Feb 08, 2025
BUS 317 - Data Mining for Sales, Marketing and Customer Relationship Management Credits: 4
Prerequisites: INTR 201, INTR 202 or equivalent, and at least junior standing. Preference to BSADM or JMCB majors during initial registration. This course provides an introduction and overview to data mining as a means to understanding customers (existing and potential) in a broad sense, rather than focusing on underlying theory. Many organizations have a wealth of data residing in their databases. Business data mining is the process of collecting and turning this resource into business value. Basic data-mining methods have broad applications: market-basket analysis of scanner data, customer relationship management, churn analysis, direct marketing, fraud detection, click-stream web mining, personalization and recommendation systems, risk management, and credit scoring. The course provides hands-on experience in applying these techniques to practical real-world business problems using commercial data-mining software. Ballenger
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