A major in environmental studies leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 41 credits, which must include at least three credits at the 300-level or above in addition to the capstone. Students also undertake an experiential-learning activity. A student may not complete both a major and a minor in environmental studies.
- Required courses: ENV 110, ENV 111, 201, 202, 203
- Statistics: either BIOL 201 or INTR 202 or ECON 202
- Advanced Quantitative Skills: one course chosen from the following list. This course may also be used when included in an elective track below. BIOL 282, 322, 325; ECON 203 (required for Env. Econ. Track); GEOL 260
- Electives: Complete one elective track below or design one with prior approval from the Environmental Studies core faculty. No more than three courses completed in any elective track may be used to satisfy requirements in another major. Student-designed elective tracks must be proposed and approved before the end of the student’s junior (third) year.
- Capstone: Take either ENV 397 or 493 (ENV 396 Pre-Capstone strongly encouraged)
- Experience: A relevant internship, study abroad, research project, or other experiential learning activity approved in advance by the head of the major.
Elective Tracks:
Conservation Biology (5 courses, at least 16 credits)
a. Advanced ecology foundations: one course chosen from BIOL 217, 245, 332
b. Advanced social science foundations: one course chosen from ECON 255, 257, 259; POL 233
c. Three additional courses chosen from BIOL 217, 241, 242, 243, 245, 322, 325, 330, 332; ENV 250; and when appropriate and approved in advance, BIOL 195, 398; ENV 295
Climate Change (6 courses, at least 18 credits)
a. Required: GEOL 141
b. Science: three courses chosen from the following, including one laboratory course (indicated by *): BIOL 325*, 330*; GEOL 150, 155, 205, 260*
c. Human Dimensions: two courses chosen from ACCT 303; ECON 255, 259, 356; ENV 220, 230; PHIL 150; POL 105, 233 and when appropriate and approved in advance, BUS 390
Environmental Economics (7 courses, at least 21 credits)
a. Required: ECON 100, 203, 255
b. Ethics: one course chosen from BUS 345; ENV 365 (PHIL 365); PHIL 150
c. Three additional courses chosen from BIOL 325; BUS 390; ECON 257, 259, 280, 286 (SOAN 286), 302, 356; and when appropriate and approved in advance, ECON 295, 395
Environmental Humanities (5 courses, at least 15 credits)
a. Philosophy / Ethics: Either ENV 365 (PHIL 365) or PHIL 150
b. Religion / Sociology & Anthropology: one course chosen from ENV 230, 330; REL 207, 224 (SOAN 224), 285 (SOAN 285)
c. Literature and Arts: one course chosen from ARTS 233, 234, 236, or ENGL 207, or when appropriate and approved in advance, ENGL 293, 393, 394
d. Two additional courses chosen from ARTS 233, 234, 236; ECON 286 (SOAN 286); ENGL 207; ENV 250, 330; HIST 288; PHIL 150; REL 207, 224 (SOAN 224), 285 (SOAN 285), or when appropriate and approved in advance, BUS 390, ENGL 293, 393, 394
Water Resources (5 courses, at least 17 credits)
a. Human Dimensions: two courses chosen from ECON 255, 257, 259, 286 (SOAN 286); ENV 230, 250; PHIL 150; POL 233; SOAN 285; and when appropriate and approved in advance, ENV 365 (PHIL 365)
b. Science: three courses chosen from the following, including two laboratory courses (indicated by *): BIOL 217*; GEOL 141, 150, 155, 231*, 240*, 247*, 260* (with water-resources course project), 311*, and when appropriate and approved in advance, BIOL 195; ECON 288, 395; ENV 295; GEOL 105, 373
Student-Designed Elective Track
Students majoring in environmental studies may propose a self-designed series of “elective” courses that focuses on a particular theme relevant to their individual educational objectives. Students should consult with faculty members in Environmental Studies when developing this proposal and present it to the head of the Environmental Studies Program, along with the major declaration form no later than February 1 of the junior year (though we recommend that students submit proposals in their sophomore year). One of the core or affiliate faculty members in Environmental Studies must be willing to serve as the student’s adviser in the major and provide a letter of support for the proposal. Proposals must be approved by the Environmental Studies faculty before the end of the junior year.