2017-2018 University Catalog archived
Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MRST)
HONORS: An Honors Program in Medieval and Renaissance Studies is offered for qualified students; see the program head for details.
Program Head: Holly Pickett
Core Faculty
First date is the year in which the faculty member began service as regular faculty at the University. Second date is the year of appointment to the present rank.
Matthew Bailey, Ph.D.—(2008)-2008
Professor of Romance Languages
Ph.D., Tulane University
Rebecca R. Benefiel, Ph.D.—(2005)-2011
Associate Professor of Classics
Ph.D., Harvard University
George R. Bent, Ph.D.—(1993)-2007
Sidney Gause Childress Professor of Art History
Ph.D., Stanford University
Joel Blecher, Ph.D.—(2013)-2013
Assistant Professor of Religion
Ph.D., Princeton University
Michelle D. Brock, Ph.D.—(2014)-2014
Assistant Professor of British History
Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin
Alexandra R. Brown, Ph.D.—(1987)-2001
Jessie Ball DuPont Professor of Religion
Ph.D., Columbia University
Gwyn E. Campbell, Ph.D.—(1985)-1999
Professor of Romance Languages
Ph.D., Princeton University
Roger A. Crockett, Ph.D.—(1991)-1991
Professor of German
Ph.D., University of Illinois
Howard N. (Hank) Dobin, Ph.D.—(2005)-2005
Professor of English
Ph.D., Stanford University
Françoise Frégnac-Clave, Ph.D.—(1996)-2011
Professor of Romance Languages
Ph.D., University of North Carolina
Genelle C. Gertz, Ph.D.—(2003)-2010
Associate Professor of English
Ph.D., Princeton University
Wan-Chuan Kao, Ph.D.—(2013)-2013
Assistant Professor of English
Ph.D., City University of New York
Jeffrey L. Kosky, Ph.D.—(2003)-2013
Professor of Religion
Ph.D., University of Chicago Divinity School
Stephen P. McCormick, Ph.D.—(2014)-2014
Assistant Professor of French
Ph.D., University of Oregon
David S. Peterson, Ph.D.—(1999)-2009
Professor of History
Ph.D., Cornell University
Holly C. Pickett, Ph.D.—(2005)-2011
Associate Professor of English
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Debra Prager, Ph.D.—(2005)-2013
Associate Professor of German
Ph.D., Harvard University
Domnica V. Radulescu, Ph.D.—(1992)-2003
Edwin A. Morris Professor of Romance Languages
Ph.D., University of Chicago
Medieval and Renaissance Studies courses are as follows; for course descriptions.
- ARTH 101 - Survey of Western Art: Ancient to Medieval
ARTH 102 - Survey of Western Art: Renaissance to the Present
- ARTH 384 - Renaissance Art in Venice
- ARTH 385 - Leonardo da Vinci: Art, Science and Innovation in Renaissance Europe
- CLAS 200 - Greek Art & Archaeology
- CLAS 201 - Classical Mythology
- CLAS 203 - Greek Literature from Homer to the Early Hellenistic Period
- CLAS 204 - Augustan Era
- CLAS 205 - Reading Rome: A Survey of Latin Literature
- CLAS 208 - The Classical Epic Tradition
- CLAS 210 - Sex, Gender and Power in Ancient Literature
- CLAS 215 - Ancient Drama and Its Influence
- CLAS 221 - Plato
- CLAS 224 - The World of Late Antiquity
- ENGL 242 - Individual Shakespeare Play
- ENGL 252 - Shakespeare
- ENGL 312 - Gender, Love, and Marriage in the Middle Ages
- ENGL 316 - The Tudors
- FILM 255 - Seven-Minute Shakespeare
- FREN 281 - Civilisation et culture françaises: Traditions et changements
- FREN 341 - La France de l’Ancien Régime
- HIST 100 - European Civilization, 325-1517
- HIST 101 - European Civilization, 1500-1789
- HIST 200 - Dante: Renaissance and Redemption
- HIST 219 - Seminar: The Age of the Witch Hunts
- HIST 307 - Politics and History: The Machiavellian Moment
- LIT 203 - Greek Literature from Homer to the Early Hellenistic Period
- LIT 218 - Pre-Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
- LIT 219 - Augustine and the Literature of Self, Soul, and Synapses
- PHIL 110 - Ancient Greek Philosophy
- (CLAS 221)
- REL 101 - Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
- REL 102 - New Testament
- REL 105 - Introduction to Islam
- REL 106 - Judaism: Tradition and Modernity
- REL 108 - The Qur’an
- REL 131 - Buddhism
- REL 132 - God and Goddess in Hinduism
- REL 216 - Sainthood in Four Traditions
- REL 219 - Augustine and the Literature of Self, Soul, and Synapses
- REL 225 - Magic, Science, and Religion
- REL 260 - Seminar in the Christian Tradition
- REL 284 - Gender, Sexuality, and Islam
- REL 350 - Seminar in Biblical Studies
- SPAN 210 - The Road to Santiago
- SPAN 312 - Medieval Spanish Cultures in Context
- SPAN 322 - Spanish Golden-Age Drama
- SPAN 323 - Golden Age Spanish Women Writers
- SPAN 333 - El Cid in History and Legend
- THTR 210 - Ancient and Global Theater
- THTR 341 - Acting 3: Styles
The following courses may also meet major requirements when the topic is appropriate: