A minor in Physiology requires completion of 7 courses as follows. A student may not complete a minor in biology with either a major in biology or a major in neuroscience. In meeting the requirements of this discipline-based minor, a student may not use more than nine credits that are also used to meet the requirements of another major or minor. Sample 200- and 300-level graded work must be collected into a portfolio for assessment upon completion of the course requirements before a minor will be approved by the department.
1. Required courses: BIOL 111, 113
2. Genetics: BIOL 220
3. Cell biology: BIOL 211S or 230
4. Plant physiology or physiological modeling: BIOL 225 or 283
5. Intermediate level: one course chosen from BIOL 250, 255, 261S, 275, and, when appropriate 297
6. Advanced level: one course chosen from BIOL 355, 360, 362 and 397