(last updated September 12, 2011)
⇒ New or revised courses
⇒ Deleted courses
⇒ Revisions to degree, major, and minor requirements
⇒ Policy changes
⇒ Miscellaneous information
New or Revised Courses
ANTH 286 - Land in Lakota Culture, Religion, and History
ARTH 274 - Art and Revolution: Mexican Muralism
ARTH 295 - Special Topics in Art History
ARTS 221 - Antique Photographic Processes
BIOL 165 - Human Biology and Nutrition
BIOL 211 - Cell Biology
BIOL 211S - Cell Structure and Function at St. Andrews
BIOL 274 - Structural Biology
BIOL 297 - Spring-Term Topics in Biology
BIOL 321 - Advanced Genetics Laboratory
Business course renumbering:
- renumbering
BUS 205 to reflect a change in the level or instruction to BUS 346: Private Law in a Market Economy.
additional course renumberings:
additional course renumberings which do not require faculty approval:
310-329 Technology
330-339 International
340-349 Ethics and Law
350-359 Finance
360-369 (unassigned)
370-379 Marketing
380-389 (unassigned)
390-399 study abroad and capstones
from BUS 340 to BUS 399: Entrepreneurship (3)
from BUS 350 to BUS 349: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution in a Business Environment (4)
from BUS/PHIL 352 to BUS/PHIL 335: Ethics of Globalization (3)
from BUS 359 to BUS 333 - International Production and Operations Management
from BUS 364 to BUS 372: Cross-Cultural Issues in Marketing (3)
from BUS 365 to BUS 359: Investments (3)
from BUS 375 to BUS 398: Strategic Management (3)
BUS 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar
BUS 241 - Wicked Problems
BUS 312 - Computer Forensics
BUS 337 - Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations
BUS 352 - Ethics of Globalization
BUS 356 - Financial Risk Management
BUS 371 - Creative Strategic Planning
CHIN 103 - Supervised Study Abroad: Beginning Chinese
CHIN 113 - Supervised Study Abroad: First-Year Chinese
CHIN 263 - Supervised Study Abroad: Second-Year Chinese
CLAS 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar
CLAS 238 - Pompeii
CSCI 102 - Introduction to Computational Modeling - FM designation
CSCI 250 - Introduction to Robotics
CSCI 325 - Distributed Systems
EALL 215 - East Asian Cinema
ECON 282 - Economic Governance & Institutional Design
ECON 302 - Game Theory
EDUC 201 - Practicum: Foundation of Education
EDUC 210 - Fieldwork in Education
EDUC 303 - Practicum: The Exceptional Learner
EDUC 310 - Art for Elementary Education
EDUC 340 - Elementary Language Arts and Social Studies Methods
EDUC 341 - Practicum: Elementary Language Arts and Social Studies Methods
EDUC 343 - Elementary Math and Science Methods
EDUC 344 - Practicum: Elementary Math and Science Methods
EDUC 353 - Secondary Content Area Reading and Writing
EDUC 354 - Practicum: Secondary Content Area Reading and Writing
EDUC 356 - Methods for Secondary Education
EDUC 357 - Practicum: Methods for Secondary Education
EDUC 451A - Directed Teaching Seminar: Pre-K to 12
EDUC 451E - Directed Teaching Seminar: Elementary
EDUC 451S - Directed Teaching Seminar: Middle and Secondary
EDUC 461A - Directed Teaching: Pre-K to 12
EDUC 461E - Directed Teaching: Elementary
EDUC 461S - Directed Teaching: Middle and Secondary
ENGL 206 - Introduction to Writing Creative Nonfiction
ENGL 314 - From Manuscript to Print: The History of the Book in Europe
ENGL 243 - Performing Shakespeare
ENV 207 - Nature and Place
ENV 212 - Land Use and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Chesapeake Watershed
FREN 164 - Advanced Intermediate French
HIST 105 - Scenes from Chinese History
HIST 209 - France in the 19th and 20th Centuries
HIST 275 - World Military History: Akkad to Zulu
HIST 285 - Seminar: The Yin and Yang of Gender in Late Imperial China (10th-19th centuries)
HIST 361 - The History of Violence in America
HIST 376 - Africa, Science, and Development
ITAL 261 - Advanced Conversation and Composition
JOUR 232 - Research Methods in Mass Communication
JOUR 351 - Editing for Print and Online Media
LIT 260 - German Film Adaptation
LIT 272 - Modern Jewish Literature in Translation
MUS 102 - Physics and Perception of Music
MUS 222 - A Year in Jazz
MUS 296 - Spring-Term Topics in Music
PE 112 - Aquathlon
PE 153 - Boot Camp
PE 157 - Team Sports
PE 164 - Racquet Sports
PE 172 - Softball/Ultimate Frisbee
PE 181 - Outdoor Activities:Paddling Fundamentals
PHIL 248 - Ethics of War
PHIL 276 - Art, Imagination, and Ethics
PHIL 330 - Human Nature and the Human Sciences
PHIL 352 - Ethics of Globalization
PHIL 352 - Ethics of Globalization
PHYS 102 - Physics and Perception of Music
POL 210 - Autobiography
POL 289 - Survey Design and Analysis
PORT 261 - Advanced Conversation and Composition
PSYC 118 - Psychology Mythbusters
PSYC 359 - Directed Research in Cognition and Emotion
REL 207 - Nature and Place
REL 272 - Modern Jewish Literature in Translation
REL 282 - The Qur’an
REL 299 - Directed Study in Sanskrit
ROML 295 - Topics in Romance Languages
ROML 296 - Spring-Term Topics in Romance Languages
SPAN 270 - The Contemporary Latin American Press: Journalistic Writing & Analysis
SPAN 312 - Culture in Context in Medieval Spain
SPAN 354 - Spanish-American Theater: 20th Century to the Present
SPAN 343 - Spanish-American Colonial Literature
THTR 239 - Total Theater
THTR 240 - Community Performance
WRIT 100 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
Deleted Courses
BIOL 120 - Atmospheric Science from the Ground Up
BIOL 222 - Animal Development
BUS 101 - Business in a Changing World
BUS 354 - Advanced Business Law
CHEM 120 - Atmospheric Science from the Ground Up
EALL 200 - Japan and the Japanese People
EDUC 303 - Teaching and Learning in the Content Area (renumbered to EDUC 353)
ENGL 105 - Composition and Literature HIST 261 - The History of Violence in America
ENGL 238 - History of the Book
ENGN 100 - Computing in Physics and Engineering
ENGN 160 - CADD: Computer-Aided Drafting and Design
ENGN 302 - An Introduction to the Finite Element Method
GEOL 196 - Selected Topics
GEOL 396 - Seminar
HIST 270 - Australia and New Zealand
HIST 278 - The Indian Subcontinent: European Imperialism and the Rise of the Succession States, 1498 to the Present
HIST 385 - Seminar: The Yin and Yang of Gender in Late Imperial China (10th-19th centuries) - renumbered to HIST 285
ITAL 111S - Elementary Italian I at John Cabot University
LIT 255 - Masterpieces of Peninsular Spanish Literature in Translation
LIT 270 - Modern Italian Literature in Translation
MATH 242 - Vector Analysis
MATH 340 - Classical Geometry
PHYS 100 - Computing in Physics and Engineering
POL 221 - The British Political System
PSYC 251 - Learning and Retention
PSYC 257 - Psychobiology of Development
PSYC 351 - Directed Research in Cognition
PSYC 357 - Directed Research in Psychobiology
REL 252 - Critique and Christianity
REL 431 - Senior Thesis Preparation
SOC 114 - Introduction to Social Psychology (retain PSYC 114 - no longer cross-listed course )
THTR 395 - Dramaturgy and Production Seminar
THTR 473 - Senior Thesis
Revisions to degree, major, and minor requirements
African-American Studies (for 2010-2011 catalog)
Approved revising the requirements for a minor in African-American studies as follows.
“3) 12 additional credits selected from the following. Additional courses may be used when the topic is relevant and the African-American Studies Committee approves.
… POL 250, 350, 360 …”
Bachelor’s Degree Combined with 1st -Year Law Studies
Approved deletion of this program effective immediately.
Biochemistry (for 2011-12 catalog)
Approved revising the major in biochemistry to include the following courses as electives in category 2
BIOL 211: Cell Biology
BIOL 211S: Cell Structure and Function at St. Andrews
BIOL 274: Structural Biology
BIOL 296: Topics in Integrative Science
The new wording of the major will be as follows:
“2. Two additional courses totaling at least four credits chosen from the following. Only one 400-level course may count toward the major.
BIOL 211, 2115, 220, 221, 225, 274, 301, 310, 320, 350, and when the topic is appropriate and approved by the chemistry department head, BIOL 295, 296, …”
Biology (for 2010-2011 catalog)
- revise the major requirements.
Major in biology leading to a BS degree
“…3. At least 25 additional biology credits not used to satisfy the above requirements…
a. Molecules and Cells: BIOL 211S*, 215* or 215S*, 310*, 320, 321*, 323*, 350, 365, 396
b. Diversity of Life: BIOL 210, 230*, 231*, 235*, 240* or 240S*, 241*, 242*
c. Ecology and Evolution: BIOL 216*, 217*, 243*, 245*, 246, 322, 325, 330*, 332*, 340 or 340S*, 398
d. Structure and Function: BIOL 225*, 250, …”
Major in biology leading to a BA degree
“…2. At least 20 additional biology credits not used to satisfy the above requirements. … a. Molecules and Cells: BIOL 211S*, 215* or 215S*, 220, 310*, 320, 321*, 323*, 350, 365, 396 b. Diversity of Life: BIOL 210, 230*, 231*, 235*, 240* or 240S*, 241*, 242*, 295 (in a relevant topic) c. Ecology and Evolution: BIOL 216*, 217*, 243*, 245*, 246, 295 (in a relevant topic), 322, 325, 330*, 332*, 398 d. Structure and Function: BIOL 225*, 250, …
New course ENV 212 meets the following requirements.
biology major leading BA: category 2c, Ecology and Evolution
biology major leading BS: category 3c, Ecology and Evolution
Business (changes effective with 2011-12 catalog and academic year)
revised the requirements for a major as follows:
“A major in business administration leading to a Bachelor of Science with Special Attainments in Commerce requires at least 50 credits total, including at least 24 credits in business administration and 26 credits not in business administration, as follows:
1. ACCT 201, 202; BUS 211, 217, 221; ECON 101, 102; INTR 201, 202
2. BUS 345 or 346
3. BUS 398 or 399
4. Business Administration electives: at least nine additional credits, chosen from Business Administration courses numbered 300 or above, but excluding BUS 401 and 402.
5. Non-Business Administration electives: nine credits chosen from the following:
ACCT: all courses numbered above 202
ANTH 354, 379
ARTS 217, 218, 220, 224, 226, 227, 228, 231, 232
CSCI 209
DANC 220
ECON: all courses numbered 200 or above
ENGL 203, 204, 205, 307, 308, 309
ENV 250, 295, 381, 395, 397
JOUR 225, 231, 242, 319, 371, 372, 377
MATH 309, 310, 332, 333, 353
MUS 361
PHIL 215, 269, 320, 341, 342
POL 215, 227, 232, 233, 245, 246, 247, 255, 280, 381
POV 423
PSYC 202, 252, 254, 262, 269
SOC 202, 212, 228, 245, 246, 251, 262, 264, 280, 351, 375
THTR 220, 235, 239, 251, 253, 361
6. The 18 credits required in 4 and 5 above must include at least one course from each of the following areas:
a. International Business: ACCT 325, 326, 396; BUS 305, 330, 333, 335, 337, 357, 359, 372, 390; ECON 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 280, 317, 356, 382
b. Information Systems: ACCT 310; BUS 306, 310, 315, 317, 320, 325
For students majoring in both business administration and psychology, completing both PSYC 120 and 250 may be substituted for INTR 202.”
Classics (for 2010-2011 catalog)
Approved adding a minor in classics, as follows.
A minor in classics requires at least 21 credits from seven courses. In meeting the requirements of this minor, a student may not use more than nine credits that are also used to meet the requirements of any other major or minor. The courses must include:
1. Six credits in Greek or Latin numbered 300 or higher
2. At least six additional credits (two courses) designated as CLAS, GR, or LATN
3. Nine additional credits chosen from the following:
Any course designated CLAS, GR, or LATN
HIST 109, 110, 111
PHIL 141, 222
POL 265
REL 102
With permission of the Classics Department Head, credit for the minor may also be awarded for courses dealing with the ancient world but offered from time to time in departments other than Classics. Permission will be considered on an individual basis.
Computer Science (for 2011-2012 catalog)
Approved revising the majors in computer science as follows:
leading to the BA degree
“1. CSCI 111, 112, 209, 210, 211
2. MATH 121 or 301
3. Either CSCI 312 or 313
4. Either MATH 102 or 122
leading to the BS degree
“1. CSCI 111, 112, 209, 210, 211, 312, 313; MATH 102, 222
2. MATH 121 or 301
Dance (for 2010-2011 catalog)
Approved revising the minor in dance to allow for theater courses as follows:
“…3. One course chosen from DANC 330, 390, 403; THTR 336, 453…”
East Asian Languages and Literatures (for 2010-2011 catalog)
- revise the major requirements.
“2. Literature and Culture Core: At least six credits chosen from EALL 200, 215; LIT 218, 220, 221, 223, 225, 235, and 295 (when appropriate)
Environmental Studies (for 2010-2011 catalog)
Revisions to the major in environmental studies: “…7. Electives: Two courses in addition to those used for the above requirements and chosen from the following, one of which must be at the 300 level, or from other courses approved in advance by the head of the major: BIOL 230, 245, 246… ENV 207, 381, 390, 395, 493… REL 207, 224 (ANTH 224)…”
New course ENV 212 meets the following requirements:
environmental studies major : category 7, Electives
Revisions to the minor in environmental studies:
“…4. Humanities: two courses chosen from ENGL 380 (when appropriate), 294; ENV 207, 395; PHIL 108, 260; REL 207, 224 (ANTH 224)…”
History (for 2010-2011 catalog)
Approved revising the history major from “3. Electives: At least six additional credits outside the area of emphasis.” to “3. Electives: At least six additional credits.” (May 18, 2009)”
Journalism and Mass Communications (for 2010-2011 catalog)
Revisions to the major in journalism and mass communications:
“…3. Mass Communications a. additional required courses: JOUR 231, and either 344 or 345 b. one course chosen from POL 100, 105, 203 c. one course chosen from JOUR 202, 225, 232, 297, 351, 357, 365…”
Mathematics (for 2011-12 catalog)
Approved revising the requirement for a mathematics major leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree, as follows:
“2. One course selected from BIOL 274; CHEM 260, 261; CSCI 211, 313; ECON 220, 301; ENGN 203; GEOL 250; MATH 218, 310, 333, 353; PHYS 112”
Politics (for 2010-2011 catalog)
The major in politics is revised as follows:
“2. Political Philosophy: completion of four courses chosen from POL 210, 265, 266, 297, 360, 370, 396 and at least one course chosen from the remaining 200- and 300-level courses in international/global politics or American government
Psychology (for 2010-2011 catalog)
revised the Psychology major leading to a BS degree
“…4. Six credits selected from PSYC 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 359, 361, 362, 365, and 369…”
Spanish and Romance Languages (for 2010-2011 catalog)
approved revision to Spanish major and Romance Languages with a Spanish emphasis major:
“…3. Five Spanish courses numbered 300 or above, as follows.
a. One course on literature of Spanish America chosen from SPAN 340, 342, 344, 346, 348, 350, 352, 354 and 398…
c. One additional course in literature chosen from SPAN 320, 322, 324, 326, 328, 340, 342, 344, 345, 346, 348, 350, 352, 354, 397, and 398…”
Teacher Education (for 2010-2011 catalog)
Approved the following changes related to the newly approved teacher-education licensure program.
new description:
“The Teacher Education program offers students the opportunity to work toward a teaching credential (specifically a Virginia teaching license) in elementary, middle-school, or secondary education. Licensure can be earned in the following endorsement areas:
Elementary Education: Pre-Kindergarten-to-3; Pre-Kindergarten-to-6
Middle Education: English; History and Social Sciences; Mathematics; Science
Secondary Education: Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth Science; English; French; German; History and Social Sciences; Journalism; Instrumental Music; Latin; Mathematics; Spanish; Theater; Visual Arts
The requirements for each endorsement area are listed on the teacher education website. EDUC 200 - Foundations of Education is open to all students. Upper-level education courses are also open to all students who wish to teach in public or private schools or who have an interest in education but do not wish to earn licensure. However, students must apply to the teacher education program before registering for upper-level education courses. The application can be found at teachereducation.wlu.edu. “
Policy Changes
Course Load
For fall term, first-year students may register for up to 14 credits in their first term. In exceptional cases, permission for 15 credits may be secured through the Dean of First-Year Students. No overload permissions are given for over 15 credits to first-term, first-year students.
Approved the following deadline changes for the 2010-2011 academic catalog.
Declaration and Change of Major and Minor
After January 15 the end of the second week of winter term of the senior year, students may not change their declared degree(s), major(s), or minor(s), except with permission of the Faculty Executive Committee. An approved revision after the January 15 senior-year deadline end of the second week of winter term in the senior year incurs a $100 fee. An approved revision after May 1 the first week of spring term in the senior year incurs a $250 fee, in addition to any required diploma replacement charge. For December graduates, the deadlines are September 15 the end of the second week of fall term and December 1 the end of the week prior to Thanksgiving, respectively.
Degree Requirements
Applications for degrees must be filed with the University Registrar on or before September 15 the end of the official drop-add period (1st week) of fall term if the degree is to be taken in June May, and May 15 by the end of the first week of spring term if the degree is to be taken in December. Late applications may be made only on payment of a penalty fee of $50 and will not be accepted after January 15 the end of the official drop-add period (1st week) of winter fall term for June May candidates.
Six-week Grading Deadlines
Approved the recommendation from RCSC that there be a Spring Term six-week course grading deadline, which would be at noon on the Monday immediately following the end of the six-week term.
The dates for Spring 2011 are:
6-week courses end Friday, June 3, 2011
6-week course grades due (12:00 noon) Monday, June 6, 2011
Miscellaneous Information
Class Blocks
Approved the addition of two class blocks to the approved Class Block Schedule (posted at http://www.wlu.edu/x37301.xml ):
8:35a-10:10a (MWF) *for 4-credit classes
8:35a-10:10a (MW or MF or WF)
310-329 Technology
330-339 International
340-349 Ethics and Law
350-359 Finance
360-369 (unassigned)
370-379 Marketing
380-389 (unassigned)
390-399 study abroad and capstones
from BUS 340 to BUS 399: Entrepreneurship (3)
from BUS 350 to BUS 349: Negotiation and Dispute Resolution in a Business Environment (4)
from BUS/PHIL 352 to BUS/PHIL 335: Ethics of Globalization (3)
from BUS 359 to BUS 333: International Production/Operations Business Administration (3) (an additional proposal to revise this to a new spring course is coming)
from BUS 364 to BUS 372: Cross-Cultural Issues in Marketing (3)
from BUS 365 to BUS 359: Investments (3)
from BUS 375 to BUS 398: Strategic Management (3)