2014-2015 University Catalog 
    Feb 16, 2025  
2014-2015 University Catalog archived

The College



 The College Mission

The College provides a liberal education in the arts and sciences and fosters a collaborative environment for faculty and student inquiry. Dedicated faculty members challenge students to sharpen their critical thinking skills and to develop their capacities for clear communication and creative expression. The College faculty is committed to advancing our teaching, curriculum, and campus culture in order to meet the educational needs and aspirations of students in a rapidly changing world.

The hallmarks of a graduate of The College include:

  • A resourceful intellect and talent for independent thinking
  • The capacity to evaluate information critically and to convey it effectively
  • Competence in many methods of defining, approaching and solving problems
  • A lively curiosity about and mature respect for varied cultures and intellectual perspectives
  • A lifelong commitment to learning, to health and well-being, and to the values that inform a W&L education.


The purposes of The College are several: to provide the essentials of a liberal education to all undergraduates before they separate into their fields of specialization; to offer courses and majors leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science; to encourage  independent work and scholarly investigation; and to present courses preliminary to professional training in such fields as engineering, journalism, law and health.

All new undergraduates are members of The College. Their work will be taken in those studies which, in the opinion of the faculty, provide the fundamentals of a liberal arts education. The prescriptions of this first year make possible an intelligent freedom in later years of study and a wise choice of a major field. All first-years will consult with their faculty advisers in the selection of their courses for their sophomore year.

The aim of the work of the first two years is the achievement of breadth; the work of the junior and senior years is directed toward the mastery of a particular study. Students who expect to receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts will do their major work in the liberal arts and humanities, the social sciences, or the natural sciences; students who expect to receive the degree of Bachelor of Science will take specialized work in the natural sciences.


The Departments of Art and Art History, Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Classics, Computer Science, East Asian Languages and Literatures, English, Geology, German and Russian, History, Journalism and Mass Communications, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physical Education, Physics and Engineering, Psychology, Religion, Romance Languages, Sociology and Anthropology, and Theater, Dance and Film comprise the College. The Teacher Education program is also included in The College.

Degrees, Majors, and Minors Offered

The College offers the Bachelor of Arts degree, the Bachelor of Science degree, and the Bachelor of Science degree with Special Attainments in Chemistry. Candidates for a degree with a major listed below will find departmental requirements outlined under those departments in the “Courses of Study” section.

Bachelor of Arts Degree

The College offers the following majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree:

Art History 
Computer Science 
East Asian Languages and Literatures 
Environmental Studies 
German Language 
German Literature 
Independent Work
Medieval and Renaissance Studies 
Romance Languages, French emphasis 
Romance Languages, Spanish emphasis 
Russian Area Studies 
Sociology and Anthropology 
Strategic Communication 
Studio Art 

Bachelor of Science Degree

The College offers the following majors leading to the Bachelor of Science degree:

Computer Science 
Independent Work


The College offers the following minors:

Africana Studies 
Animal Biology 
Art History 
Computer Science 
Creative Writing 
East Asian Studies 

Education Policy 
Environmental Studies 
Film and Visual Culture 
Latin American and Caribbean Studies 
Mass Communications 
Molecular/Cell Biology  
Museum Studies 
Poverty and Human Capability Studies 
Quantitative Biology 
Russian Language and Culture 
Studio Art 
Women’s and Gender Studies  


Advice For First-Year Students

Entering students are expected to select courses that will assist them to begin satisfying Foundation and Distribution Requirements (FDRs) and enable them to explore possibilities for a major or to continue study in a field of special interest. To assist in the selection of courses, new students are assigned initial faculty advisers with whom they confer during the first week of the academic year and who remain available for consultation until a major is chosen. In certain fields, placement tests will be offered on an optional basis to entering first-years, and their results, along with any advanced placement reports, will be used in determining the level of work which should be pursued.

In choosing courses, first-year students should consider that the skills in mathematics and language study they have acquired may deteriorate if they do not continue work in them immediately. They should also be sure to take the courses prerequisite to later work they desire.  They should be aware that more spaces are reserved in science lab (SL) courses for first-years than for subsequent class years. If  they are interested in working for the degree of Bachelor of Science or for the Bachelor of Arts with a major in science, including premedical work, they should register for mathematics and the appropriate introductory science sequence in their initial year. In most circumstances, students should not take two laboratory sciences simultaneously during the first year. All students, in planning their first year, should examine the requirements for any major of potential interest listed under “Courses of Study.”

Students considering graduate work should consult their advisers with regard to possible language and mathematics requirements for advanced degrees.

Administration of The College

 (as of July 1, 2014) 

Kenneth Patrick Ruscio, Ph.D., President of the University

Daniel A. Wubah, Ph.D., Provost

Suzanne P. Keen, Ph.D., Dean of The College

Marcia France, Ph.D., Associate Dean of The College

Wendy L. Price, M.H.P., J.D., Associate Dean of The College

D. Scott Dittman, A.B., University Registrar

The College Faculty are listed under their respective disciplines.

Art and Art History (ARTH, ARTS) 
Africana Studies (AFCA) 
Biology (BIOL) 
Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM) 
Classics (CLAS), Greek (GR), Latin (LATN) 
Computer Science (CSCI) 
East Asian Languages and Literatures (EALL), Chinese (CHIN), Japanese (JAPN) 
East Asian Studies (EAS) 
Education (EDUC) 
English (ENGL) 
Environmental Studies (ENV) 
Film and Visual Culture (FILM) 
Geology (GEOL) 
German and Russian (GERM, RUSS) 
History (HIST) 
Journalism and Mass Communications (JOUR) 
Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) 
Mathematics (MATH) 
Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MRST) 
Museum Studies 
Music (MUS) 
Neuroscience (NEUR) 
Philosophy (PHIL) 
Physical Education, Athletics, and Recreation (PEAR) 
Physics and Engineering (PHYS, ENGN) 
Psychology (PSYC) 
Religion (REL) 
Romance Languages (ROML) 
Russian Area Studies (RAS) 
Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN) 
Theater, Dance, and Film Studies (THTR, DANC, FILM) 
Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS)