of the German Democratic Republic, and the process of national reunification in 1989-91. Patch.

  • HIST 215 - From Weimar to Hitler: Modernism and Anti-Modernism in German Culture after the First World War

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 4

    Germany adopted an admirably democratic constitution after the First World War, and the Weimar Republic became a center of bold experimentation in literature, the arts, theater, cinema, and scholarship, but it also became a hotbed of radical nationalism and xenophobia. This course analyzes the relationship between art and politics through case studies in the debates provoked by anti-war films and poetry, the Bauhaus “international style” of architecture, the plays of Bertolt Brecht, expressionist art, and films and paintings to celebrate the advent of the “New Woman.” Why did modernism inspire so much anxiety in Germany in the 1920s? To what extent did cultural experimentation contribute to the popularity of Adolf Hitler? What lessons did Weimar intellectuals in exile learn from the Nazi seizure of power? Patch.

  • HIST 216 - The Making of Modern Scotland

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course surveys the history of the Scottish people from the medieval period up to the current debates surrounding the possibility of Scottish Independence and the future of Great Britain.  Along the way, we examine the Wars of Independence, the Renaissance and Reformation, the Scottish Enlightenment, the Highland clearances, emigration to North America, involvement in the British Empire, and the development of Scottish nationalism. This course asks two interrelated questions: How has the history of Scotland been made, manipulated, and romanticized over the last seven centuries, and why do we remain fascinated by this small country across the Atlantic? This class, then, is both an introduction to Scottish history, and an exploration of the thin lines between history, myth, and reality. Brock.

  • HIST 217 - History of the British Isles to 1688: Power, Plague, and Prayer

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The history of the British Isles to 1688 tells the story of how an island remote from the classical world came to dominate much of the modern one. This course ventures from Britain during Roman occupation and Anglo-Saxon migration, to the expansion of the Church and tales of chivalry during the Middle Ages, then finally to exploration and conflict during the Tudor and Stuart dynasties. Topics include the development of Christianity, Viking invasions, the Scottish wars of independence, the evolution of parliament, the Black Death, the Wars of the Roses, the Reformation, the beginnings of Empire, and the 17th-century revolutions.  Brock.

  • HIST 218 - Rule Britannia, 1688- 1990: The History of Britain from the “Glorious” Revolution to the Iron Lady

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course explores three centuries of British history, from the Revolution of 1688 to the era of Margaret Thatcher. Between these years, Britain became the world’s pre-eminent industrial and imperial power— one that has had a profound influence on the history of America. Though only a small collection of islands in the North Atlantic, throughout these centuries Britain created, for good and for ill, an empire upon which the sun never set. At the same time, British society at home had to come to grips with the dark underbelly of urban, industrial life - crime, disease, prostitution, unrest, etc. We examine the themes of revolution, economic growth, imperialism and decolonization, geopolitics, modern warfare, race and gender, and above all, ideas of “Britishness” across time and space.  Brock.

  • HIST 219 - Seminar: The Age of the Witch Hunts

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. First-years may request instructor consent. This course introduces students to one of the most fascinating and disturbing events in the history of the Western world: the witch hunts in early-modern Europe and North America. Between 1450 and 1750, more than 100,000 individuals, from Russia to Salem, were prosecuted for the crime of witchcraft. Most were women and more than half were executed. In this course, we examine the political, religious, social, and legal reasons behind the trials, asking why they occurred in Europe when they did and why they finally ended. We also explore, in brief, global witch hunts that still occur today in places like Africa and India, asking how they resemble yet differ from those of the early-modern world. Brock.

  • HIST 220 - Imperial Russia, 1682 to 1917

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    From the rise to power of Peter the Great, Russia’s first emperor, through the fall of the Romanov dynasty. Bidlack.

  • HIST 221 - Soviet Russia, 1917 to 1991

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors. The revolutions of 1917, the emergence of the Soviet system, the Stalinist period, Stalin’s successors, and the eventual collapse of the USSR. Bidlack.

  • HIST 222 - Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union and the Resurgence of Russia

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Note: Completion of HIST 102 is recommended but not required. This course analyzes the reasons for the decline of the Soviet Union commencing in the latter part of the Brezhnev era and its collapse under the weight of the failed reforms of Gorbachev. It further traces the fragmentation of the USSR into 15 republics and the simultaneous devolution of authority within the Russian Republic under Yeltsin. The course concludes with the remarkable reassertion of state power under Putin up to the present. Students write an essay assessing the Yeltsin transition and engage in a class debate at the end of the term on the prospects for Russia’s future. Bidlack.

  • HIST 223 - International Relations, 1815-1918: Europe and the World

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Topics include the “Metternich system” for maintaining peace, strains in that system caused by the rise of nationalism, European relations with Africa and Asia during the era of Free Trade, the dramatic expansion of Europe’s colonial empires in the late-19th century (with special emphasis on the partition of Africa), the development of rival alliance systems within Europe, and the causes of the First World War. Our goal is to understand the causes of international conflict and the most successful strategies for maintaining peace. Patch.

  • HIST 224 - International Relations, 1919-2000: The End of European Hegemony

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors, and first-years who have AP European History or IB credit by obtaining instructor consent. Topics include the Versailles peace settlement of 1919, the spread of the British Empire to the Middle East and birth of Palestinian nationalism, the impact of the Great Depression and totalitarianism on international relations, the outbreak of the Second World War, the Holocaust and foundation of the State of Israel, the Nuremberg Trials, decolonization in Africa and Asia, the origins of the Cold War, and the foundation of the European Economic Community. What have Europeans learned about conflict resolution from their experience of two world wars and numerous colonial wars? Patch.

  • HIST 225 - The Reformation in Britain: Blood, Sex, and Sermons

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The Reformation of the 16th century shattered the once unitary religious cultures of England and Scotland. Although important continuities remained, the introduction of Protestantism wrought dramatic effects in both countries, including intense conflict over nature of salvation, the burning of martyrs, the hunting of witches, religious migrations, a reorientation of foreign policy, changes in baptismal and burial practices, and more. Students explore these changes and the lives and legacies of some of history’s most fascinating figures, from Henry VIII and Thomas Cromwell in England to Mary Queen of Scots and John Knox in Scotland, while also constantly asking how ordinary English and Scottish men and women experienced the Reformation and its aftermath. Brock.

  • HIST 226 - Pillage, Peddling and Piety: Travel in the Middle Ages

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Perhaps contrary to expectation, Medieval people traveled extensively for trade and profit, pilgrimage and piety, conquest and gain, and even for pleasure. These motives cut across the cultures of the medieval world to encompass Muslims, Christians, and Jews and led these people to places both proximate to and far distant from Europe. We explore the medieval world as a world that moved. To that end, in addition to some more traditional academic exercises, students create a group mapping project using a host of digital tools that can communicate movement, exchange, and interaction. Topics include pilgrimage, trade, economic systems, holy war, gender, race, and chivalry. Vise.

  • HIST 227 - Discover Scotland: History and Culture through Theater

    (THTR 227) FDR: HU
    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 4

    Spring Term Abroad. For a small nation of just over 5 million, Scotland looms remarkably large in our historical, cultural, and artistic imagination. This course travels to Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the Highlands to allow students to go beyond the mythologizing and romance to discover Scotland as it has been experienced and performed by the Scottish people. Using Scotland’s vibrant and remarkably political theater scene as our jumping-off point, we study this country’s history and culture, examining the powerful intersections of myth and reality that shape Scottish identity past and present. We pay particular attention to the dichotomies – Highland and Lowland; urban and rural; separatist and unionist; poor and rich; Protestant and Catholic, etc. – that make modern Scotland such a fascinating subject of historical and artistic inquiry. Brock, Levy.

  • HIST 228 - Women in Russian History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Students read many accounts by and about Russian women to gain an understanding of how Russian women have been affected by wars, revolutions, and other major events and, simultaneously, how they have been agents of change from the beginnings Russian history up to the present. Bidlack.

  • HIST 229 - Topics in European History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3 credit in fall or winter; 4 in spring

    A course offered from time to time depending on student interest and staff availability, on a selected topic or problem in European history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Fall 2019, HIST 229A-01: Topic: Medieval Mystics (3). Mysticism was a fundamental category of devotional experience across the religions of the Middle Ages. Yet to modern observers, mystics can seem bizarre, dangerous, and irrational. What was mystical experience, what could it do? What does it mean to see and hear things when no one else does? And how should moderns with no religious affiliation tell the history of those who experienced the divine entering into human events? Key topics addressed include: science and religion; gender and sexuality; heresy, self-harm, and embodiment; notions of “proof” and authority; and the political weight of mystical experience. (HU) Vise.

    Spring 2020, HIST 229-01: Topic: The World of The Decameron (3). No prerequisite. In 1349, the year after the Black Death visited his homeland, Giovanni Boccaccio began work on the piece of literature for which he may be best remembered: The Decameron. A frame narrative set in plague-ridden Florence itself, the text’s protagonists escape to the countryside and tell 100 stories over the course of 10 days. For centuries, historians of the plague turned to Boccaccio’s description of the disease to craft their histories of plague. We investigate the historicity behind, historical merits of, and modern engagement with this giant of the Italian literary canon. Students perform a guided reading of most of the individual tales as well as of the structure of the text as a whole, study modern film remakes, complete team-based homework assignments, and submit a final podcast project. (HU) Vise.


  • HIST 230 - Discovering W&L’s Origins Using Historical Archaeology

    (SOAN 230) FDR: SS4
    Credits: 3

    Not open to students who have taken SOAN 181 with the same description. This course introduces students to the practice of historical archaeology using W&L’s Liberty Hall campus and ongoing excavations there as a case study. With archaeological excavation and documentary research as our primary sources of data. we use the methods of these two disciplines to analyze our data using tools from the digital humanities to present our findings. Critically, we explore the range of questions and answers that these data and methods of analysis make possible. Hands-on experience with data collection and analysis is the focus of this course, with students working together in groups deciding how to interpret their findings to a public audience about the university’s early history. The final project varies by term but might include a short video documentary. a museum display, or a web page. Gaylord.

  • HIST 233 - U.S.-Latin American Relations from 1825 to Present

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Examines the historical interaction between Latin America and the United States from Spanish American Independence in 1825 to the present. Explores the political, social, cultural, economic, and ecological dimensions of this relationship, focusing on such key themes as imperialism, development, military-state relations, the environment, the war on drugs, science and technology, and human rights. Gildner.

  • HIST 236 - Afro-Latin America

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This class examines the intrinsic role that African peoples have played in the historical formation of the geographic and cultural area known as Latin America. We survey the history of African descendant people in the Americas from the forced migration of the Atlantic slave trade to the Haitian Revolution; from the sugar plantation to the city street; from Brazilian Samba in the 1920s to the emergence of salsa music in Spanish Harlem in the 1970s. Topics include slavery, the Haitian Revolution and its legacy, debates on “racial democracy”, and the relationship between gender, race, and empire. Gildner.

  • HIST 238 - Anthropology of American History

    (SOAN 238) FDR: SS4
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. This course explores issues within historic American communities that ethnographers often investigate among living groups, including cultural values, religious ideologies, class structures, kinship networks, gender roles, and interethnic relations. Although the communities of interest in this course ceased to exist generations ago, many of their characteristic dynamics are accessible through such means as archaeology, architectural history, and the study of documents. Case studies include early English settlement in Plymouth, Mass.; the 18th-century plantation world of Virginia and South Carolina; the post-Revolutionary Maine frontier and 19th-century California. Bell.

  • HIST 240 - Early American History to 1788

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An intensive study of the political, constitutional, economic and social development of British North America from European discovery through the American Revolution and the years of the Confederation government. DeLaney.

  • HIST 242 - The United States, 1789-1840

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The political, constitutional, economic and social history of the United States from the beginning of Washington’s first term as president to the end of Van Buren’s only term. Launching the Republic; Hamiltonian economic program; the first party system; the Revolution of 1800, the second war for independence; the second party system; westward expansion; Nullification; the Bank War; and the second Great Awakening. Staff.

  • HIST 243 - The Evolution of American Warfare

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course examines U.S. military history from the colonial period to the post-9/11 American military experience. Since this is a period of more than four hundred years, the course limits its focus to major topics and central questions facing the men and women who have fought in American wars. We trace the course of American military history by focusing on three themes: the early development of American military institutions, the evolution of military policy toward civilian populations, and the changing face of battle in which Americans have fought. All three of these themes relate to the central goal of this course, which is to gain a better understanding of how America’s military developed in conjunction with and sometimes in conflict with American democracy. Myers.

  • HIST 244 - The Art of Command during the American Civil War

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent required. Most appropriate for students who have completed HIST 245 or HIST 269. Additional course fee required, for which the student is responsible after Friday of the 7th week of winter term. This seminar examines the role of military decision-making, the factors that shape it and determine its successes and failures, by focusing on four Civil War battles: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Wilderness. Extensive reading and writing. Battlefield tours. Myers.

  • HIST 245 - The American Civil War

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The sectional crisis. The election of 1860 and the secession of the southern states. Military strategy and tactics. Weapons, battles, leaders. Life of the common soldier. The politics of war. The economics of growth and destruction. Emancipation. Life behind the lines. Victory and defeat.


  • HIST 246 - American Experience with Guerrilla Warfare and Insurgency

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course dives headlong into the chaotic, destructive, and brutally violent world that has been American Involvement with irregular warfare. Over the past 400 years, Americans have trained guerrillas, fought as irregulars, and sparked armed insurrections. This course looks at the broad typology of violence known as irregular warfare, including insurrections, violent revolutions, partisan and guerrilla warfare, U.S. Army/Native American conflict, and 20th-century insurgency and low-intensity conflict. Myers.

  • HIST 247 - America in the Gilded Age, 1870-1900

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    A survey of the transformation of American society under the impact of industrialization and urbanization. It examines how business leaders, workers, farmers, and the middle class attempted to shape the new industrial society to their own purposes. Emphasis is given to social, intellectual, and cultural experiences and to politics. Senechal.

  • HIST 256 - The History of Violence in America

    (SOAN 256) FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An examination of the social origins, evolution, and major forms of extralegal, violent conflict in the United States, including individual and collective violence and conflict related to race, class, gender, politics, and ethnicity, especially emphasizing the 19th and 20th centuries. Major topics include theories of social conflict, slavery and interracial violence, predatory crime, labor strife, and inter-ethnic violence. Senechal.

  • HIST 257 - History of Women in America, 1609-1870

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An examination of women’s social, political, cultural and economic positions in America through the immediate post-Civil War. Changes in women’s education, legal status, position in the family, and participation in the work force with emphasis on the diversity of women’s experience, especially the manner in which class and race influenced women’s lives. The growth of organized women’s rights. Senechal.

  • HIST 258 - History of Women in America, 1870 to the Present

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    A survey of some of the major topics and themes in American women’s lives from the mid-19th century to the present, including domestic and family roles, economic contributions, reproductive experience, education, suffrage, and the emergence of the contemporary feminist movement. The influence on women’s roles, behavior, and consciousness by the social and economic changes accompanying industrialization and urbanization and by variations in women’s experience caused by differences in race, class, and region. Senechal.

  • HIST 259 - The History of the African-American People to 1877

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An intensive study of the African-American experience from the colonial period through Reconstruction. Special emphasis is given to the slave experience, free blacks, black abolitionists, development of African-American culture, Emancipation, Black Reconstruction, and racial attitudes. DeLaney.

  • HIST 260 - The History of the African-American People since 1877

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An intensive study of the African-American experience from 1877 to the present. Special emphasis is given to the development of black intellectual and cultural traditions, development of urban communities, emergence of the black middle class, black nationalism, the civil rights era, and the persistence of racism in American society. DeLaney.

  • HIST 262 - The Old South to 1860

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    A study of the making of the Old South. Slavery. Antebellum political, economic, social, and cultural developments. The origins and growth of sectionalism. Myers.

  • HIST 264 - Morning in America? Society, Culture and Politics in The Age of Reagan

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 4

    This course provides students with an in-depth analysis of the United States during the Reagan presidency. While the bulk of the course focuses on the 1980s, it also provides an overview of the 1960s and 1970s as well as the legacy of the decade for contemporary America. Rather than studying a single theme across a long period of time, this class provides students with a variety of thematic approaches within a more confined time-period. Accordingly, while the focus is on national politics, we explore the impact of the decade on economic, social, cultural, diplomatic, and political history. Michelmore.

  • HIST 265 - The U.S. in the Era of World War II

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course studies the history of the Second World War, with particular attention to its consequences for the United States. Major topics include the political and economic origins of the war, the American debate over intervention, American military and diplomatic strategy, the effect of the war on the U.S. economy, the consequences for mobilization for American society, and the myth and reality of the “Greatest Generation.” Michelmore.

  • HIST 266 - The American Century: U.S. History from 1945

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course surveys the social, political, cultural, and economic history of the United States in the post-1945 period. Topics include the atomic bomb and the cold war, the growth of the state, liberalism, conservatism and radicalism, race and civil rights, feminism and anti-feminism, and foreign policy. Michelmore.

  • HIST 268 - Building a Suburban Nation: Race, Class, and Politics in Postwar America

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Together, the overdevelopment of the suburbs and the underdevelopment of urban centers have profoundly shaped American culture, politics and society in the post-WWII period. This course examines the origins and consequences of suburbanization after 1945. Topics include the growth of the national state, the origins and consequences of suburbanization, the making of the white middle class, the War on Poverty, welfare and taxpayers “rights” movements, “black power,” and how popular culture has engaged with questions about race and class. In the process of understanding the historical roots of contemporary racial and class advantage and disadvantage, this course will shed new light on contemporary public policy dilemmas. Michelmore.

  • HIST 269 - Topics in United States, Latin American or Canadian History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3-4

    A course offered from time to time, depending on student interest and staff availability, on a selected topic or problem in United States, Latin American or Canadian history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Fall 2019, HIST 269A-01: Uncovering W&L History (3). A reading- and writing-intensive research seminar focusing on the African-American past of W&L, from 1749 to 1870, and other colleges. We spend time on archival research and the issues that eastern colleges have dealt with in reclaiming this past. Special attention is given to the slaves bequeathed to Washington College by John Robinson. Students focus on historical methodology and analysis, through the use of primary and secondary research, and write a significant term paper.  (HU) DeLaney.


  • HIST 271 - Islam in America: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

    (REL 271) FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    From the discourse on the War on Terror, to debates about Muslim women’s dress, Islam in America has attracted the attention of journalists, activists, government officials, and scholars of religion. This course takes a critical-historical approach to the topic by examining key themes in the history of Islam in America: the lives of enslaved African Muslims in the Antebellum period and the Founding Fathers’ visions of Islam; the immigrant experience of Arab Muslims at the turn of the 20th century; the role of Muslim organizations in the Civil Rights movement; and, the changing representations of American Muslims after the Gulf War and post-9/11. In interrogating the history of Islam in America, we specifically pay attention to the ways in which religion, gender, class, race, and citizenship continue to inform representations of Muslims in the U.S. Atanasova.

  • HIST 272 - Victorian Britain and the World

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    An examination of the reign of British monarch Queen Victoria (r. 1837-1901) on a global scale, paying careful attention to imperialism, gender, sexuality, and violence. Staff.

  • HIST 276 - History of South Africa

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    This course aims to study the history of the country of South Africa with particular attention to both the uniqueness and the commonalities of its colonial history with other settler societies. Unlike other Anglophone settler colonies, South Africa never reached a demographic majority where white settlers became predominant. Instead, European settlers made fragile alliances against the African and Indian populations in their midst, solidifying a specific form of minority settler rule. This rule was crystallized in the near half-century of apartheid, the legal discrimination of the vast majority of the country for the benefit of a select few. Students emerge from this course as better scholars of a different society and of many of the historic pressures and struggles that are part of the history of the United States. Tallie.

  • HIST 277 - Speaking and Being Zulu in South Africa

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    “Sanibonani, abangani bami!” (“Greetings, my friends!”) Want to learn more about an African language and culture? We spend the first two weeks intensively learning isiZulu, a language spoken by over 10 million people in South Africa. We also learn about the history of the Zulu people in southern Africa, covering topics from colonialism, racial discrimination, gender and sexuality, and music, and we enjoy Zulu music and film. “Masifunde ngamaZulu!” (“Let’s learn about the Zulus!”) Tallie.

  • HIST 278 - Great Moments in the History of Medicine

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Significant aspects of medicine’s development through the ages. Great doctors and the plight of patients are considered, along with major breakthroughs in diagnostic practice and clinical treatment, benefits and costs to humanity, failures and ethical dilemmas. We explore medicine as a situated practice by dealing with its institutionalization, hospitals, psychiatric institutions, and biomedical laboratories. Special attention is paid to some of the many points of friction that are evident when looking at the changing place of medicine in society.  Rupke.

  • HIST 279 - Africa in the Western Imagination

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    From benefit concerts to AIDS charities to study abroad literature, Africa is everywhere. And yet it is frequently explained only in absence or in suffering. Rather than being a place that is defined by what it is, often Africa is viewed by what it is not, and the term ‘Afro-pessimism’ has been coined by some to criticize such solely negative depictions of a vast and varied continent. What, then, is ‘Africa’: a location on a map, a geographical boundary? Who are ‘Africans’? What does the idea mean and how is it used? This course draws on literature and popular culture to discuss the very idea of ‘Africa’ and how the concept has been created, redefined, re-imagined, and (de)constructed in differing times and spaces. Tallie.

  • HIST 280 - History of the Caucasus and Central Asia

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The peoples who inhabit the Caucasus Mountains region and Central Asia are extraordinarily diverse in their history, culture, language, and religion. The area has been a crossroads of civilizations for centuries, and comprises present-day southern Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan. Students study how the Caucasus region and Central Asia have developed from early-recorded history to the present, through close reading and discussion of scholarly texts and primary sources. Students also write an analytical essay from a range of assigned topics and a research paper on a topic of their own choosing. Bidlack.

  • HIST 284 - Visions of Japan’s Empire in East Asia: 19th-Century Origins through World War II

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Japan’s 19th-century imperial system ensured its status as the only major non-western “great power” in the first half of the 20th century. Within the space of its fifty years of existence (1895-1945), imperial Japan underwent radical political, social and cultural transformations that had equally profound effects on East Asian and world history, culminating in World War II. The course explores these distinctive transformations, which constitute Japan’s theory and practice of political and cultural imperialism, through an analysis of text and image, from which the class constructs a website. Bello.

  • HIST 285 - Seminar: The Yin and Yang of Gender in Late Imperial China (10th-19th centuries)

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Relations between men and women are the basis of any human society, but the exact nature and interpretation of these relations differ from time to time and from place to place. The concepts of Yin (female) and Yang (male) were integral to the theory and practice of Chinese gender relations during the late imperial period, influencing marriage, medicine and law. This course examines the historical significance of late-imperial gender relations across these, and other, categories from both traditional and modern perspectives. Bello.

  • HIST 286 - History of Kyrgyzstan from the Silk Road to the Present: Crossroads of Empire, Culture, and Religion

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Experiential Learning. An analysis of the history of empire, culture, and religion in the Central Asia nation of Kyrgyzstan. Together with the course instructor, students travel to Bishkek, attend courses taught by faculty of the American University of Central Asia, and visit important sites and landmarks within the city. The program includes an excursion of several days to the northern and southern shores of Lake lssyk-Kul, where students experience rural, nomadic life, hike in the mountains, and stay in yurts. Students keep a daily log and write a research paper on a topic of their choice with the instructor’s approval. Bidlack.

  • HIST 288 - Key Thinkers on the Environment

    (ENV 288) FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    “Key thinkers on the environment” are central to this course, ranging from ancient greats such as Aristotle to modern writers such as David Suzuki and E.O. Wilson about the ecosystem crises of the Anthropocene. We highlight certain 19th-century icons of environmentalist awareness and nature preservation, such as Alexander von Humboldt in Europe and Humboldtians in America, including Frederic Edwin Church and Henry David Thoreau. Rupke.

  • HIST 289 - Topics in Asian, African, or Islamic History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3 in fall or winter; 4 in spring

    A course offered from time to time depending on student interest and staff availability, on a selected topic or problem in Asian or African history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.


  • HIST 295 - Seminar: Topics in History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3-4

    A seminar offered from time to time depending on student interest and staff availability, in a selected topic or problem in history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Fall 2019, HIST 295A-01: Darwin & Company: The Theory of Evolution from 1755 till Today (3). Not open for additional credit to students who have another Darwin course with Prof. Rupke. One of the most influential scientific theories is that of organic evolution. Its history has largely been written by Darwin and his followers. In this course, we explore a revisionist history that includes the non-Darwinian tradition in evolutionary biology. The different approaches to evolution will be examined in terms of scientific facts as well as of their historical, national locations. Students are required to attend and participate in a small international conference on “New Perspectives on Evolution,” to be held on campus in early November. (HU) Rupke.

    Fall 2019, HIST 295B-01: The Scientist as National Hero (3). We discuss the place of science and its practitioners in Western society, from the time of the Victorian professionalization of science until today, and focus on the formation of a 20th-century elite of Nobel laureates and their role in national politics and, to a lesser extent, international affairs. How/why have some scientists gained extraordinary leadership status in our culture? How/why have some become national heroes, a few even international ones? Can scientists provide the moral and political leadership to deal with the challenges in society that their very successes have created? (HU) Rupke

  • HIST 305 - Seminar: Religion and the Church in Medieval and Renaissance Politics and Society

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Using texts and documents from the period itself, this seminar surveys the history of the Christian church in Western Europe and its relations with its neighbors from its emergence in Late Antiquity to the eve of the Protestant Reformation. Topics include the evolution of religious orders, relations with secular powers, scholastic theology, mysticism, humanism, lay religious movements, gender, heresy, and the recurring problem of reform. Peterson.

  • HIST 306 - Seminar: Politics and Providence: Medieval and Renaissance Political Thought

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    How did religion shape politics and the development of political institutions in the Middle Ages? This seminar surveys the evolution of political thought from St. Augustine to Machiavelli. We examine Christianity’s providential view of history, church-state relations, scholasticism, the revivals of Greek and Roman philosophy, humanism, and the origins of the modern state. Readings include St. Augustine, John of Salisbury, St. Thomas Aquinas, Marsilius of Padua, Leonardo Bruni, and Niccolò Machiavelli.


  • HIST 307 - Seminar in Politics and History: The Machiavellian Moment

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Is it better to be loved or feared? How much of our destiny do we control? When are societies fit for self-rule? Can people be forced to be good? Niccolò Machiavelli, arguably the first and most controversial modern political theorist, raises issues of universal human and political concern. Yet he did so in a very specific context–the Florence of the Medici, Michelangelo, and Savonarola–at a time when Renaissance Italy stood at the summit of artistic brilliance and on the threshold of political collapse. We draw on Machiavelli’s personal, political, historical, and literary writings, and readings in history and art, as a point of entry for exploring Machiavelli’s republican vision of history and politics as he developed it in the Italian Renaissance and how it addresses such perennial issues as the corruption and regeneration of societies.


  • HIST 309 - Seminar: The French Revolution

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Sophomore, junior, or senior standing. The French Revolution is one of the most fascinating and momentous events in European history. At once “the best of times” and “the worst of times,” the Revolution was both the origin of modern democracy and a period of tremendous political violence - indeed, some say it is the origins of totalitarianism. In this seminar, we study the following questions: What are the origins of the Revolution? How did a revolution that began with proclamations of human rights turn into one of mass bloodshed in just a few short years? How did a desire for democracy lead to political violence? What was the nature of the Terror, and how can we understand it? We also examine how various schools of history have interpreted the Revolution, as well as the legacy of the Revolution. Horowitz.

  • HIST 310 - Seminar: Speech and Censorship in the Middle Ages

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    What is censorship, where does it happen, and why? To most U.S. Americans, the Middle Ages is an era known for Inquisition, book burning, and the brutal silencing of political and religious dissent. Yet, compared to more modern censoring institutions, the institutions of medieval Europe held much weaker powers of enforcement, different motives for censoring, and ambiguous technologies to do so. What and who could censor (or be censored) in a society without the printing press? Among other topics, we cover the public vs. private spheres; artistic liberty; religious vs. political concerns; gender; and the role of and limitations upon the modern historian investigating a censored past. Vise.

  • HIST 312 - Seminar on Nazism and the Third Reich

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: HIST 102, 214, 215, or 224 or equivalent, or instructor consent. Common readings introduce students to some of the most lively debates among scholars about the causes of the failure of democracy in the Weimar Republic, the mentality of Nazi leaders and followers, the nature of the regime created by the Nazis in 1933, the impact of the Third Reich on the position of women in German society, and the degree to which the German people supported this regime’s policies of war and racial persecution. Students develop a research topic related to one of these debates for analysis in a substantial research paper utilizing both primary and secondary sources. Patch.

  • HIST 319 - Seminar on The Great War in History and Literature

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: HIST 102, 213, 218, or 223 or equivalent. An advanced seminar in which students analyze different kinds of written accounts of the First World War (memoirs, autobiographical novels, poems, and diaries) by different kinds of participants, including common soldiers, government leaders, and women who worked on the “home front.” In class discussions and two short papers, students evaluate the reliability of these witnesses and what the historian can learn from them about the psychological, cultural, and political consequences of the First World War in Great Britain, France, and Germany. Students choose one question raised in our common meetings for more detailed investigation in a substantial research paper integrating primary and secondary sources. Patch.

  • HIST 322 - Seminar in Russian History

    Credits: 3-4

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. Note: Completion of HIST 102 or 221 is recommended but not required prior to taking HIST 322. Selected topics in Russian history, including but not limited to heroes and villains, Soviet biography, Stalin and Stalinism, the USSR in the Second World War and origins of the Cold War, the KGB, and the decline and fall of the Soviet Union and the re-emergence of Russia. May be repeated for degree and major credit if the topics are different.

  • HIST 337 - Seminar: Revolutions in Latin America

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. Detailed analysis of 20th-century revolutionary movements in Latin America. Examines historical power struggles, social reforms, and major political changes, with in-depth exploration of Mexico, Bolivia, Cuba, Peru, Chile, and Nicaragua. Explores the social movements and ideologies of under-represented historical actors, such as peasants, guerrillas, artists, workers, women, students, and indigenous people. Gildner.

  • HIST 344 - Seminar on The United States, 1840-1860

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Note: Appropriate for juniors and seniors. An intensive examination of the sectional conflict: the Mexican War, Manifest Destiny, slavery and the territories, the abolition movement, the failure of compromise, and secession. Emphasis on the study of primary sources and class discussion of assigned reading. Myers.

  • HIST 346 - Seminar on Reconstruction, 1865-1877

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Note: Appropriate for juniors and seniors. Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and the restoration of the Union. Congressional Reconstruction and the crusade for black equality. Impeachment of the President. Reconstruction in the South. The politics and violence of military occupation. Collapse of Republican governments and restoration of conservative control. Implications for the future.


  • HIST 350 - Seminar: Cold War Politics and Culture

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. This seminar offers a topical survey of the popular culture, social changes, and domestic politics of the Cold War United States. Themes covered in this course include the dawn of the atomic age, the social and cultural anxieties produced by the Cold War, the privatization of suburban family life, the problems of historical memory, the boundaries of political dissent, and the relationship between international and domestic politics. This course pays special attention to how popular culture responded to, interpreted, and shaped key episodes in the recent national past. Michelmore.

  • HIST 354 - Seminar: The History of the American Welfare State

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. This course surveys the history of the U.S. welfare state from its origins in the poorhouses of the nineteenth century to the “end of welfare as we knew it” in 1996. The historical development of the American welfare state is covered, touching on such key policy developments as Progressive Era mothers’ pension programs, the Social Security Act of 1935, Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, and the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act. Although this course focuses primarily on the United States, students are also asked to compare the U.S. case with the welfare states of other western democracies - including Great Britain, France and the Scandinavian nations - to understand how and why the United States took such a different path. Moving beyond simple policy history, students engage such questions as how the U.S. welfare state has reflected, reinforced, and in some cases produced class, racial, and gendered identities. Michelmore.

  • HIST 355 - Seminar: America in the 1960s: History and Memory

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. Hippies, Flower Power, Panthers, Berkeley, Free Love, Free Speech, Freedom Rides, Dylan, Woodstock, Vietnam, Jimi, Janice, Bobby and Martin. The events and images of the 1960s remain a powerful and often divisive force in America’s recent history and national memory. This course moves beyond these stereotypical images of the “Sixties” to examine the decade’s politics, culture and social movements. Topics include: the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, the Great Society and the War on Poverty, Vietnam, the Anti-War movement and the Counterculture, Massive Resistance, the “Silent Majority” and the Rise of the Conservative Right. Michelmore.

  • HIST 364 - Seminar on the Origins of the Constitution

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Note: Appropriate for juniors and seniors. An examination of the historical origins and development to 1791 of the Federal Constitution, including English and colonial backgrounds, state constitutions, the Articles of Confederation, drafting and ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Merchant.

  • HIST 366 - Seminar: Slavery in the Americas

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. An intensive examination of slavery, abolition movements and emancipation in North America, the Caribbean and Latin America. Emphasis is on the use of primary sources and class discussion of assigned readings. DeLaney.

  • HIST 367 - Seminar: 9/11 and Modern Terrorism

    (SOAN 367) FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. Terrorism is a form of collective violence famously illustrated in the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon near Washington on September 11, 2001. This course provides an intensive interdisciplinary examination of the origins of the 9/11 attacks and the terrorist organization that launched them. The course also addresses the impact of the attacks and the future prospects of mass violence against civilians, as well as the role of the media in covering (and dramatizing) terrorism. Much of the course focuses on the social divisions and conflicts that lead to terrorism and its increasingly lethal nature over time. Topics include “old terrorism” (as seen in Northern Ireland and Algeria), “new terrorism” (such as that associated with Al Qaeda), the logic of terrorist recruitment, and the nature of and spread of weapons of mass destruction.


  • HIST 386 - Seminar: Managing Mongols, Manchus, and Muslims: China’s Frontier History (16th-20th Centuries)

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The unprecedented expansionism of China’s last dynasty, the Qing (1644-1911), produced an ethnically and geographically diverse empire whose legacy is the current map and multiethnic society of today’s People’s Republic of China. The Qing Empire’s establishment, extension and consolidation were inextricably bound up with the ethnic identity of its Manchu progenitors. The Manchu attempt to unify diversity resulted in a unique imperial project linking East, Inner and Southeast Asia. This course explores the multiethnic nature and limits of this unification, as well as its 20th-century transformations. Bello.

  • HIST 387 - Seminar: The Struggle Over China’s Environment

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    The course covers the more recent periods of China’s so-called “3,000 years of unsustainable growth” from about A.D. 618 into the present. Themes focus on China’s historical experience with sedentary agriculture, fossil fuel and nuclear energy, wildlife and forest management, disease, water control, and major construction projects like the Great Wall. Bello.

  • HIST 395 - Advanced Seminar

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, or 15 credits in history, or consent of the instructor. Prerequisites may vary by topic. A seminar offered from time to time depending on student interest and staff availability, in a selected topic or problem in history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Fall 2019, HIST 395A-01: Advanced Seminar: United States and Latin American History (3). Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, or 15 credits in history, or consent of the instructor. Senior seminar focused on the historical interaction between Latin America and the United States from Spanish-American Independence to the present. Explores the political, social, cultural, economic, and ecological dimensions of this relationship, focusing on such key themes as imperialism, development, military-state relations, the environment, the war on drugs, science and technology, and human rights. (HU) Gildner.


  • HIST 397 - Seminar: Spring-Term Topics in History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing, or 15 credits in history, or consent of the instructor. Prerequisites may vary by topic. A seminar in a selected topic or problem in history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • HIST 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisites: Cumulative grade-point average of 3.250 in all history courses and instructor consent. A course which permits the student to follow a program of directed reading or research in an area not covered by other courses. May be repeated for degree credit with permission.


  • HIST 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisites: Cumulative grade-point average of 3.250 in all history courses and instructor consent. A course which permits the student to follow a program of directed reading or research in an area not covered by other courses. May be repeated for degree credit with permission. Staff.

  • HIST 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: Cumulative grade-point average of 3.250 in all history courses, completion of three 200- or 300-level history courses, and instructor consent. A course which permits the student to follow a program of directed reading or research in an area not covered in other courses. May be repeated for degree credit each term of the junior and senior year.

  • HIST 451 - Internship in History

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 1

    Prerequisites: 15 credits in history or in related disciplines (with the department head’s approval), cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.000, and consent of the department. Graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory. An internship in history at a public or private agency or institution. Students must complete at least 45 hours of on-site work hours, including verification of the number of hours worked. In addition to the internship supervisor evaluation, and any organized classroom activities, students will complete at least one graded assignments (e.g., journal, research report, public presentation, blog) developed in consultation with a faculty supervisor. Because of staff limitations, the department may give preference to history majors. See department head for details. May be repeated with permission for degree credit for a total of six credits, if the topics are sufficiently different. May be carried out during the summer. Staff.

  • HIST 453 - Internship in History

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: 15 credits in history or in related discipline, cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.000, and consent of the department. Graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory. An internship in history at a public or private agency or institution. Students must complete at least 135 verified hours of on-site work. In addition to the internship supervisor evaluation, and any organized classroom activities, students complete at least two graded assignments (e.g., journal, research report, public presentation, blog) developed in consultation with a faculty supervisor. Because of staff limitations, the department may give preference to history majors. See department head for details. May be repeated with permission for a total of six credits toward the university limit of nine credits, if the topics are sufficiently different. May be carried out during the summer. Staff.

  • HIST 456 - Internship in History

    Experiential Learning (EXP): Yes
    Credits: 6

    Prerequisites: 15 credits in history or in related disciplines, cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.000, and consent of the department. Graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory. An internship in history at a public or private agency or institution. Students must complete at least 270 verified hours of on-site work. In addition to the internship supervisor evaluation, and any organized classroom activities, students complete at least two graded assignments (e.g., journal, research report, public presentation, blog) developed in consultation with a faculty supervisor. Because of staff limitations, the department may give preference to history majors. See department head for details. May be carried out during the summer. Staff.

  • HIST 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites: Cumulative grade-point average of 3.500 in History, and senior standing. This course serves as an alternative for HIST 493. Please consult the department head for more details.



  • INTR 153 - Preparation for London Internship Program

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisites: Acceptance into the London Internship Program and instructor consent. Graded Pass/Fail only. An exploration of British culture, literature, and history, focusing on areas and topics that students enrolled in the London Internship Program will encounter. This course is a prerequisite for INTR 453, which takes place during the following summer. E. Oliver.

  • INTR 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: First-year standing. First-year seminar. Topics vary by term and instructor. Staff.

  • INTR 200 - Research Preparation in the Sciences

    Credits: 4 (3 credits for Spring 2020)

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. This course is composed of seminar and workshop modules on such topics as: critical reading of research papers; use of relevant primary literature in experimental design; integrative approaches to research questions; use of quantitative methods and modeling; data acquisition, record-keeping, and analysis; research ethics; introduction to specific lab techniques used in research; scientific writing and data presentation. In addition, students develop and present a research plan for their research project that is discussed and critiqued by the whole group. Laboratory course. I’Anson

  • INTR 201 - Information Technology Literacy

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: First-year or sophomore standing Pass/Fail only. No longer offered, effective Winter 2020; replaced with a series of Microsoft Office Suite credentialing exams offered on campus. Through the use of interactive online tutorials, students gain proficiency in and a working knowledge of five distinct areas of information technology literacy: Windows Operating System, spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel), word processing (Microsoft Word), presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint), and basic networking (the Washington and Lee network, basic Web browsing, and Microsoft Outlook). Lessons, exercises, practice exams and exams mix online efforts and hands-on activities. Additional fee required. Ballenger

  • INTR 202 - Applied Statistics

    Credits: 3

    Not open to students with credit for DCI 202 or ECON 202. An examination of the principal applications of statistics in accounting, business, economics, and politics. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, estimation, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.


  • INTR 238 - The Irish World in Music, Literature, and History

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Orientation and preparation for the ensuing spring term course in Ireland, MUS 238/ENGL 238. This seminar immerses students in the literature, music, religious traditions, history, and culture of Ireland through a range of media and methods. The primary focus is on Irish musical traditions and literary expressions, from the pre-historic period to the modern day, with a particular emphasis on how place impacts the creation of literature and music and the related folklore traditions. Through literary readings (both primary and secondary), texts of cultural history, memoir, and folklore, through film (an increasingly potent form of expression in Ireland), and works of traditional and modern music, we seek to understand the major movements in Ireland that led to its great cultural achievements in the 20th centurya as well as the religious and spiritual issues and tensions that run throughout Irish literature and culture. Conner and Dobbins.

  • INTR 280 - Cross-Cultural Theatrical Experiences

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite: ENGL 386, or THTR 204, or instructor consent. Students who have participated in the Spring-term theater courses abroad collaborate to compare and contrast their theatre-going experiences in Great Britain and Sweden, focusing specifically on the cultural diversity of theater traditions across time and place and what theatre can communicate to us in a language we do not know. Students collaborate on a theatrically compelling way to share their knowledge and experiences with the W&L community. Evans, Pickett.

  • INTR 298 - Study Abroad Reflections and Assessment

    Credits: 0

    Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Prerequisite: Students on approved study abroad during the academic year. (Not offered for summer study abroad or W&L-taught courses.) Registration in the final term of a students approved study abroad. Before the end of the last term in which a student is on approved study abroad, the student submits to the Director of International Education a reflective essay, to be designed and assigned for each term abroad by the faculty’s Global Learning Advisory Committee. The committee reviews student reflections, assesses them with regard to Washington and Lee’s learning outcomes for study abroad, and issues a brief report at the end of each academic year. Rush.

  • INTR 301 - The Irish World in Literature, Religion, and History

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: WRIT-100 or equivalent. Only open to students admitted to the Spring study abroad course in Ireland (ENGL/REL 387). This seminar seeks to immerse the student in the literature, religious traditions, history, and culture of Ireland through a range of media and methods. The primary focus of the course is on Irish literary expressions and religious beliefs and traditions, from the pre-historic period to the modern day, with a particular emphasis on the ancient Irish world. We seek to understand the major movements in Ireland that led to its great cultural achievements in the 20th century, as well as the religious and spiritual issues and tensions that run throughout Irish literature and culture. This course is the orientation to and preparation for the spring-term course English/Religion 387, enabling students to be extremely well prepared when they arrive in Ireland. Brown, Conner.

  • INTR 453 - International Internship

    Experiential Learning (EXP): YES
    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: INTR 153 (for London) and acceptance into an approved W&L International Internship Program. Graded Pass/Fail.  Students are placed in an approved internship for six weeks in London, England, Cape Town, South Africa, or other international location during the summer. The course is designed to help the students make sense of working in another country and provide them with a forum in which to discuss and write about their experiences.

    Summer 2019, INTR 453-01: International Internship - Cape Town. (3). Experiential Learning. Prerequisite: Acceptance into an approved W&L International Internship Program. Graded Pass/Fail. This course explores cultural, organizational, and internship differences through the challenge of working in another country for eight weeks. Students are introduced to a number of functions by which organizations operate. An internship portfolio is created to reflect Cape Town experiences. Garvis.

    Summer 2019, INTR 453-02: International Internship - London. (3). Experiential Learning. Prerequisite: INTR 153 and acceptance into an approved W&L International Internship Program. Graded Pass/Fail. This course explores cultural, organizational, and internship differences through the challenge of working in another country for eight weeks. Students are introduced to a number of functions by which organizations operate. An internship portfolio is created to reflect London experiences. Oliver.

  • INTR 493 - Interdisciplinary Honors

    Credits: 3-3

    Open only to students completing interdisciplinary honors work approved by the faculty’s Committee on Courses and Degrees or majoring in a discipline without an honors program. All departments involved must review and approve the final thesis.

  • INTR 995 - Spring Option

    Credits: 0

    Prerequisite: At least sophomore standing. Registration is entered by University Registrar’s office after completed form is turned into the office and approved. The Spring Option allows students to use the spring term of their sophomore, junior and/or senior years to engage in an internship, service program, employment, travel or educational program that will broaden and enhance their collegiate education. The faculty offer this opportunity to encourage students to seek creative outlets not provided in the normal academic setting. Spring option policies and requirements can be found under Academic Regulations. Staff.


  • ITAL 113 - Accelerated Elementary Italian

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: Romance Language placement into FREN 161 or SPAN
    161 or higher, or by instructor consent for students with prior experience in Italian.
    An accelerated course in elementary Italian emphasizing grammar and the skills of speaking, writing, reading, and listening comprehension and meeting five days per week. Staff.

  • ITAL 163 - Accelerated Intermediate Italian

    FDR: FL
    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite: ITAL 113 or equivalent. This course develops intermediate communicative Italian vocabulary and active intermediate competence in the language. The traditional skills of world-language instruction (structure, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and speaking) are stressed. This course meets five days per week. Staff.

  • ITAL 261 - Advanced Conversation and Composition

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: ITAL 163 or equivalent. Further development of conversational skills and beginning work in free composition, with systematic grammar review and word study in various relevant cultural contexts. Staff.

  • ITAL 295 - Topics in Italian Culture

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite: ITAL 163 or equivalent. A second-year topics course focusing on issues and texts related to Italian literature and culture. All discussion, writing, and exercises are in Italian. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.



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