2020-2021 University Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2020-2021 University Catalog archived

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ACCT 397 - Advanced Topics in Accounting

Credits: 3 Prerequisite: ACCT-321 or ACCT-333. Advanced study of specific accounting issues. Pedagogy depends on the specific topic but generally emphasizes discussion, research, fieldwork, projects, or case analysis. Specific course content changes from term to term, and is announced prior to preregistration. May be repeated for degree credit with permission of department head and if topics are different. 

Winter 2021, ACCT 397A-01: Advanced Topics in Accounting: Valuation Issues in Accounting (3). Prerequisite: ACCT 333. This course aims to provide students with various theoretical frameworks and practical experience in business valuation. This case-based course draws heavily on different disciplines and prior accounting knowledge, and covers topics that include estimating fair values of non-traditional assets, initial and secondary offerings, leveraged buyouts, audit and tax valuation issues, and financial statement manipulation. Tanlu. Staff.

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