A major in history leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of 33 credits in history, including the following:
1. Introduction: At least six credits from the 100-level courses, preferably taken during the first or sophomore years
2. At least 24 credits in history courses numbered 200 or above including the following distribution of credits:
a. Depth: At least 15 of these 24 credits will be in one of the following three areas of emphasis, including three credits from one of the 300-level seminars
• European and Russian history
• American history, including REL 271 (HIST 271), and, with the department head’s approval, Latin American history
• Global history, including Asian, African, and Latin American (and, with the department head’s approval, Russian history)
b. Breadth: At least nine of these 24 credits will be in history courses outside the area of emphasis, including three credits from one of the 300-level seminars
c. At least three credits, at any level, in each of the distribution areas described above.
3. Electives: At least three additional credits in history at any level.