2015-2016 University Catalog 
    Mar 10, 2025  
2015-2016 University Catalog archived

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REL 195 - Special Topics in Religion

Credits: 3 credits in fall or winter, 4 in spring

A course offered from time to time in a selected problem or topic in religion. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

Winter 2016, REL 195-01: Popular Religion in South Asia (3). How is religion shaped by culture? In what ways does the religion of everyday life—what is practiced “on the ground”—differ from what is described in classical texts? This course explores these questions in the context of South Asia. Through an exploration of rituals, beliefs, healing practices, pilgrimages, festivals, and death rites in Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Sikh, and Buddhist traditions, we explore South Asian religiosity on an individual level, at the level of family, and in the public sphere. (HU) Hyne-Sutherland.

Fall 2015, REL195-01: Special Topic in Religion: Introduction to Christian Thought and Culture (3). Readings in key primary texts and important secondary works introduce students to major theological issues in the history of Christian thought and important forms of life and culture in the history of Christianity. (HU) Kosky. Fall 2015

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