2017-2018 University Catalog archived
German, Russian, and Arabic (GERM, RUSS, ARAB)
Honors: Qualified students may become candidates for Honors in German as early as the first term of their junior year; see department head for details.
Department Head: Paul A. Youngman
First date is the year in which the faculty member began service as regular faculty at the University. Second date is the year of appointment to the present rank.
Anna Brodsky, Ph.D.—(1994)-2016
Professor of Russian
Ph.D., Yale University
Roger A. Crockett, Ph.D.—(1991)-1991
Professor of German
Ph.D., University of Illinois
Anthony (Antoine) Edwards, Ph.D.—(2015)-2017
Assistant Professor of Arabic
Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin
Russell A. Miller, J.D., M.A., LL.M.—(2008)-2008
Associate Professor of Law and Lecturer in Literature
J.D., Duke University
M.A., LL.M., J.W. Goethe University
Debra Prager, Ph.D.—(2005)-2013
Associate Professor of German
Ph.D., Harvard University
Paul A. Youngman, Ph.D.—(2012)-2014
Professor of German
Ph.D., University of North Carolina