Mar 10, 2025
BUS 358 - Corporate Mergers, Leveraged Buyouts, and Divestitures Credits: 4
Prerequisite: BUS 221 and at least junior standing. Preference to BSADM, ACCB, PACC, or JOURF (JMCB) majors during first round of registration. This course focuses upon company valuation, mergers, leveraged buyouts, and divestitures. The interactive course makes extensive use of the case method in developing an understanding of business valuation methodologies and corporate financing decisions. Advanced-level finance concepts, models, and techniques are applied by students in the development of situational problem formulation, analysis, evaluation, and decision-making skills necessary to solve the unstructured problems faced in the practice of financial and business management. Classroom participation and group presentations are emphasized. Kester. Planned Offering: Spring 2016 and alternate years
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