2017-2018 University Catalog archived
Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM)
A student may complete only one of the majors listed in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Chemistry Seminars
Regular meetings of the staff, chemistry majors, and outside invited speakers are held throughout the academic year to discuss selected topics. All interested students are invited to attend.
Honors: An Honors Program in chemistry and biochemistry is offered for qualified students; see department head for details.
Department Head: Steven G. Desjardins
First date is the year in which the faculty member began service as regular faculty at the University. Second date is the year of appointment to the present rank.
Andrea Abry, B.A.—(2006)-2006
Instructor of Chemistry and Supervisor of Laboratories
B.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Lisa T. Alty, Ph.D.—(1987)-2008
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
Steven G. Desjardins, Ph.D.—(1986)-2008
Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., Brown University
Marcia B. France, Ph.D.—(1994)-2007
John T. Herwick M.D. Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
J. Kyle Friend, Ph.D.—(2014)-2014
Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ph.D., Yale University
Frederick J. LaRiviere, Ph.D.—(2006)-2012
Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ph.D., University of Colorado
Donna M. Smith, M.S.—(2014)-2014
Instructor of Chemistry
M.S., University of Virginia
Matthew F. Tuchler, Ph.D.—(1998)-2005
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Illinois
Erich S. Uffelman, Ph.D.—(1993)-2008
Bentley Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., California Institute of Technology