2020-2021 University Catalog archived
East Asian Languages and Literatures major leading to BA degree
A major in East Asian Languages and Literatures leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 33 credits, including an emphasis in either Chinese or Japanese as follows.
- Language core: At least four courses (12-14 credits), in either Chinese or Japanese, including CHIN 302 or JAPN 302, chosen from the following:
CHIN 261, 262, 301, 302 311, 312
JAPN 261, 262, 301, 302, 311, 312
- Literature and Culture Core: Two courses chosen from
EALL 175, 215;
LIT 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 235, and 295 (when appropriate)
- At least 6 additional credits chosen from the following:
CHIN 311, 312, 315, 401, 402, 403
JAPN 311, 312, 401, 402, 403
LIT 395 (when appropriate)
- General courses: At least 6 additional credits taken from the following, or from additional courses approved in advance by the department head.
ARTH 140, 240, 241
CHIN 103,113, 263, 305, 315, 363 (maximum of 4 credits from this group)
ECON 274
HIST 103, 104
JAPN 100, 115, 265, 365 (4 credits total from this group)
PHIL 130, 223
POL 227
REL 103, 131
- Capstone Experience: EALL 399 (1), and optionally, EALL 493-493 (6)
Students with background in the core language may substitute courses with the advance approval of the East Asian Languages and Literatures department head. Native speakers in either Chinese or Japanese will be required to study the other language to fulfill the requirements.
The East Asian Languages and Literatures major may not be combined with the interdisciplinary minor in East Asian Studies.