2018-2019 University Catalog 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2018-2019 University Catalog archived

Biology (BIOL)

The department offers a Bachelor of Arts major and a Bachelor of Science major. Students contemplating either of these should, during the first term of their first year, register for MATH 101  and a laboratory science course in the biology or chemistry departments (BIOL 111/113 or CHEM 110).

The Marine Science Education Consortium with the Duke University Marine Laboratory. This program makes it possible for W&L biology majors to spend Fall Term or Winter and Spring Terms at the Duke University Marine Laboratory in Beaufort, N.C. Usually this experience is during the junior or senior year. All credits successfully completed will apply toward the major in biology and the degree from Washington and Lee. See Marine Science Education  for more information.

Honors: An Honors Program in biology is offered for qualified students; see department head for details.

Department Head: William Hamilton
                            Helen I’Anson, 2018-19 interim


First date is the year in which the faculty member began service as regular faculty at the University. Second date is the year of appointment to the present rank.

Nadia A. Ayoub, Ph.D.—(2009)-2015
Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of Tennessee

Sarah N. Blythe, Ph.D.—(2010)-2018
Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Northwestern University

Paul R. Cabe, Ph.D.—(2000)-2009
Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

E. William Hamilton III, Ph.D.—(2001)-2013
Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Syracuse University

Robert Humston, Ph.D.—(2008)-2018
Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of Miami

Lawrence E. Hurd, Ph.D.—(1993)-1993
John T. Herwick, M.D., Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Syracuse University

Helen I’Anson, Ph.D.—(1995)-2004
John T. Perry Jr. Professor of Biology and Research Science
Ph.D., University of Kentucky

David M. Marsh, Ph.D.—(2000)-2012
Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of California, Davis

Maryanne C. Simurda, Ph.D.—(1989)-2007
Professor of Biology
Ph.D., State University of New York, Buffalo

Natalia Toporikova, Ph.D.—(2012)-2018
Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Florida State University

Fiona Watson, Ph.D.—(2008)-2014
Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Harvard University

Gregg B. Whitworth, Ph.D.—(2011)-2017
Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco

Charles T. Winder, M.S.—(2009)-2009
Laboratory Instructor
M.S., University of Tennessee



