LAW 407 - Skills Immersion Two-week course. Students choose between business or litigation. (fall semester)
Business Immersion -The focus of this class is for the students to practice and improve certain attorney skills such as (1) identifying what factual information (particularly financial information) could be developed to support a negotiating or legal position; (2) obtaining that information from your own client or from the other side; (3) evaluating that information and utilizing it in a way that is in your client’s best interests; (4) understanding the differences between the attorney’s and the client’s roles when discussing business issues; (5) interacting in an appropriate way with a client when giving advice to that client; (6) interacting in an appropriate way with a client, opposing counsel, and the other party when negotiating on behalf of the client; and (7) drafting a contract. These skills will be exercised in the context of a complex business acquisition. Significant opportunities to receive feedback and engage in reflection are included. (2 credits, Honors-Pass-Low Pass-Fail)
Beneficial for anyone who is interested in a business practice or in understanding how business deals come into existence and/or are structured as preparation for litigating issues arising out of a business relationship. Perkins and faculty.
Litigation Immersion - In this two-week intensive course, students will develop litigation skills, following a single case from client interview to the end of trial. Significant opportunities to receive feedback and engage in reflection are included.
Each student represents one or the other party in a simplified litigation matter. Each student interviews the client; plans strategy; develops a fact investigation plan; drafts pleadings; engages simple discovery; negotiates; presents a motion; prepares and executes direct and cross examinations; prepares and executes opening and closing statements; and conducts a trial. (2 credits, Honors-Pass-Low Pass-Fail)
Students will be provided with base line exposure to a set of cross-cutting skills that will prepare students for the clinics, their practicum courses, and eventual entry to practice. Useful for any student who wishes to practice in dispute resolution forums and/or to understand the litigation consequences of failed transactions. Moliterno and faculty.Credits: 2.
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