2016-2017 University Catalog 
    Mar 06, 2025  
2016-2017 University Catalog archived

Official Notification of Approved Catalog Changes

(last updated January 4, 2017)

New or revised courses
Deleted courses
Revisions to degree, major, and minor requirements
Policy changes
Miscellaneous information

New or Revised Courses

BIOL 185 - Data Science: Visualizing and Exploring Big Data
ENGL 294 - Topics in World Literature   - renamed
ENGL 392 - Topics in Literature in English before 1700  
ENGL 393 - Topics in Literature in English from 1700-1900  
ENGL 394 - Topics in Literature in English since 1900  
ENGL 395 - Topics in Literature in English in Counter Traditions
ENGN 125 - Engineering Marvels  
PHIL 218 - Heidegger and Being in the World
PHIL 245 - Poverty, Dignity, and Human Rights  
PSYC 216 - Health Neuroscience   
PSYC 299 - Applications of Psychological Science
PSYC 413 - Psychology Capstone  

Deleted Courses 

From the 2016-2017 catalog:

BIOL 107: Games Nature Plays
BIOL 230: Field Biogeography and Species Conservation
BIOL 235: Plant Diversity
BIOL 265: Integrative Science Topic
BIOL 320: Modern Genetic Analysis
BIOL 321: Advanced Genetics Laboratory
BUS 385: iStartup
CHIN 101: Exploring Chines Language and Culture
CSCI 297:Topics in Computer Science
DH 101: Introduction to Digital Humanities
ECON 248: Economic Analysis of Law
ECON 340: Innovation and Patents
EDUC 375: Elem and Secondary Instrumental Methods for Woodwinds & Brass
EDUC 376: Practicum in Elem and Secondary Instrumental Methods for Woodwinds & Brass
EDUC 377: Elem and Secondary Instrumental Methods for Strings & Percussion
EDUC 378: Practicum in Elem and Secondary Instrumental Methods for Strings & Percussion
ENGL 243: Performing Shakespeare
ENGL 380: Advanced Seminar - renumbered to 392-395
ENV 210: Biogeogropahy and Sense of Place
ENV 211: Chesapeake Bay Watershed Service Learning
FILM 250: The Early Film Experience
GERM 115: Elementary German Conversation
HIST 263: The South since 1877
HIST 339: Seminar: Natives and Strangers
NEUR 402: Directed Individual Study
NEUR 424: Directed Individual Research
JAPN 101: Exploring Japanese Language and Society
JOUR 214: The Vietnam War and the Journalists Who Covered It: 1961-1975
JOUR 225: Crisis Communication - renumbered to JOUR 335
JOUR 232: Research Methods in Mass Communications - renumbered to JOUR 332
JOUR 297: Topics in Public Science
JOUR 320: Covering Crime and Justice: A Practicum
LIT 260: German Film Adaptation
LIT 272: Modern Jewish Literature in Translation
PE 164: Racquet Sports
PE 171: Softball
PE 178: Ballet
PHIL 135: 20th-Century Philosophy
PHIL 280: Philosophy of Nature
PHIL 320: Wittgenstein
PHIL 360: Roe v. Wade and the Abortion Question
PHIL 380: Philosophy of Mathematics
PHIL 385: Philosophy of Time Travel
PHIL 322: Heidegger - changed to PHIL 218
PHYS 240: Thermodynamics - no longer cross-listed with ENGN 240 which remains
PSYC 202: Theories of Personality
PSYC 304: History of Systems of Psychology
PSYC 403: Directed Individual Study
PSYC 451: Internship
PSYC 456: Internship
REL 151: Christianity and Culture Before 1500
REL 235: Spread of Religions in Asia
REL 272: Modern Jewish Literature in Translation
RUSS 113: Conversational Russian
RUSS 114: Supervised Study Abroad: Elementary Russian
RUSS 263: Supervised Study Abroad: Intermediate Russian
RUSS 363: Supervised Study Abroad
SOAN 118 to SOAN 218: Basic Statistics for Social Sciences
SOAN 360 replaced by 370 or 371 - for 2017-18 catalog
SOAN 375: Methods of Social Inquiry - in 2017-18 catalog

Revisions to degree, major, and minor requirements 

Accounting and Business Administration (2016-2017 catalog)
revised the major
“A major in accounting and business administration leading to a Bachelor of Science with Special Attainments in Commerce requires 49 credits…”

“5. At least three additional credits chosen from courses numbered ACCT 280 through ACCT 372 or one of the following: BUS 302, 312, 315, 317, 321, 325, 350, 353, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359”

Africana-Studies (2016-2017 catalog)
revised the minor
“2. Africa-focused course. One course chosen from among HIST 273, 276, 277…
3. African Diaspora-focused course. One course chosen from among ECON 232; ENGL 366; HIST 259, 260; MUS 221; POL 250; 350, 360; SOAN 228; and, when appropriate, AFCA 295, FREN 344, HIST 269
4. Three additional courses from categories 2 and 3 above and the following courses: ECON 233, ENGL 350, HIST 131, 279, 366; LACS 257; LIT 259: PHIL 242, 243 (POV 243), …”

Art History (2016-2017 catalog)
revised the major
“A major in art history leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 36 credits, as follows:
1. ARTH 101 and 102
2. ARTH 140, 141, 170, or 195
3. One course in ARTS
4. At least 18 credits in ARTH to include at least 12 credits chosen from 200-level courses and at least six credits from 300-level courses
5. Capstone: ARTH 395
6 ARTH 473 or 493 or one additional course chosen from ARTH at the 300-level”

Biochemistry (2016-2017 catalog)

revised the major in biochemistry as follows:
The major in biochemistry leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires completion of 54 credits as follows:

“1. BIOL 111 and 113; CHEM 110, …250, 260, 261, 262, 341, 342, …113
2. Two additional courses totaling at least six credits chosen from the following. Only one 400-level course may count toward the major.
BIOL 201, 211, 211S, 220, 223, 225, 240, 285, 301, 310, 320, 350, 385,and when the topic is appropriate and approved by the chemistry department head, BIOL 295, 296, 395, 396, 422, or 423
CHEM 345, and when the topic is appropriate and approved by the chemistry department head, CHEM 295, 297, 298, 299, 399, 401, 402, 403, 421, 422, 423, 473, or 493
NEUR 395, 422, or 423, when the topic is appropriate and approved by the chemistry department head…”

Biology (2016-2017 catalog)

revision to major in biology leading to a BS degree:

“2. BIOL 185, CSCI 102, or CSCI 121…
7. Advanced-level courses provide students with a greater depth of biological thought. Students must take at least three of the following, at least one of which must be a laboratory course (indicated by *)
BIOL 301, 310*, 320*, 321*…
8. Quantitative Biology: One course from BIOL 267, 282, 283, 285, 301, 325, 385…”

revision to minor in quantitative biology, effective with the 2016-2017 catalog
“3. Computer science: one course chosen from BIOL 185, CCSI 102 or CSCI 121…
5. Advance level: one course chosen from BIOL 301, 325 and 385”

Business Administration (2016-207 catalog)
approved the following revision to the major:

“A major in Business Administration leading to a Bachelor of Science with Special Attainments in Commerce requires at least 49 credits total, including at least 24 credits in business administration and 25 credits not in business administration, …”

“5. Non-Business Administration electives: nine credits chosen from the following: ACCT: all courses numbered above 202; ANTH 354 ARTS 217, 218, 220, 224, 226, 227, 228, 231, 232, 320; ARTH 453; CSCI 209, 211, 251; DANC 220; ECON: all courses numbered 200 and above; ENGN 250; ENGL 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 305, 307, 308, 309; ENV 250, 295, 381, 395, 397; JOUR 215, 231, 242, 270, 325, 371, 372, 377; MATH 309, 310, 332, 333, 353; MUS 361; PHIL 240, 242, 346, 348, 354; POL 215, 227, 232, 233, 245, 246, 247, 255, 280, 295, 381; POV 423; PSYC 202, 252, 254, 262, 269; SOAN 202, 212, 228, 245, 246, 251, 262, 265, 280, 375; THTR 220, 235, 238, 239, 251, 253, 361

Chemistry (2016-2017 catalog)

Approved correcting recent changes to the majors in chemistry to reflect the following minimum total credits effective with the 2016-17 catalog:
•    a total of 49 credits required for the chemistry major leading to Bachelor of Arts
•    a total of 58 credits required for the chemistry major leading to a Bachelor of Science

approved revising the majors in chemistry and biochemistry
“2. Two additional courses totaling at least five credits chosen from the following… CHEM 295, 297, 298, 399, …

Chemistry-Engineering (2016-2017 catalog)
revise the major as follows:
1.    … ENGN 203, 204, 240 (PHYS 240), 311, 361; …

Chemistry-Engineering (2017-2018 catalog)
approved deleting the major beginning with the 2017-2018 catalog)
earlier action
[revise the major as follows:
1.    … CHEM 110, 211, 241 or 241S, 242, 260; …
2. Eight additional credits chosen from ENGN 160, 178, or courses numbered 200 or above…”]

Computer Science (2016-2017 catalog)
Revise the major in computer science leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 35 credits, including the following:
4.  MATH 102 or 118 or 122
4.  Two courses chosen from CSCI 315 through CSCI 341
5.  Six additional credits in computer science”

Cultural Heritage and Museum Studies (2017-2018 catalog)
Approved renaming and revising the minor in museum studies as follows, effective with the 2017-18 catalog.
“A minor in cultural heritage and museum studies requires at least 21 credits from seven courses. In meeting the requirements of this minor, a student may not use more than nine credits (three courses) that are used to meet the requirements of any other major or minor.
   1. Core required courses: ARTH 398, 453
   2. Introductory level course: one course chosen from ARTH 101, 102, 140, 141, 170 and, when appropriate, ARTH 195
   3 Intermediate-level course: one course chosen from HIST 230 or 200-level ARTH courses
   4. Looting, Trading, and Marketing: one course chosen from ARTH 125, 245, 257, [ARTH 2– Looting, Destroying, and Curating Cultural Heritage Objects]
   5. Unearthing, Conserving, and Curating: two courses chosen from ARTH 243, 276, 288, 347, 356; CHEM 156; CLAS 200, 338; SOAN 186, 210, 211, 224, 232, 286, 332, 378”

Dance (2016-2017 catalog)
revise the minor in dance:

“2. One course chosen from THTR 251, 253, 336, 338”

Dance (2017-2018 catalog)
revise the minor in dance:

“5. At least six credits chosen from among the following: DANC 120, 215, 225, 230, 233, 235, 250, 202”

East Asian Languages and Literatures (2016-2017 catalog)
revise the minor
“2. Literature and Culture Core: Two courses chosen from
EALL 175, 215
LIT 218…”

Economics (2016-17 catalog)
revised the major
” A major in economics leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 46 credits…”

Education (2016-17 catalog)
revise the minor in Education, effective with the 2016-17 catalog:

“2. Electives: Two courses totaling at least six credits chosen from among the following: EDUC 305, 340, 343, 345, 353, 356, 365, 369 (unless ECON 234 has been taken), 375, 377; THTR 225; and, when appropriate, EDUC 403
3. Fieldwork: At least two credits chosen from the following: EDUC 210, 303, 306, 341, 344, 346, 354, 357, 366, 376, 378; THTR 226; and, when appropriate, EDUC 401 or POV 102”

Engineering (2016-2017 catalog)
changed the name of the Physics-Engineering major to Engineering and revised the major as follows:

A major in engineering leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires completion of at least 63 credits including the following:
    1.    PHYS 111, 112, 113, 114; MATH 101, 102, 221, 332; ENGN 178, 203, 204, 207 (PHYS 207), 225 (PHYS 225), 378, 379
    2.    One lecture/lab sequence chosen from ENGN 301+351 or ENGN 311+361
    3.     Three additional courses chosen from: ENGN 208, 240, 260, 267, 295, 301+351, 311+361, 312, 330, 395
    4.     One additional four-credit laboratory course chosen from CHEM 110, CSCI 121, or at the 200 level or above in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, and physics

Engineering (2017-2018 catalog)
revised the major
    “4.     One four-credit laboratory course not used above chosen from

  • CHEM 110, or CSCI 121, or

  • 200 level or above from a list of approved courses in BIOL, CHEM, CSCI, ENGN, GEOL, PHYS”

English (2016-2017 catalog)

revise the major in English, to replace ENGL 380:

“…3. Literatures before 1700: at least two courses chosen from ENGL 311, …386, 392
4. Literatures between 1700-1900: at least one course chosen from ENGL 334, …367, 393
5. Literatures since 1900: at least one course chosen from ENGL …382, 384, 388, 394
6. “Counter traditions”: at least one course chosen from ENGL 350, 351, 359, 361, 366, 382, 395

English (2017-2018 catalog)

revise the major in English

”...4. Literatures between 1700-1900: at least one course chosen from ENGL 334, …349, 358, 362, 367, 393

Environmental Studies (2016-2017)
Revise the major as follows:
A major in environmental studies leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 41 credits, as follows, including at least two 300-level courses. Students also undertake an experiential-learning activity. A student may not complete both a major and a minor in environmental studies.

  1. Required courses: ENV 110, ENV 111, BIOL 111, BIOL113, INTR 201

  2. Social Science Fundamentals: take one course chosen from: ECON 101, POL 100, POL 105

  3. Geology Fundamentals: take one course chosen from: GEOL 100, 101, 105

  4. Statistics: take either BIOL 201 or INTR 202

  5. Advanced Quantitative Skills: take one course chosen from BIOL 282, 325; ECON 203; GEOL 260

  6. Electives: take six courses from the following with at least one from each category and at least one at the 300 level. Note that a course cannot count in more than one category

A. Systems: take one course chosen from BIOL 217, BIOL 245, BIOL 332, or GEOL 240
B. Interdisciplinary Approaches: take one course chosen from ECON 186 (SOAN 186); ECON 259; ENV 260, 390; or, when approved in advance, BIOL 195 or ENV 295
C. Humanities: take one course chosen from BIOL 335; ENGL 207; PHIL 150, 282; REL 207, 224; SOAN 224, 286; or, when approved in advance, ENV 395 or PHIL 395
D. Social Sciences: take one course chosen from ECON 255, ECON 259, or POL 233
E. Free electives: additional courses not used in the above requirements chosen from the following, or from other courses approved in advance by the head of the major:
BIOL 217, 245, 322, 325, 330, 335 or, when approved in advance, BIOL 195, 398
ECON 186, 255, 259 or, when approved in advance, ECON 288
ENGL 207
ENV 207, 260, 390, 395, 493 or, when approved in advance, ENV 295 OR 395
GEOL 141, 150, 240, 247 or, when approved in advance, GEOL 373
PHIL 150, 282 or, when approved in advance, PHIL 395
POL 233
REL 207, 224
SOAN 186, 224, 285, 286

7. Capstone: take either ENV 397 or ENV 493
8. Experience: A relevant internship, study abroad, research project, or other experiential learning activity approved in advance by the head of the major.

revise the minor in environmental studies for the 2016-17 catalog

“1. Required courses: ENV 110, 397

2. Social Sciences: one course chosen from each of the following two groups:
    Group 1: ECON 101, 186 (SOAN 186); POL 100,105
    Group 2: ECON 255, 259, ENV 295, POL 233
3. Natural and Physical Sciences: one course chosen from each of the following two groups:
    Group 1: BIOL 101, BIOL 111 and 113, GEOL 100, GEOL 101, GEOL 105
    Group 2: BIOL 217, 245, 322, 330, 332, 398; ENV 250; GEOL 141, 150
4. Humanities: two courses chosen from ENGL 380 (when appropriate); BUS 335; ENGL 207, 294; ENV 207, 395; PHIL 150, 280, 282, REL 207, REL 224 (SOAN 224); SOAN 286

Environmental Studies (2017-2018)
Revise the major in environmental studies as follows:
6. Electives: D. Social Sciences: take one course chosen from ACCT 303, ECON 255, ECON 259, or POL 233

Revise the minor in environmental studies as follows:

“2. Social Sciences: one course chosen from each of the following two groups:
    Group 1: ECON 101, POL 100,105
    Group 2: ACCT 303, ECON 255, 259, ENV 295, POL 233

Film and Visual Culture (2016-2017 catalog)

Approved revising the requirements for a minor in film and visual culture, as follows:

“3. Four additional courses from the following, with at least one in each of the three categories.

a. Film Courses: EALL 215; FILM 236, 285; FREN 274; JOUR 212; POL 292; SOAN 225 and, when appropriate, ARTH 295; ENGL 292, 293, 295, 413; FILM 195, 196; LIT 295; ITAL 295; ROML 296; SPAN 290, 295
b. Visual Culture and Analysis Courses: …DANC 220, 240, 340; …
c. Production Courses: …DANC 120…”
and deleting ENGL 243

Geology (2016-2017 catalog)
revising the major in geology leading to a BS degree
“5. At least 24 credits in geology at the 200 or 300 level and …
6. Thesis: at least four credits from either GEOL 472 (2-2) or GEOL 493 (3-3)
6. Additional credits chosen from Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Biology…”

German (2016-2017 catalog)

Approved revising the major in German:
“5. At least three credits from GERM 303, 304, 305 or substitute approved by the department head.”

Geology (2016-2017 catalog)
Approved revising the requirements for the major in geology leading to a Bachelor of Science degree as follows, effective with the 2016-17 catalog.
major in geology A major in geology leading to a Bachelor of Science degree is recommended for students pursuing graduate school or employment in geology and consists of at least 53 credits as follows:
…5. At least 24 credits in geology at the 200 or 300 level and…
6. Thesis: at least four credits from either GEOL 472 (2-2) or GEOL 493 (3-3)
6. Additional credits chosen from Engineering; Geology; Mathematics; BIOL…

Also approved inserting the following text in the 2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16 catalogs:
“Beginning with the Class of 2016, the major requires no thesis (except for students seeking honors) and only 53 credits.”

Integrated Engineering (2017-2018 catalog)
Approved a new major in integrated engineering (IE) leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires completion of at least 65 credits including the following. This major may not be combined with the major in engineering nor with a major in the respective department associated with the science track that a student selects for the IE major.
   1. PHYS 111, 112, 113, 114, MATH 101, 102, 221, 332, ENGN 178, 203, 204, 207 (PHYS 207), 225 (PHYS 225), 378,379
   2. One lecture/lab sequence from ENGN 301+351 or 311+361
   3. One course from: ENGN 208,240,260,267,295, 301+351, 311+361, 312,330,395
   4. Four courses in a single science subject in one of the following tracks:
       • BIOL 111 + 113 and three BIOL courses 200 level or above
       • CHEM 1 IO, 241, 242, and 261
       • CSCI 111, 112, and two CSCI courses 200 level or above
       • GEOL 100 or 101, and three GEOL courses 200 level or above

Journalism (2016-2017 catalog)
revising the journalism sequence of the major in journalism as follows:

a. One course chosen from JOUR 280, … 395…”

revising the business journalism sequence of the major in journalism as follows:

Business Journalism

    a. Additional required courses: ECON 101 and 102 (by the end of the sophomore year), ACCT 201, JOUR 371, 372
    b. Either JOUR 351 or 362
    c. One economics course at the 200 level or above
    d. Three additional courses of at least three credits at the 200 level or above in accounting, business administration, or economics, including  at least one course with an international focus selected from among the following: ACCT 371, 372; BUS 305, 330, 333, 335, 337, 357, 372, 390; ECON 233, 259, 270, 271, 280, 282, 288, 319, 356, and, when appropriate, ECON 295, ECON 395, and other courses with approval of the department head.


Latin American and Caribbean Studies (2016-2017 catalog)
Approved changes to the  minor:

b. Art and Humanities: ARTH 170, 271, 273, 274, 276, 375, 376; HIST 130, 131, 233, 336, 337, 366; SPAN 212; and, when appropriate, FREN 280, HIST 269, 395

“3. Related: 6 credits from the following or any course not used above in 2. … SPAN 192, 201, 216, 270…”

Mass Communications minor (2016-2017 catalog)
Approved changes to the minor:

2. Professional Values: One course chosen from JOUR 240, 242, 301, 344, and 345
3. Media Theory/History: One course chosen from JOUR 221, 225, 231, 296, 318, 319, 325, 332, and 338
4. Media Practice: One course chosen from JOUR 201, 273, 280, 297, 351, 357, 365, 371, 372 and 395
5. Two additional courses in journalism and mass communications
6. Capstone paper and group assessment

Mass Communications minor (2017-2018 catalog)
Approved changes to the minor:

4. Media Practice: One course chosen from JOUR 201, 273, 280, 297, 341, 351, 357, 365, 371, 372 and 395

Medieval and Renaissance Studies (2016-2017 catalog) 

A major in Medieval and Renaissance Studies is revised as follows:
3..a. History and History of Science: CLAS 224; HIST 100,…219, …”
3…b.Literature: FREN 281, …
3…d. Fine Arts: … and when appropriate, …MUS 374, 423; ROML 295; THTR 341.”

Museum Studies (2017-2018 catalog)
Approved renaming and revising the minor in museum studies as follows, effective with the 2017-18 catalog.
“A minor in cultural heritage and museum studies requires at least 21 credits from seven courses. In meeting the requirements of this minor, a student may not use more than nine credits (three courses) that are used to meet the requirements of any other major or minor.
   1. Core required courses: ARTH 398, 453
   2. Introductory level course: one course chosen from ARTH 101, 102, 140, 141, 170 and, when appropriate, ARTH 195
   3 Intermediate-level course: one course chosen from HIST 230 or 200-level ARTH courses
   4. Looting, Trading, and Marketing: one course chosen from ARTH 125, 245, 257, [ARTH 2– Looting, Destroying, and Curating Cultural Heritage Objects]
   5. Unearthing, Conserving, and Curating: two courses chosen from ARTH 243, 276, 288, 347, 356; CHEM 156; CLAS 200, 338; SOAN 186, 210, 211, 224, 232, 286, 332, 378”

Music (2016-2017 catalog)
revise the major in music as follows:

“1.     Required courses: MUS 121, 161, 162, 163, 164, 201, 202, 261, 262, 365 …
2.    Completion of one of the following sequences: …
2.d. General: three courses chosen from MUS 205, … 325, 326, 327,…”
6. Successful completion of MUS 200 every fall and winter term after declaring the music major.”

revise the minor in music as follows:
“4. Successful completion of MUS 200 for two terms.”

Music (2017-2018 catalog)
Approved adding the following major in music leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, effective with the 2017-18 catalog.
A major in music leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires at least 53 credits as follows:
   1. MUS 121, 161, 162, 163, 164, 195, 201, 202, 261, 262, 325, 365, 473 or 493 (thesis)
   2. Completion of one of the following emphases:
   a. Vocal Music Emphasis:
       • MUS 116, 210, 326;
       • 7 credits of applied study in voice; and
       • 8 credits of major choral ensemble (MUS 109, 110)
   b. Instrumental Music Emphasis:
       • MUS 327, 350, 351, 352, 353;
       • 7 credits of applied study on primary instrument (in addition to any applied piano courses that may be required in order to complete the piano proficiency requirement); and
       • 8 credits of major instrumental ensemble (MUS 113, 114, 115)
   3. Enrollment in ensemble courses (108-116) is required every fall and winter term after declaring the music major
   4. Demonstrated piano proficiency by the end of the sophomore year
   5. Successful completion of MUS 200 every fall and winter term after declaring the music major.

Neuroscience (2016-2017 catalog)

A major in neuroscience leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires the completion of at least 50 credits in science and mathematics, including 47 or more credits from the following:

1.   Core (5 courses): BIOL 111 /113; BIOL 211, 211 S, or 220; CHEM 110; NEUR 120; and PSYC 110 or 111
2.   Quantitative Methods (3 courses):
     a. Computational: One course chosen from BIOL 185, 282; CSCI 102, 121
     b. Statistics and Research Design: PSYC 120; and either BIOL 201 or PSYC 250
3.   Specialization: Completion of at least five additional courses selected from the following and chosen from at least two disciplines.
     a. BIOL 211 (or 211 S), 220, 243, 250, 255, 275, 280, 282, 283, 360, 365, 397
     b. CSCI 102, 121
     c. ENGN 267 (BIOL 267)
     d. NEUR 395
     e. PSYC 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259
4. Capstone: Six credits chosen from the following.
     a. At least three credits chosen from NEUR 423, 442, 493, PSYC 353, 354, 355, 359
     b. No more than three credits chosen from NEUR 401, 403, 422, 453”

Neuroscience (2017-2018 catalog)

revised the major:

“1.   Core (5 courses): BIOL 111 /113; BIOL 211, 211 S, or 220; CHEM 110; NEUR 120; and PSYC 110 or 111”

“3.   Specialization: …
     e. PSYC 216, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259”

Philosophy (2016-2017 catalog)

revision to Philosophy major leading to a BA degree
“1.b. Two courses from each of the following three groups:
Ethics and value theory: PHIL 100, 140, 145, 150, 240, 241 (POV 241), 242, 243 (POV 243),…
History of philosophy or major figures: PHIL 100,… 218 (REL 218), 221…”

d. Continental philosophy: One of the following, which may also satisfy b. or c. above: PHIL 215, 218 (REL 218), 230…”

revision to Philosophy minor, effective with the 2016-17 catalog
“History of philosophy or major figures: PHIL 100, …218 (REL 218), 221…”

Physics (2016-2017 catalog)

Approved revising the requirements for a major in physics, effective with the 2016-17 catalog, as follows.

“A major in physics leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires completion of at least 50 credits including the following:
1. PHYS 111, 112, 113, 114, 207 (ENGN 207), 210, 215, 220, 225 (ENGN 225), 230, 340, 345; MATH 332, 333
2. One additional PHYS course at the 200- or 300-level
3. Seven additional credits chosen from the following, with no more than three credits at the 400-level:
• BIOL 280, 282, 283, 385
• CHEM 110, CHEM numbered 200 and above
• CSCI 121, 211, 250
• ENGN numbered 200 and above
• GEOL 211, 275, 311
• MATH 303, 309, 310, 345, 353
• PHYS numbered 200 and above

Additional courses required as prerequisites for completion of the above include MATH 101, 102, and 221.”

Politics (2016-17 catalog)
revised the major
“A major in politics leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 40 credits …”
“2…c. International/Global Politics: completion of four courses chosen from POL 214, …, 268 (SOAN 268), 272 (SOAN 272), …”

Poverty and Human Capability Studies (2016-2017 catalog)
revisions for the minor in poverty and human capability studies
3. At least 10 credits (9 credits for those completing POV 103) chosen from among the following:
ECON 229, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 280; … POV 102, 241, 243 (PHIL 243), 295 (LAW 221), 296; …PSYC 235; SOAN 186 (ECON 186), 202, 228, 266, 268 (POL 268), 288, 290; …; approved independent-study courses that focus on poverty and human capability; or other course offerings (“related courses” on the Shepherd website) that provide students substantial opportunity to address poverty and human capability (e.g., through a major project on a poverty-related topic). These “related courses” must be approved in advance by the director of the Shepherd Program and the course instructor.”

Poverty and Human Capability Studies (2017-2018 catalog)
revisions for the minor in poverty and human capability studies
3. At least 10 credits (9 credits for those completing POV 103) chosen from among the following:
; … POV 102, 241, 243 (PHIL 243), 245 (PHIL 245),295 (LAW 221), 296; …;

Public Accounting (2017-2018 catalog)
revise the major in public accounting as follows:
“4. At least six credits chosen from among ACCT 280, 297, 303, 311…”

Psychology (2016-17 catalog)
revise the majors as follows:

A major in psychology leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree requires completion of at least 42 credits in psychology distributed as follows:

1. Foundations:
      a. PSYC 110 or111
      b. PSYC 112,113, 114
2. Methods and Applications: PSYC 120, 210, 250, 299
3. Capstone: PSYC 413
4· Two topical seminars selected from PSYC 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259, 261, 262, 265, and 269
5· One advanced methods course selected from PSYC 353, 354, 355, 359, 362, 365, and 369
6. At least six additional credits chosen from PSYC courses numbered below 400
7. Completion of the Major Field Test (MFT) in psychology

A major in psychology leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires completion of at least 52 credits in psychology and cognate fields distributed as follows:

1. Foundations:
     a. PSYC 110 or 111
     b. PSYC 112, 113, 114
2. Methods and Applications: PSYC 120,210,250,299
3· Capstone: PSYC 413
4· Two topical seminars selected from PSYC 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259, 261, 262, 265, and 269
5. Two advanced methods courses selected from PSYC 353, 354, 355, 359, 362, 365, and 369
6. At least 12 additional credits chosen from among the following, with no more than 6 credits in psychology: courses in BIOL, CHEM, CSCI, MATH, NEUR, PHYS, and PSYC 118, 150, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259
7. Completion of the Major Field Test (MFT) in psychology

Psychology (2017-18 catalog)
revise the major as follows:

A major in psychology leading to a Bachelor of Science degree requires completion of at least 52 credits in psychology and cognate fields distributed as follows:

“6. At least 12 additional credits chosen from among the following, with no more than 6 credits in psychology: courses in BIOL, CHEM, CSCI, MATH, NEUR, PHYS, and PSYC 118, 150, 216, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 259”

Public Accounting (2016-17 catalog)
revise the major:

A major in public accounting leading to a Bachelor of Science with Special Attainments in Commerce requires 55 credits (with 144 credits total being required to graduate) …”

Romance Languages (2016-17 catalog)
revise the major in Romance languages with a Spanish emphasis:
“3. Five Spanish courses numbered 300 or above, as follows.
a. One course on literature of Spanish America chosen from SPAN 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, …
c. One additional course in literature chosen from SPAN 312, …340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, …”

Sociology and Anthropology (2016-2017 catalog)

revised the major leading to the BA degree as follows:

7.   Approved revising the statement of requirements for a sociology and anthropology major as follows, effective with the 2016-17 catalog.

A major in sociology and anthropology leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree consists of at least 36 credits, as follows.

1.   Introduction: SOAN 101 and 102
2.   Theory: SOAN 370 or 371
3.   Methods: Two courses chosen from the following: SOAN 208, 210, 211, 218, 265, 276, 378. With permission, INTR 202 or PSYC 120 may be used to meet this requirement.

4.   Emphasis: Completion of one of the two following areas of emphasis.

      Anthropology emphasis: take nine additional credits from the electives listed below, two in anthropology and one in sociology

      Sociology emphasis: take nine additional credits from the electives listed below, two in sociology and one in anthropology

Anthropology electives: SOAN 181, 186, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 223, 224 (REL 224), 230 (HIST 230), 232, 238 (HIST 238), 240, 243 (ARTH 243), 252, 255, 275, 277, 285 (REL 285), 286, 288, 291, 378, 391

Sociology electives: SOAN 180, 202, 205, 212, 218, 221 (REL 221), 225, 228, 234 (HIST 234), 245 POL 245), 246 (POL 246), 251 (POL 251), 256 (HIST 256), 265, 266, 267, 268 (POL 268), 270, 272 (POL 272), 276, 280, 281, 289, 290, 367 (HIST 367), 390

5.   Additional Electives: At least 9 additional credits chosen from SOAN courses numbered 200 or above. When approved in advance by the department head, up to three courses numbered at the 200 level or above in economics, history, philosophy, politics, psychology, religion or other disciplines may be substituted into this requirement.

6.   Capstone: SOAN 395 or 396. With permission, one term of SOAN 493 may be used to meet this requirement.

Spanish (2016-17 catalog)
revise the major in Spanish:
“3. Five Spanish courses numbered 300 or above, as follows.
a. One course on literature of Spanish America chosen from SPAN 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, …
c. One additional course in literature chosen from SPAN 312, …340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 347, …”

Strategic Communication (2016-2017 catalog)
added to the major:
8. Completion of a portfolio in the senior year for assessment.

Strategic Communication (2017-2018 catalog)
revised the major:
“3. One course chosen from JOUR 227, 351…”

Theater (2016-2017 catalog)

revised the major as follows:

“1. THTR 131, 132, 141, 209…
2.At least 12 credits chosen from among the following including at least six credits chosen from theater courses: THTR 100,202,203,…341, 297, 423,453, 493.
3.THTR 100, 202, 203, 304, 215, 216, 220, 225, 226, 235…”

revised the minor as follows:
“1 THTR 109, 131, 132, 141, 209”

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (2016-2017 catalog)

Approved revising the name of the women’s and gender studies program and minor to women’s, gender, and sexuality studies (to be abbreviated as WGSS),effective with the 2016-2017 catalog.

Approved revising the minor in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies as follows:
“2…a. Social and Natural Sciences: BIOL 255; POL 251 (SOAN 251), 255; PSYC 213, 215, 262, 269; …

“2…b. Humanities and other disciplines: ENGL 261, 312, 313, 320, 358, 359; HIST 206, 219, 228, … and, when appropriate, ENGL 250, 293, 299, 380; FREN 331, 397; LATN 326; LIT 180, 220, 295; REL 295; SPAN 295, 397, 398; and WGS 180

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (2017-2018 catalog)

Approved revising the minor in women’s, gender, and sexuality studies as follows:
“2…b. Humanities and other disciplines: … HIST 206, 219, 228,257, 258, 285, 378, 379; LEGL 345: PHIL 235 …

Policy Changes

Academic Honors (for 2016-2017 catalog)

Approved revising the academic honors awarded during students’ undergraduate career by establishing a President’s List, effective with the 2016-17 academic year. Dean’s List and Honor Roll recognition would end with the Winter 2016 term.

DELETE, after Winter 2016

Dean’s List
The Dean’s List consists of those students who, on the last preceding fall or winter term report, have completed 12 or more credits including work-in-progress (WIP) and whose term grade-point average is 3.400 or above, with no grade lower than C (2.0) and whose cumulative grade-point average is 2.000 or better.

Honor Roll
The Honor Roll consists of those students who, on the last preceding fall or winter term report, have completed 12 or more credits including work-in-progress (WIP) and whose term grade point average is 3.750 or above. The Honor Roll is published at the end of the fall and winter terms.

ADD, effective with the 2016-17 academic year

President’s List
The President’s List consists of those full-time, undergraduate, degree-seeking students who, as of July 1 each year,
•    have completed at least 24 W&L-graded credits toward the GPA during the preceding academic year. For the fall, winter, and spring terms combined, the following will not be considered: transfer credit and grades of Incomplete, Pass, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Work-in-Progress. Also, credits associated with original attempts of courses repeated in the same year are not included in the calculation.
•    have received only grades of C (2.0) or higher in graded courses of at least one credit in that period; and
•    were among the top 30 percent of the students so eligible in their respective class year.

Residency Requirement (2016-2017 catalog)
- revise the residency requirement, effective with the Class of 2017.

The residency requirement has two components. With the exceptions of some transfer students and all continuing education students, degree-seeking students must be enrolled full-time at W&L:
1.    for a minimum of six terms, typically on campus, and
2.    during the senior year (three terms prior to graduation), except for a Spring Option term.

Spring-term courses taught in other locations by W&L faculty and approved study abroad count toward full-time enrollment. Spring Option terms do not contribute toward meeting the six-term requirement. Students who transfer to W&L with 50 or more credits may use one fall, winter, or spring term of W&L-approved study abroad in fulfillment of this residency requirement. Other transfers must study on campus for at least six terms. Continuing education students may fulfill this requirement as part-time students.

The Committee on Courses and Degrees may make exceptions to this residency requirement for educational reasons to allow students to complete their remaining requirements at another approved institution. Courses taken under such an exception during summer school are still subject to the restrictions listed under Summer School Credit.


slightly revised The Major language to make clear a limit of three majors…

“… Students may major in more than one area by completing the requirements of each area. Those who find additional majors more attractive should recognize the costs in constrained breadth of education (i.e., fewer electives) and consider the option of a secondary emphasis, perhaps in the form of a minor or other group of courses, without fulfilling formally the requirements of additional majors. A student may not declare more than three majors.

Requirements for the Degree/Major Declarations

Approved the following language to be added to the “Baccalaureate Degree” section of the catalog and, as appropriate to declarations, in sections of the catalog labelled Requirements for the Degree and Academic Regulations.

“Liberal Education
The freedom to explore unfamiliar and dissimilar fields of study is a hallmark of a liberal arts education. Washington and Lee University offers nearly 700 distinct undergraduate courses each year. Students should broaden their experience by exploring these courses, whether or not they contribute directly to a major or minor. For a liberally educated person, no opportunity to learn should be considered a waste.

Students should plan on using elective, foundation, and distribution coursework to explore the curriculum. Courses outside majors and minors contribute significantly to the formation of the liberally educated person. Students earn a degree from Washington and Lee that is made up of study in elective credits, FDR requirements, and a major.

Beginning with the Class of 2019, students may choose up to three declarations, from the following array of options:
• one major
• one major, one minor
• one major, two minors
• two majors
• two majors, one minor

Rarely, exceptions to these options may be granted by the faculty.”

Additional Bachelor’s Degree (2015-16 catalog)
Eliminated the option for more than one undergraduate degree beginning with the Class of 2019.

Final Examinations
approved a revision of the 2016-2017, 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 undergraduate academic calendars to change to a Fall and Winter exam schedule that eliminates the Friday afternoon period. Exams will end on Friday at 12:00 noon.

“Final examinations are given at the end of each term in a period approved in advance by the faculty… For fall and winter terms, examinations are given on each scheduled Monday through Thursday weekday from 9:00 a.m. to noon and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., on Friday of exam week from 9:00 a.m. to noon, and on a scheduled Saturday from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.”

Miscellaneous Information