2017-2018 University Catalog archived
East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL), Chinese (CHIN), Japanese (JAPN)
Students are urged to begin their East Asian language study as early as possible, preferably in their first year. Students entering with previous experience in the language are expected to consult with the Head of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures to determine the appropriate level of study.
Chinese and Japanese language students may apply for participation in Washington and Lee’s exchange and spring study abroad programs. Students with an interest in study abroad should consult with the appropriate language faculty.
Honors: An Honors Program in East Asian Languages and Literatures is offered for qualified students; see department head for details.
Department Head: Janet Ikeda
Acting Department Head (Fall Term): Yanhong Zhu
First date is the year in which the faculty member began service as regular faculty at the University. Second date is the year of appointment to the present rank.
Hongchu Fu, Ph.D.—(2002)-2011
Professor of East Asian Languages
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Janet Ikeda, Ph.D.—(1999)-2002
Associate Professor of East Asian Languages
Ph.D., Princeton University
Yanhong Zhu, Ph.D.—(2009)-2015
Associate Professor of Chinese
Ph.D., University of Southern California