Feb 11, 2025
2016-2017 University Catalog archived
French minor
A minor in French requires demonstrated proficiency in the French language, an in-depth knowledge of French culture, and completion of at least 21 credits in seven courses. A student may not complete both a minor in French and a major in French. In meeting the requirements of this discipline-based minor, a student may not use more than nine credits also used to meet the requirements of another major or minor. Course distribution for the French minor must include:
a. FREN 261, 283
b. One course in civilization: FREN 280, 281, or 282
c. At least two courses in 300-level French
d. Two additional courses in French numbered 200 or above. The department head may authorize one 200-level Romance-language literature course taught in English by Romance Languages faculty toward the requirements of the minor.
The department strongly recommends FREN 212 as a study abroad experience. Students may count a total of three relevant French courses from study abroad in a French-speaking country towards the French minor.
b. Take one course in civilization:
c. At least two courses in 300-level French
d. Two additional courses in French numbered 200 or above.
The department head may authorize one 200-level Romance-language literature course taught in English by Romance Languages faculty toward the requirements of the minor. |