PSYC 296 - Spring-Term Topics in Psychology FDR: SS3 Credits: 4 Planned Offering: Spring
Topics and prerequisites vary with instructor and term. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.
Spring 2014 topics:
PSYC 296-02: Close Relationships (4). No prerequisites. Do you ever wonder why people act the way they do in their relationships? Are their relationships with parents from early in their life played out later in romances? Why are some people so anxious about everything? Why are some as cold as ice? Should you take your first date on a thrilling adventure or to a calm and soothing place? This seminar explores these and other issues seen in close relationships across the lifespan from a psychological science perspective. (SS3) Carlson.
PSYC 296A-01: Early Childhood and the Schooling Process (4). Prerequisite: Three credits in psychology. Every child faces a unique set of obstacles and opportunities in his or her development. This class uses an ecological approach to understand how these early childhood risks and opportunities operate in connection with the schooling process. We focus on how individual child factors, parenting, the home environment, the neighborhood, and the educational system interact to affect development and academic competency. The course is intended to deepen knowledge of scientific research and research methodology in this field and to link this knowledge with public policy in child development and education by engaging in hypothesis-driven archival research using a publicly available data set. (SL) Whipple. Spring 2014 only
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