HIST 289 - Topics in Asian, African, or Islamic History FDR: HU Credits: 3 in fall or winter; 4 in spring
A course offered from time to time depending on student interest and staff availability, on a selected topic or problem in Asian or African history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.
Fall 2018, HIST 289A-01: Muhammad: the Prophet of Islam throughout History (3). Prerequisite: Sophomore, junior, or senior class standing only. First-years may register for HIST 195A. To Muslims, Muhammad is a prophetic figure whose model life is to be emulated; to non-Muslims, a controversial figure that has stirred the imagination for centuries. Through an analysis of the earliest non-Muslim sources on Muhammad, to insider Muslim narratives of his miraculous life, to contemporary controversies about visual depictions of Muhammad – even bans on celebrations of his birthday – this course challenges common misconceptions about Muhammad as a historical and a religious figure, while fostering critical historical literacy and familiarity with theoretical questions in the study of religion. Students conduct independent research as part of this course. (HU) Atanasova.
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