2014-2015 University Catalog archived
Digital Humanities (DH)
Digital humanities leverages a combination of traditional research methodologies in the humanities or the social sciences with computing tools like visualization techniques, data mining, statistics, and computational analysis. Courses approved under the ‘digital humanities’ rubric must meet at least four of the following six learning outcomes:
- ability to integrate digitally driven research goals, methods, and media with discipline-specific inquiry;
- ability to understand, analyze, and use data;
- develop critical savvy for assessing sources and data;
- ability to use design critically;
- ability to assess information and information technologies critically;
- ability to work collaboratively.
See also digitalhumanities.wlu.edu/.
Faculty Chair: Paul Youngman
Core Faculty
Jeffrey Scott Barry, M.S.L.S.—(2009)-2013
Associate Professor and Associate University Library
M.S.L.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Rebecca R. Benefiel, Ph.D.—(2005)-2011
Associate Professor of Classics
Ph.D., Harvard University
Brandon R. Bucy, Ph. D.—(2014)-2014
Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities
Ph.D., University of Maine
Alston M. Cobourn, M.L.S.—(2012)-2012
Assistant Professor and Digital Scholarship Librarian
M.L.S., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Sarah Horowitz, Ph.D.—(2008)-2014
Associate Professor of History
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Julie Knudson, M.A.T.—2014
Lecturer in Digital Humanities
M.A.T., Sacred Heart University
Paul Richard Kuettner, D.M.L.—1989
Visiting Professor of Romance Languages and Director, Tucker Multimedia Center
D.M.L., Middlebury College
Toni Locy, M.A. Law-(2008)-2013
Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications
M.A., University of Pittsburgh
Yolanda D. Merrill, M.A., M.L.S.—(1990)-1996
Associate Professor, Humanities Librarian
M.A., Kijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, The Netherlands
M.L.S., Southern Connecticut State College
Jason T. Mickel, Ph.D.—(2013)-2013
Assistant Professor and Director of Library Technology
Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Mark E. Rush, Ph.D.—(1990)-2002
The Stanley D. and Nikki Waxberg Professor of Politics
Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University
Sara E. Sprenkle, Ph.D.—(2007)-2013
Associate Professor of Computer Science
Ph.D., University of Delaware
Paul Alan Youngman, Ph.D.—(2012)-2014
Professor of German
Ph.D., University of North Carolina
Courses listed below meet the requirements of a digital humanities course.
Digitial Humanities Courses
Digital Humanities courses are as follows:
and when appropriate,