2022-2023 School of Law Catalog 
    Aug 31, 2024  
2022-2023 School of Law Catalog archived

Study Abroad

For the 2021-2022 academic year, the following international exchange program is available:

Trinity College Dublin, founded in the 16th century by Queen Elizabeth I, is a leading European university.  A broad array of international courses - with a particular emphasis on the law of the European Union - is available there.  In recent years, the city of Dublin has been one of the most dynamic in Europe, offering numerous cultural, commercial, and political activities.  W&L students would normally spend only one semester at Trinity. Openings are limited. Study at Trinity may present challenges in meeting the law school’s experiential credit graduation requirements.

A second program that is typically offered is with the University of Copenhagen, the largest educational institution in Denmark. The University of Copenhagen offers a significant number of courses in English each semester.  This allows exchange students to put together a comprehensive study programme, which will meet the demands of their home institutions. However, this program will not be offered in the 2021-2022 academic year. 

These programs, however, may present challenges in meeting the law school’s experiential credit graduation requirements. Students considering either of these should discuss scheduling with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, who has the authority to grant waivers in appropriate cases. Law School students pay regular Law School tuition during their stays; financial aid packages are not affected by participation in these program.

Law students that are interested in a study abroad program, after consolation with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, should first complete the Washington and Lee University study abroad application . Nominations will then be made to the host institution and the student will subsequently need to submit an application directly to that program. For additional information about the study abroad program, polices, procedures, or additional questions, please contact Cindy Irby, Assistant Director of International Education and Study Abroad Advisor at cirby@wlu.edu or (540) 458-8193.


Statement of Educational Objectives for Foreign Legal Study

W&L Law School recognizes that learning about other countries’ legal systems is an increasingly important part of legal education.  Legal study abroad allows students to gain insight into other legal systems and to develop cultural competency. 

W&L’s primary educational objectives for legal study abroad are:  (1) to provide students an opportunity to become familiar with another legal system; and (2) to learn about different world cultures and increase students’ capacity to represent a diversity of clients.