2017-2018 University Catalog archived
Psychology (PSYC)
The department offers a psychology major leading to either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science degree. The choice of degree program should be determined after consultation with a member of the department. Both degree programs emphasize research methodology and would be appropriate for students interested in pursuing graduate study in psychology or allied fields. The B.S. program places greater emphasis on STEM curriculum and research training than does the B.A. program.
HONORS: An Honors Program in psychology is offered for qualified students; see department head for details no later than the winter term of the sophomore year.
Department Head: Karla Murdock
First date is the year in which the faculty member began service as regular faculty at the University. Second date is the year of appointment to the present rank.
Megan Fulcher, Ph.D.—(2004)-2012
Associate Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Virginia
Dan R. Johnson, Ph.D.—(2009)-2015
Associate Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Tyler S. Lorig, Ph.D.—(1988)-1997
Ruth Parmly Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Georgia
Karla K. Murdock, Ph.D.—(2005)-2013
David G. Elmes Term Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Georgia
Robert E. Stewart, Ph.D.—(1997)-2015
Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Virginia
Wythe L Whiting IV, Ph.D.—(2003)-2014
Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Julie A. Woodzicka, Ph.D.—(2000)-2012
Abigail Grigsby Urquhart ‘11 Term Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., Boston College