2011-2012 University Catalog 
    Mar 10, 2025  
2011-2012 University Catalog archived

Degrees, Majors, and Minors

Accounting (ACCT)

Go to information for Accounting 

African-American Studies (AFAM)

Go to information for African-American Studies 

Anthropology (ANTH)

Go to information for Sociology and Anthropology 

Art and Art History (ARTH, ARTS)

Go to information for Art and Art History 


Go to information for Chemistry 

Biology (BIOL)

Go to information for Biology 

Business Administration (BUS)

Go to information for Business Administration 

Chemistry (CHEM)

Go to information for Chemistry 

Chinese (CHIN)

Go to information for East Asian Languages and Literatures 

Classics (CLAS)

Go to information for Classics 

Computer Science (CSCI)

Go to information for Computer Science 

Creative Writing 

Go to information for English  

Dance (DANC)

Go to information for Theater and Dance 

East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL)

Go to information for East Asian Languages and Literatures 

East Asian Studies (EAS)

Go to information for East Asian Studies 

Economics (ECON)

Go to information for Economics 

Education (EDUC)

Go to information for Education 

Engineering (ENGN)

Go to information for Physics and Engineering 

English (ENGL)

Go to information for English 

Environmental Studies (ENV)

Go to information for Environmental Studies 

Film (FILM)

Go to information for Film 

French (FREN)

Go to information for Romance Languages 

Geology (GEOL)

Go to information for Geology 

German (GERM)

Go to information for German and Russian 

Greek (GR)

Go to information for Classics 

History (HIST)

Go to information for History 

Interdepartmental (INTR)

Go to information for Interdepartmental 

Interdisciplinary Programs

Go to information for Interdisciplinary Programs 

Italian (ITAL)

Go to information for Romance Languages 

Japanese (JAPN)

Go to information for East Asian Languages and Literatures 

Journalism and Mass Communications (JOUR)

Go to information for Journalism and Mass Communications 

Latin (LATN)

Go to information for Classics 

Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS)

Go to information for Latin American and Caribbean Studies 

Literature in Translation (LIT)

Go to information for Literature in Translation 

Mass Communications

Go to information for Journalism and Mass Communications 

Mathematics (MATH)

Go to information for Mathematics 

Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MRST)

Go to information for Medieval and Renaissance Studies 

Museum Studies

Go to information for Art and Art History 

Music (MUS)

Go to information for Music 

Neuroscience (NEUR)

Go to information for Neuroscience 

Philosophy (PHIL)

Go to information for Philosophy 

Physical Education (PE)

Go to information for Physical Education 

Physics and Engineering (PHYS, ENGN)

Go to information for Physics and Engineering 

Politics (POL)

Go to information for Politics 

Portuguese (PORT)

Go to information for Romance Languages 

Poverty and Human Capability Studies (POV)

Go to information for Poverty and Human Capability Studies 

Psychology (PSYC)

Go to information for Psychology 

Religion (REL)

Go to information for Religion 

Romance Languages (ROML)

Go to information for Romance Languages 

Russian (RUSS)

Go to information for German and Russian 

Russian Area Studies (RAS)

Go to information for Russian Area Studies 

Sociology and Anthropology (SOC, ANTH)

Go to information for Sociology and Anthropology 

Spanish (SPAN)

Go to information for Romance Languages 

Studio Art (ARTS)

Go to information for Art and Art History  

Theater and Dance (THTR, DANC)

Go to information for Theater and Dance 

Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS)

Go to information for Women’s and Gender Studies 

Writing (WRIT)

Go to information for the Writing Program