2015-2016 University Catalog archived
Theater, Dance and Film Studies (THTR, DANC, FILM)
Theater, Dance, and Film Studies (THTR, DANC, FILM)
HONORS: An Honors Program in Theater is offered for well-qualified majors; see department head for details.
Department Head: Owen M. Collins
First date is the year in which the faculty member began service as regular faculty at the University. Second date is the year of appointment to the present rank.
Owen M. Collins, M.F.A.—(2002)-2005
Associate Professor of Theater
M.F.A., University of South Carolina
Jenefer M. Davies, M.F.A., M.A.L.S.—(2006)-2014
Associate Professor of Dance
M.F.A., George Washington University
M.A.L.S., Hollins University
Shawn Paul Evans, M.F.A.—(2007)-2012
Associate Professor of Theater
M.F.A., University of Virginia
Jemma A. Levy, M.A., M.F.A.—(2014)-2014
Assistant Professor of Acting and Directing
M.A., University of Chicago
M.F.A., Mary Baldwin College
Joseph Martinez, Dip. R.A.D.A.—(1983)-1985
Associate Professor of Theater
Dip. R.A.D.A., Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts
Film and Visual Culture Core Faculty
Edward Adams, Ph.D.—(1993)-2012
Professor of English
Ph.D., Yale University
Howard N. (Hank) Dobin, Ph.D.—(2005)-2005
Professor of English
Ph.D., Stanford University
Shawn Paul Evans, M.F.A.—(2007)-2012
Associate Professor of Theater
M.F.A., University of Virginia
Kimberly M. Jew, Ph.D.—(2004)-2009
Associate Professor of Theater
Ph.D., New York University
John A. Lambeth, Ph.D.—(1985)-2009
Professor of Romance Languages
Ph.D., University of Florida
Andrea Lepage, Ph.D.—(2008)-2014
Associate Professor of Art History
Ph.D., Brown University