2022-2023 University Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2022-2023 University Catalog archived

Degrees, Majors, Minors, Areas of Study

Accounting (ACCT)  Go to information for Accounting and Finance   
Africana Studies (AFCA)  Go to information for Africana Studies   
Anthropology (SOAN)  Go to information for Sociology and Anthropology  
Arabic (ARAB)  Go to information for Middle East and South Asian Studies   
Archaeology Go to information for Sociology and Anthropology  
Art and Art History (ARTH, ARTS)  Go to information for Art and Art History  
Biochemistry  Go to information for Chemistry and Biochemistry  
Biology (BIOL)  Go to information for Biology  
Business Administration (BUS)  Go to information for Business Administration  
Career and Professional Development (CPD) Go to information for Career and Professional Development  
Chemistry (CHEM)  Go to information for Chemistry and Biochemistry  
Chinese (CHIN)  Go to information for East Asian Languages and Literatures  
Classics (CLAS)  Go to information for Classics  
Cognitive and Behavioral Science (CBSC)  Go to information for Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences  
Community-Based Learning (CBL)  Go to information for Community-Based Learning (CBL)  
Computer Science (CSCI)  Go to information for Computer Science  
Creative Writing  Go to information for English  
Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies  Go to information for Art and Art History  
Dance (DANC)  Go to information for Theater, Dance and Film Studies  

Data Science (DS)  Go to information for Data Science  
Digital Culture and Information (DCI)  Go to information for Digital Culture and Information  
Earth and Environmental Geoscience (GEOL)  Go to information for Earth and Environmental Geoscience   

East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL)  Go to information for East Asian Languages and Literatures  
East Asian Studies (EAS)  Go to information for East Asian Studies  
East European and Russian Studies (RAS)  Go to information for East European and Russian Studies   

Economics (ECON)  Go to information for Economics  
Education Policy  Go to information for Education Studies  

Education Studies (EDUC)  Go to information for Education Studies  
Engineering (ENGN)  Go to information for Physics and Engineering  
English (ENGL)  Go to information for English 

Entrepreneurship  Go to information for Business Administration  
Environmental Studies (ENV)  Go to information for Environmental Studies  
Film and Visual Culture (FILM)  Go to information for Theater, Dance, and Film Studies  
Finance (FIN)  Go to information for Accounting and Finance  
French (FREN)  Go to information for Romance Languages  
German (GERM)  Go to information for German  
Global Learning (GL)  Go to Global Learning  
Greek (GR)  Go to information for Classics  
History (HIST)  Go to information for History  
Independent Work major  Go to information for Degree Requirements  
Interdepartmental (INTR)  Go to information for Interdepartmental  
Interdisciplinary Programs  Go to information for Interdisciplinary Programs  
Italian (ITAL)  Go to information for Romance Languages  
Japanese (JAPN)  Go to information for East Asian Languages and Literatures  
Journalism and Mass Communications (JOUR)  Go to information for Journalism and Mass Communications  
Latin (LATN)  Go to information for Classics  
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)  Go to information for Latin American and Caribbean Studies  
Law, Justice, and Society (LJS)  Go to information for Law, Justice, and Society  
Literature in Translation (LIT)  Go to information for Literature in Translation  
Mass Communications  Go to information for Journalism and Mass Communications  
Mathematics (MATH)  Go to information for Mathematics  
Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MRST)  Go to information for Medieval and Renaissance Studies  
Middle East and South Asia Studies (MESA) Go to information for Middle East and South Asia Studies  
Music (MUS)  Go to information for Music  
Neuroscience (NEUR)  Go to information for Neuroscience  
Perspectives (PERS)  Go to Perspectives  
Philosophy (PHIL)  Go to information for Philosophy  
Physical Education (PE)  Go to information for Physical Education  
Physics and Engineering (PHYS, ENGN)  Go to information for Physics and Engineering  
Politics (POL)  Go to information for Politics  
Portuguese (PORT)  Go to information for Romance Languages  
Poverty and Human Capability Studies (POV)  Go to information for Poverty and Human Capability Studies  
Religion (REL)  Go to information for Religion  
Romance Languages (ROML)  Go to information for Romance Languages  
Russian (RUSS)  Go to information for Russian Area Studies   
Sanskrit (SKT) Go to information for Sanskrit courses  
Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN)  Go to information for Sociology and Anthropology  
Spanish (SPAN)  Go to information for Romance Languages  
Student Summer Independent Research (SSIR) Student Summer Independent Research  
Studio Art (ARTS)  Go to information for Art and Art History  
Theater, Dance, and Film Studies (THTR, DANC, FILM)  Go to information for Theater, Dance, and Film Studies  
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)  Go to information for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies  
Writing (WRIT)  Go to information for the Writing Program