HIST 395 - Advanced Seminar FDR: HU Credits: 3 Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, or 15 credits in history, or consent of the instructor. Prerequisites may vary by topic. A seminar offered from time to time depending on student interest and staff availability, in a selected topic or problem in history. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.
Fall 2014 topic:
HIST 395-01: Advanced Seminar: Art and Science from Leonardo Until Today. (3). Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing, or 15 credits in history, or consent of the instructor. Art and science are commonly assumed to be two distinct parts of our culture, requiring different talents, skills and even temperaments, and often taught in separate institutions. This distinction, however, has not always been so clear. In this seminar, we explore common denominators in art and science from Leonardo until today, focusing on the manifold ways in which science has been made part of art and art of science. We single out the Romantic Movement, and highlight great names in the holistic practice of art and science such as Coleridge, Goethe, Alexander von Humboldt, and Ernst Haeckel. Moreover, we address how increasingly possible commonalities in artistic and scientific creativity have been discussed in terms of perception, representation, and the science of the brain. (HU) Rupke.
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