2009-2010 University Catalog 
    Mar 12, 2025  
2009-2010 University Catalog archived Add to Portfolio (opens a new window)

FREN 397 - Séminaire avancé

Credits: 3
When Offered: Fall, Winter

Prerequisites: Senior status and three courses at the 300 level or permission of the instructor.The in-depth study of a topic in French literature and/or civilization. Recent offerings include: La littérature Beure; La France sous l’occupation; Les femmes et l’écriture au XVIIe siècle; Les écrivains du XXe siècle et la diversité culturelle; L’affaire Dreyfus. Students will be encouraged to use this course for the development of a personal project.

Topic for Winter, 2010:

FREN 397 Séminaire avancé: La France sous l’occupation (3).  A study of the German Occupation of France (1939-44). This multidisciplinary, multimedia course focuses on the choices‑be they military, political, economic, ethical or a mere matter of survival‑that faced the French during this bleak period, and the traces that period left in memory, institutions, and the arts. (HL) Frégnac-Clave.

Topic for Fall, 2009:

FREN 397: Séminaire avancé: French Theater and Myth (3).  An exploration of French theater and its profound connections to ancient myths. We trace the ways in which certain major myths have been incorporated, channeled, and recreated in dramatic forms in ways that have treated universal themes such as tragic love, the journey, fantastic metamorphoses, the connections between humans and nature, acts of violence and reactions to specific problems of a certain historical period. Playwrights studied include Racine, Maeterlinck, Jarry, Giraudoux, Ionesco, Arrabal. (HL GE3) Radulescu

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