2014-2015 University Catalog 
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2014-2015 University Catalog archived

Course Descriptions


Literature in Translation

  • LIT 221 - Japanese Literature in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW FDR requirement. An introduction to Japanese literature in its historical and cultural contexts from premodern to modern times. The course materials draw upon selections from the earliest prose works to contemporary fiction of representative modern writers. Ikeda.

  • LIT 223 - Seminar in Japanese Literature in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW FDR requirement or instructor consent. Selected topics in Japanese literature, varying from year to year. Possible topics include the development of poetic forms, Heian court literature and art, diaries, epics, Buddhist literature, the culture of food and tea, and Noh drama.

  • LIT 225 - Poetry and Drama of Japan in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW FDR requirement. This course is designed to introduce students to the poetry and theater of Japan’s premodern era. We examine classical themes and poetic art forms, and read from the vast canon of Japanese poetry. Readings cover major poets such as Hitomaro, Komachi, Teika, Saigyo, Sogi and Basho. The second part of the course offers a close study of the four traditional dramatic art forms of Japan: Noh, Kyogen or Comic Theater, Puppet Theater, and Kabuki. Students experience the performative aspect of the Noh theater by learning dance movements and song/chant from the play Yuya . The final part of the course demonstrates how classical theater has influenced modern playwrights and novelists. Ikeda.

  • LIT 235 - Tragedies East and West

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: When departmental resources are available.

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. This course is designed to introduce students to the topic of tragedy in both China and the West from its origin in Greece and the Chinese Yuan dynasty up to modern times. It examines the concept of tragedy as a literary genre in the West, its evolution in history, and the aptness of its application to Chinese drama. Primary texts from Western and Chinese classical drama as well as from the modern period are selected as a basis for comparison, with a view to helping students form a comparative perspective in their appreciation of both Chinese and Western drama. Course activities include frequent discussions, writing assignments and projects of student performance, video screenings and a possible trip to either Washington DC or New York City to view a Chinese or Western play in performance. Fu.

  • LIT 256 - Trans-American Identity:Images from the Americas

    (LACS 256) FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. Counts toward the literature distribution requirement for the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program. A multi-genre survey of representative literary works from the Americas, defined as those regions that encompass Latin American and Caribbean cultures. In particular the course uses an interdisciplinary approach to show how exemplary artists from the region have crafted images to interpret and represent their American reality. Selected narrative, film, and poetic works by Spanish-American (Neruda, Garcia Marquez, Rulfo, and Carpentier), Francophone (Danticat), Lusophone (Amado), and Anglophone authors (Walcott, Brathwaite, and Naipaul), among others. Barnett.

  • LIT 259 - The French Caribbean Novel

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. A stylistic and thematic study of identity acquisition through exile, marginalization, struggle, reintegration and cultural blending or any other sociologically significant phenomenon reflected in the literary works of the most important post-colonial French West Indian authors. Spawned largely by Aimé Césaire’s book-length poem, Notebook of a Return to My Native Land , French Caribbean novels have proliferated since the end of World War II. After taking a brief look first at this seminal poem, the course then focuses analytically on novels written by authors such as Haitian Jacques Roumain, Guadeloupeans Simone Schwarz-Bart and Maryse Condé, and Martinicans Joseph Zobel, Raphaël Confiant, and Édouard Glissant. Several films based on, or pertaining to, Césaire’s poem and to certain novels are also viewed. Staff.

  • LIT 260 - German Film Adaptation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Spring 2013 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. This course examines both the history and theory of film adaptation by studying how directors treat and transform major literary works into moving pictures. As closely related art forms, literature and film have much in common – narrative frames, archetypes and audiences, as well as themes, motifs, and values. The study of works of literature and film in tandem leads to the development of more successful strategies and methods for reading texts and images as well as a better understanding of both genres. Kramer.

  • LIT 261 - Modern German Literature in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. A critical study of the novels, plays, stories, and poetry of such modernists as Kafka, Mann, Rilke, Wedekind, Kaiser, and Brecht and such contemporary masters as Bachmann, Bernhard, Frisch, Grass, Handke, and Weiss. Staff.

  • LIT 262 - German Literature Before 1900 in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. Readings from Lessing, Goethe (Faust I and II ), Schiller, Romanticism, Realism, and Naturalism. Staff.

  • LIT 263 - 19th-Century Russian Literature in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. A study of major works by Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov. Brodsky.

  • LIT 272 - Modern Jewish Literature in Translation

    (REL 272) FDR: HL as literature only
    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. Readings in the works of 20th-century authors writing in Yiddish and Hebrew, such as the Polish author Isaac B. Singer, the Russian author Sholem Aleichem, and the Israeli novelists Amos Oz and A. B. Yehoshua. These writings are studied as literary expressions of religious themes and as responses to the historical and religious crises of modern Jewish life in Europe, the United States, and Israel. The class views four films for additional insight into Yiddish and Israeli culture. Students write two interpretive papers and daily analyses of the readings and films. This is a discussion-centered course. Marks.

  • LIT 295 - Special Topics in Literature in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3 credits in Fall or Winter; 4 credits in Spring
    Planned Offering: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisites: Completion of FW requirement. A selected topic focusing on a particular author, genre, motif or period in translation. The specific topic is determined by the interests of the individual instructor. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Spring 2015 topics:

    LIT 295-01: Switzerland’s Postwar Literary Masters: Max Frisch and Friedrich Dürrenmatt (4). Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. Novels, short stories, dramas and essays from Switzerland’s two greatest postwar authors—works that were both a source of national pride and also often embarrassment for the Swiss Confederation.  Frisch and Dürrenmatt were their nation’s staunch supporters and tireless critics, a paradox formed from the attitudes toward the elusive concept of patriotism that these friends and literary rivals held.  Distrust of ideology, loss of identity, the nature of justice and honor, culpability for the Holocaust and communal responsibility for society’s ills are shared concerns and are topics for reflection and analysis in the course. (HL) Crockett.

    LIT 295-03: Celluloid Carmens (4). Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. Study of a major archetype of Western culture, the mythical character Carmen, from the short story by Prosper Mérimée (1845) to her reincarnations on the Opera stage (Bizet’s Carmen, 1875). and on screen (74 versions according to the 2002 University of Newcastle’s Carmen project). Students investigate international screen representations of Carmen from silent movies to today and use them to construct a database. Though no knowledge of French is required, speakers of foreign languages are welcome. During our research, we may need to work on primary sources in various languages. (HL) Frégnac-Clave. Spring 2015


    Winter 2015 topic:

    LIT 295-01: Theater, Women and Sexuality in the Renaissance and Beyond (3). Prerequisites: Completion of FW requirement. An exploration of the role of women theater artists and representations of femininity and sexuality in early modern theater across European cultures such as France, Italy, Spain and England. We explore plays and performance art by women theater artists during Renaissance Europe, such as Isabella Andreini, as well as images of femininity in Renaissance plays by male playwrights such as Niccolò Machiavelli and their echos and influences in the theater of later centuries. All texts are read in English translations. (HL) Radulescu. Winter 2015

  • LIT 363 - Russian Literature in Translation

    FDR: HL
    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Completion of FW requirement. An intensive study of a single Russian novelist to be selected. All readings and discussions in English. Brodsky.


  • MATH 101 - Calculus I

    FDR: FM
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Note: Students needing this course to fulfill an FDR requirement should add to a waiting list when open; additional sections may be added. An introduction to the calculus of functions of one variable, including a study of limits, derivatives, extrema, integrals, and the fundamental theorem.

    Fall 2014 descriptions:

    MATH 101: Calculus I (3). This section assumes that students have already seen some calculus, yet want to start over at the beginning of the calculus sequence. Students who have never seen calculus should instead take 101B (note that 101, 101B, and 101E all lead into Math 102). An introduction to the calculus of functions of one variable, including a study of limits, derivatives, extrema, integrals, and the fundamental theorem. The class meets four days a week. (FM) Dymàcek, Keller, Staff.

    MATH 101B: Calculus I for Beginners: A First Course (3). This class is restricted to and specially tailored for those who are beginning their study of calculus. Students who have already taken calculus cannot take this section. Students who have already seen calculus, yet wish to retake it, must register for 101 or 101E instead of 101B. An introduction to the calculus of functions of one variable, including a study of limits, derivatives, extrema, integrals, and the fundamental theorem. This section meets four days per week. (FM) Staff.

    MATH 101E: Calculus I with Biology Applications (3). Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Corequisite: BIOL 111 or CHEM 110. This section has a strong emphasis on biological applications, and is intended to benefit students interested in biological majors and health-related careers. It is designed and specially tailored for First-Years who took high school biology and who are taking a college lab science course concurrently. It is intended both for those students who have never had calculus before and also for those who have seen some calculus yet want to start over at the beginning of the calculus sequence. Mathematical concepts include the study of limits, derivatives, extrema, integrals, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. This section meets four days per week. Toporikova.

  • MATH 102 - Calculus II

    FDR: FM
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisite: The equivalent of MATH 101 with C grade or better. Note: Students wanting to take this course should add to the waiting list when open; additional sections may be added. A continuation of MATH 101, including techniques and applications of integration, transcendental functions, and infinite series. Staff.

  • MATH 118 - Introduction to Statistics

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: MATH 101. Elementary probability and counting. Mean and variance of discrete and continuous random variables. Central Limit Theorem. Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests concerning parameters of one or two normal populations.

  • MATH 121 - Discrete Mathematics I

    FDR: FM
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    A study of concepts fundamental to the analysis of finite mathematical structures and processes. These include logic and sets, algorithms, induction, the binomial theorem, and combinatorics.

  • MATH 122 - Discrete Mathematics II

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 121. A continuation of MATH 121. Applications of 121 include probability theory in finite sample spaces and properties of the binomial distribution. This course also includes relations on finite sets, equivalence classes, partial orderings, and an introduction to graph theory and enumeration.

  • MATH 171 - Mathematics of Cryptography

    FDR: SC,
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Offered in the spring term when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: MATH 101 or 121. The history and application of cryptography. Topics include private-key codes, the ENIGMA machine and other WWII codes, public-key codes, and the RSA system. Appropriate mathematics is introduced, as necessary, to understand the construction and use of these codes. Several assignments are themselves in code, and students must decipher them just to find out what the homework is. Dresden.

  • MATH 180 - FS: First-Year Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Offered occasionally. Each first-year seminar topic is approved by the Dean of The College and the Committee on Courses and Degrees. Applicability to FDRs and other requirements varies.

    First-year seminar. Prerequisite: First-Year standing. .

  • MATH 221 - Multivariable Calculus

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisite: The equivalent of MATH 102 with C grade or better. Note: Students needing this course to fulfill an FDR requirement should add to a waiting list when open; additional sections may be added. Motion in three dimensions, parametric curves, differential calculus of multivariable functions, multiple integrals, line integrals, and Green’s Theorem.

  • MATH 222 - Linear Algebra

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: MATH 221. Introductory linear algebra: systems of linear equations, matrices and determinants, vector spaces over the reals, linear transformations, eigenvectors, and vector geometry.

  • MATH 270 - Financial and Actuarial Mathematics

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2014 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 102. Topics include the time value of money, the force of interest, annuities, yield rates, amortization schedules, bonds, contracts, options, swaps, and arbitrage. Equal emphasis is given to both the theoretical background and to the computational aspects of interest theory. This course helps prepare students for the Financial Mathematics actuary exam. Staff.

  • MATH 301 - Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics

    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Spring

    Prerequisite: Six credits of mathematics or a grade of at least B in MATH 102. Basic analytical tools and principles useful in mathematical investigations, from their beginning stages, in which experimentation and pattern analysis are likely to play a role, to their final stages, in which mathematical discoveries are formally proved to be correct. Strongly recommended for all prospective mathematics majors.

  • MATH 303 - Complex Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 221 or consent of the instructor. Algebra of complex numbers, polar form, powers, and roots. Derivatives and geometry of elementary functions. Line integrals, the Cauchy Integral Theorem, the Cauchy Integral formula, Taylor and Laurent Series, residues, and poles. Applications.

  • MATH 309 - Mathematical Statistics I

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: The equivalent of MATH 221 with C grade or better. Probability, probability density and distribution functions, mathematical expectation, discrete and continuous random variables, and moment generating functions.

  • MATH 310 - Mathematical Statistics II

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2016 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 309. Sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, testing hypotheses, regression and correlation, and analysis of variance.

  • MATH 311 - Real Analysis I

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisites: MATH 221 with C grade or better; MATH 301 is recommended. Basic properties of real numbers, elementary topology of the real line and Euclidean spaces, and continuity and differentiability of real-valued functions on Euclidean spaces.

  • MATH 312 - Real Analysis II

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: MATH 311. Riemann integration, nature and consequences of various types of convergence of sequences and series of functions, some special series, and related topics.

  • MATH 321 - Abstract Algebra I

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisites: MATH 222; MATH 301 is recommended. Groups, including normal subgroups, quotient groups, permutation groups. Cauchy’s theorem and Sylow’s theorems.

  • MATH 322 - Abstract Algebra II

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: MATH 321. Rings, including ideals, quotient rings, Euclidean rings, polynomial rings. Fields of quotients of an integral domain. Further field theory as time permits.

  • MATH 332 - Ordinary Differential Equations

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: MATH 221 with C grade or better. First and second order differential equations, systems of differential equations, and applications. Techniques employed are analytic, qualitative, and numerical.

  • MATH 333 - Partial Differential Equations

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: MATH 332. An introduction to the study of boundary value problems and partial differential equations. Topics include modeling heat and wave phenomena, Fourier series, separation of variables, and Bessel functions. Techniques employed are analytic, qualitative, and numerical.

  • MATH 341 - Geometric Topology

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall 2014 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 311 or as co-requisite with instructor consent. A study of the shape of space focusing on characteristics not detected by geometry alone. Topics are approached pragmatically and include point set topology of Euclidean space, map-coloring problems, knots, the shape of the universe, surfaces, graphs and trees, the fundamental group, the Jordan Curve Theorem, and homology.

  • MATH 342 - Modern Geometry

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 221. A survey of recent developments in geometry. Topics vary and may include such subjects as the geometry of curves and surfaces, singularity and catastrophe theory, geometric probability, integral geometry, convex geometry, and the geometry of space-time.

  • MATH 345 - Calculus on Manifolds

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisites: MATH 221 and 222. This course builds on material from both multivariable calculus and linear algebra. Topics covered include: manifolds, derivatives as linear transformations, tangent spaces, inverse and implicit function theorems, integration on manifolds, differential forms, and the generalized Stokes’s Theorem. Denne.

  • MATH 353 - Numerical Analysis

    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Spring 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisites: MATH 221 and 222. Analysis, implementation, and applications of algorithms for solving equations, fitting curves, and numerical differentiation and integration. Theorems and proofs are complemented by hands-on programming exercises fostering a concrete understanding of accuracy, efficiency and stability, as well as an awareness of potential pitfalls in machine arithmetic. No previous programming experience is required. Siehler.

  • MATH 361 - Graph Theory

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall 2014 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 122 or 222. Graphs and digraphs, trees, connectivity, cycles and traversability, and planar graphs. Additional topics selected from colorings, matrices and eigenvalues, and enumeration.

  • MATH 363 - Combinatorics

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2015 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: MATH 122, 222 or 301 Topics include counting methods, permutations and combinations, binomial identities, recurrence relations. generating functions, special sequences, partitions, and other topics as time and student interest permit. Finch.

  • MATH 365 - Number Theory

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2014 and alternate years.

    Prerequisite: MATH 301 or consent of the instructor. Topics include prime numbers, Euclidean algorithm, congruences, Chinese Remainder Theorem, Fermat’s Little Theorem, Euler’s Theorem, arithmetic functions, Euler’s phi function, perfect numbers, the quadratic reciprocity law, continued fractions, and other topics as time and student interest permit.

  • MATH 369 - The Mathematics of Puzzles and Games

    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Spring 2014 and alternate years

    Prerequisites: MATH 322 and instructor consent The application of mathematics to puzzles and games. A brief survey on the designs of tournaments. The puzzles and games include but are not limited to the Rubik’s Cube, poker, blackjack, and peg solitaire. Dymàček.

  • MATH 383 - Seminar

    Credits: 3 in fall and winter, 4 in spring
    Planned Offering: Offered when interest is expressed and department resources permit.

    Prerequisite: MATH 321 Readings and conferences for a student or students on topics agreed upon with the directing staff. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Note: Note: Seminar and research offerings are contingent upon the demonstrated need and aptitude of the student for independent work in mathematics and upon the availability of departmental resources.

  • MATH 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. Individual conferences. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Winter 2015 topics:

    MATH 401-01: Actuarial Prep (1). Prepares students for the FM (Financial Mathematics) actuary exam. Finch.

    MATH 401-02: Combinatorics of Partially Ordered Sets (1) Prerequiisite: Instructor consent. Introduction to partially ordered sets: Dilworth’s theorem, linear extensions, linear discrepancy, interval orders, and online algorithms for posets. Keller.

    MATH 401-03: Counting Permutations with Restricted Positions (1). Prerequisite: Instructor consent. An examination of the number of permutations on n letters with various restrictions. Dymàček.

    Fall 2014 topics:
    MATH 401-01: Actuarial Problem Solving (1). Prerequisite: Instructor consent. An investigation of various problem-solving techniques in preparation for Exam P, the probability and statistics actuary exam. Beanland.

    MATH 401-02: GRE Problem Solving (1). Prerequisite: Instructor consent. An investigation of various problem-solving techniques in preparation for the GRE math subject exam. Students are required to register for and take the GRE math subject exam (in the middle of November) as part of this course. Denne and Keller.

    MATH 401-03: Counting Permutations with Restricted Positions (1). Prerequisite: Instructor consent. An examination of the number of permutations on n letters with various restrictions. Dymàček.

    MATH 401-04: Putnam Problem Solving (1). Prerequisite: Instructor consent. An investigation of various problem-solving techniques in preparation for the Putnam math exam. Students are required to register for and take the Putnam exam (the first Saturday of December) as part of this course. Luery and Richards.

  • MATH 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2
    Prerequisite: Consent of the department. Individual conferences. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • MATH 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Individual conferences. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Fall 2014 topic:

    MATH 403-01: Derivatives Markets (3): Prerequisite: Instructor consent required. This course is designed to prepare students for Exam MFE (Models for Financial Economics) from the Society of Actuaries. McRae. Fall 2014

  • MATH 421 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Directed independent work in mathematics, especially for honors candidates. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • MATH 422 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 2
    Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Directed independent work in mathematics, especially for honors candidates. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • MATH 423 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Directed independent work in mathematics, especially for honors candidates. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • MATH 426 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 6
    Prerequisite: Permission of the department. Directed independent work in mathematics, especially for honors candidates. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • MATH 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3
    Planned Offering: Fall-Winter

    Prerequisites: Honors candidacy, senior standing and consent of the department. Honors Thesis.

Medieval and Renaissance Studies

  • MRST 110 - Medieval and Renaissance Culture

    FDR: Offered as 110A when HL; or as 110 when HU; depending on topic.
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    An introduction to the interdisciplinary study of the Medieval and Renaissance periods through the study of a particular topic. Recent studies: The Crusades, Monasticism, Chivalry, Elizabethan England, the Birth of Italian Literature, Pilgrimage, and European Encounters with Islam.

    Winter 2015 topic:

    MRST 110A: Dreaming in the Middle Ages (3). This course explores a broad range of medieval dream theories and literature of dreaming by authors such as Boethius, Chaucer, Langland, Julian of Norwich, and Shakespeare. Student consider how dream vision functions as a vehicle for understanding the human, the divine, the demonic, and the cosmic. We consider how medieval dream literature engages with romance, epic, devotion and theology, philosophy, allegory, travel narrative, and early science fiction. At the same time. we examine how modern cognitive science and psychoanalysis differ from medieval concepts, and how they might be useful in the reading of medieval texts. (HL) Kao. Winter 2015

  • MRST 395 - Seminar in Medieval and Renaissance Studies

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. A seminar concentrating on topics or concepts relevant to Medieval and Renaissance studies. Topics are offered according to the interests of participating faculty. This course may be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Staff.

  • MRST 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Individual study of selected topics in Medieval and Renaissance studies. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Staff.

  • MRST 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall or Winter

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, consent of the program head and the major adviser. Individual research devoted to an original topic dealing with issues pertinent to Medieval and Renaissance studies. The focus of this thesis should coincide with the area of study in which the student has done the most work and should be grounded in interdisciplinary themes. Projects should be approved no later than September 30 of the senior year. Staff.

  • MRST 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3
    Planned Offering: Fall-Winter

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, cumulative grade-point average of 3.300, and consent of the MRST head. Honors thesis devoted to a specialized topic in Medieval and Renaissance studies. Applications for honors should be submitted to the program head no later than March 1 of the junior year. Staff.


  • MUS 100 - The Language of Music Revealed

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Students are introduced to the basic aspects of music theory through the study of scales, intervals, keys, chords, meter, and rhythm. The course is designed for students who have no background in music. Not open to students already qualified for MUS 161. Staff.

  • MUS 102 - Physics and Perception of Music

    PHYS-102 FDR: SL
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Spring. When departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Appropriate for non-science and non-major students with a basic (high-school) knowledge of physics and mathematics. Explores physical principles of sound production and music perception. Hands-on investigation is emphasized. Topics include: wave properties and propagation, harmonic series and spectral analysis, tuning temperaments, response of the human ear. auditory processing, room acoustics, audio recording and reproduction technologies, characterization of various instrument families (strings, brass, woodwind, percussion, and voice). Erickson.

  • MUS 108 - Supervised Piano Accompanying

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter, Spring

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. A practical course in the skills of piano accompaniment, including sight reading, score reading, study of style, methods of expression, transposition, and rehearsal techniques. Students are expected to accompany solo vocalists and instrumentalists, play in chamber ensembles, or accompany the University choruses. A faculty member is assigned to coach and tutor the student. This course may be repeated. S. Petty.

  • MUS 109M - Men’s Glee Club

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    The oldest choral ensemble at W&L, dating back to early 20th century, the Glee Club performs regularly on campus, at athletic events, and in the community in the time-honored tradition of men’s choral singing. The Glee Club also routinely performs mixed choral repertoire with Cantatrici. This course may be repeated. Lynch.

  • MUS 109W - Cantatrici

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Cantatrici (“excellent female singers”) is the newest ensemble at W&L. Made up of singers representing a diverse cross-section of the student body, Cantatrici performs regularly throughout the campus and community, focusing on regional touring and community outreach. Cantatrici also routinely performs mixed choral repertoire with the Men’s Glee Club. This course may be repeated. Lynch.

  • MUS 110 - University Singers

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. University Singers are chosen by a competitive audition process each Spring, representing a wide cross-section of majors, resulting in one of the finest a cappella choirs in the region and undertaking national or international tours every year. The University Singers perform a wide variety of literature at major venues across the globe while serving as W&L artistic ambassadors in concert series, music festivals, conventions, and university events, including concerts, convocations, and the annual candlelight lessons and carols service. This course may be repeated. Lynch.

  • MUS 112 - Chamber Ensembles

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter, Spring

    Prerequisite: Most sections require instructor consent. This course may be repeated. Small chamber groups consisting of vocalists and instrumentalists are created to perform music. 

    Bluegrass Ensemble offers students the opportunity to study and perform the traditional music of Appalachia in which improvisation is encouraged.

    Brass Ensemble offers students the opportunity to study and perform literature for brass instruments in various combinations.

    Electronic Music Ensemble (EME) is ideal for any musician interested in utilizing music technology in performances. The EME performs music from a variety of genres, capitalizing on members’ strengths, and calling upon performers to incorporate electronic music with their instrumental or vocal specialty and affording those students who specialize in composition, engineering, and production opportunities to utilize their skills. No instructor consent required.

    String Ensemble offers students the opportunity to study and perform literature for violin, viola, cello, and double bass in various combinations.

    Woodwind Ensemble offers students the opportunity to study and perform literature for woodwind instruments in various combinations. Staff.

  • MUS 113 - University Wind Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    This course may be repeated. The University Wind Ensemble consists of wind and percussion players who perform band repertoire in concerts on and off campus. Staff.

  • MUS 114 - University-Shenandoah Symphony Orchestra

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    This course may be repeated. Students who play an orchestral string instrument may join the USSO, which is composed of university students, as well as area professional musicians and local residents. Staff.

  • MUS 115 - University Jazz Ensemble

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    This course may be repeated. The University Jazz Ensemble is made up of woodwind, brass, and rhythm section players and performs in a wide range of styles, from early swing to contemporary sounds. Del Vecchio.

  • MUS 116 - Bentley Musical Rehearsals

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall

    This course may be repeated. This course is designed for rehearsal of music in preparation for the annual Bentley Musical. Only those cast in the production may enroll. Rehearsals are scheduled each year subject to the availability of the cast and instructor. While some cast members rehearse during weekdays, most should expect evening and weekend rehearsals. An audition is required and such dates are announced in advance by the Departments of Music and Theater and Dance. Staff.

  • MUS 117 - Fundamentals of Conducting

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisites: MUS 161 and 162 or instructor consent. A course designed to acquaint the student with the fundamental elements of conducting technique, such as beat patterns, cueing, gestures of expression and dynamics, transposition techniques, and score reading. Staff.

  • MUS 120 - Introduction to Music

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Development of musical understanding and enjoyment through acquiring skills in listening to music. Emphasis is placed upon learning to hear, to recognize, and to relate the various elements of music. T. Gaylard.

  • MUS 121 - Worlds of Music

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter.

    This course introduces students to musical cultures outside of the Western European tradition. Through readings, lectures, listening sessions, and research, students explore the musical traditions of Native American, African, African-American, Central and Southeastern European, Indian, Indonesian, Asian, Latin American, and Arab cultures. Whenever possible. attendance at a live concert of non-Western European music is included. Parker.

  • MUS 141 - Applied Music: First Year

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: All terms.

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. One credit is earned for ten 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of five hours practice a week during fall and winter terms; seven 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of seven hours of practice a week are required during the spring term. (A fee is charged for applied music. A music major is entitled to one applied music course per term without charge.) Note: A limit of nine credits for nonmajors and 12 credits for majors in applied music courses (140s, 240s, 340s, 440s) is allowable toward a degree. Available in brass, jazz improvisation, percussion, piano, strings, voice, and woodwinds. Staff.

  • MUS 161 - Music Theory I

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: Music major or instructor consent. Study of scales, triads, chord progressions; instruction in harmonic analysis and four-part writing from the 17th and 18th centuries and aural skills. Vosbein.

  • MUS 162 - Music Theory II

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: MUS 161. A continuation of MUS 161, including the writing and analysis of musical progressions and the study of chromatic harmony. Vosbein.

  • MUS 181 - FS: First-Year Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Offered occasionally. Each first-year seminar topic is approved by the Dean of the College and the Committee on Courses and Degrees. Applicability to FDRs and other requirements varies.

    Prerequisite: First-Year standing. First-Year seminar. Topics vary by term and instructor. Staff.

  • MUS 195 - Topics in Sound Technology

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall

    An exploration of a specific topic in which students investigate the tools and techniques of modern sound technology. Audiovisual resources and required field trips may be used to enhance the course material. The class has an emphasis on hands-on learning with the latest recording hardware and software. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

    Fall 2014 topic:

    MUS 195 - Topics in Music Technology: Introduction to Music Software (1). Through lectures, video tutorials, weekly assignments, and three projects, students gain proficiency in and a working knowledge of the music software applications supported by the Music Department. This software falls into two categories: music notation (Finale and Sibelius) and Digital Audio Workstations (ProTools, REAPER and Ableton Live). This course emphasizes music technology skills and competencies to accomplish common tasks. Spice.

  • MUS 201 - Music History I

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    A survey of music from the Middle Ages through the Classical period. Williams.

  • MUS 202 - Music History II

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: Ability to read music. Student who take this course should have the ability to read music.  A study of music from the Classical period to the present. Williams.

  • MUS 205 - Introduction to the Music Industry

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2015 and alternate years.

    This course is a general overview and a study of the major functional areas of the music business. Emphasizing the importance of entrepreneurship, students use a case study model for the analysis and synthesis of new ideas. Course work emphasizes the skills of discussion and listening, reflection and writing, and creative collaboration. This course engages students in learning the fundamentals of the music business while discovering ways to shape the industry’s future Spice.

  • MUS 210 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter 2012 and alternate years.

    Prerequisite: Two terms of applied vocal study and instructor consent. Designed for music and theater majors and advanced non-majors This course focuses on the basic functions of vocal production and strategies for teaching healthy singing. Widney.

  • MUS 220 - Music in the United States, 1607-1970

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall 2011 and alternate years

    A study of musical styles in America from the time of the first settlers. Topics include Puritan psalms, patriotic music, songs of the Civil War, spirituals, gospel, blues, ragtime, jazz, rock’n’roll, musical comedy, popular song, and various trends in Classical music from the Moravians to the avant-garde. The course will cover major works by Ives, Gershwin, Copland, and Ellington. Gaylard.

  • MUS 221 - History of Jazz

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    A study of the development of jazz from its roots in turn-of-the-century New Orleans to contemporary styles. Strong emphasis is placed on listening and recognition of the performers and composers discussed. Vosbein.

  • MUS 222 - A Year in Jazz

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Spring 2013 and alternate years

    An in-depth view of a one-year span in the history of America’s only native art form. Students become absorbed in the era through the study of seminal recordings, historic videos, and readings. Research projects complete the term.

  • MUS 231 - Classical Music

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall 2012 and alternate years

    Stylistic study of music of the last half of the 18th century. Emphasis on the symphonies, sonatas, choral music, chamber music, and operas of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven. Gaylard.

  • MUS 232 - Romantic Music

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Topics in the 19th century, including the symphony, the symphonic poem, program music, piano music, nationalism, song, and opera. Composers such as Beethoven, Berlioz, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Wagner, and Mahler will be covered. Gaylard.

  • MUS 241 - Applied Music: Second Year

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: All terms.

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. One credit is earned for ten 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of five hours practice a week during fall and winter terms; seven 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of seven hours of practice a week are required during the spring term. (A fee is charged for applied music. A music major is entitled to one applied music course per term without charge.) Note: Note: A limit of nine credits for nonmajors and 12 credits for majors in applied music courses (140s, 240s, 340s, 440s) is allowable toward a degree. Available in brass, jazz improvisation, percussion, piano, strings, voice, and woodwinds. Staff.

  • MUS 260 - Music Theory III

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: MUS 162. A continuation of MUS 162, focusing on analysis of harmonies, forms, and styles from the Romantic period, impressionism, and the early 20th century. Includes an aural-skills component. Vosbein.

  • MUS 295 - Topics in Music

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3 credits in Fall or Winter; 4 credits in Spring
    Planned Offering: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Selected studies in music with a focus on history and culture, non-classical genres, ethnomusicological topics, or performance. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different. Staff.

  • MUS 296 - Spring-Term Topics in Music

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 4
    Planned Offering: Offered in spring when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit

    Prerequisite: Varies by topic. Selected studies in music with a focus on history and culture, non-classical genres, ethnomusicological topics, or performance. May be repeated for degree credit if the topics are different.

  • MUS 325 - Choral Conducting and Methods I

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: MUS 162 and instructor consent. This course is designed to provide essential skills for basic choral conducting, including work on gesture, rehearsal techniques, vocal pedagogy, and logistical considerations. Lynch.

  • MUS 326 - Choral Conducting and Methods II

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter.

    Prerequisite: MUS 325 and instructor consent. A continuation of MUS 325, with a focus on more advanced gesture and rehearsal techniques and choral literature and approaches from a broad spectrum of historical and cultural era and a variety of ensemble types. Lynch.

  • MUS 341 - Applied Music: Third Year

    Credits: 1-2
    Planned Offering: All terms.

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent. One credit is earned for ten 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of five hours practice a week during fall and winter terms; seven 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of seven hours of practice a week are required during the spring term. (A fee is charged for applied music. A music major is entitled to one applied music course per term without charge.) Note: Note: A limit of nine credits for nonmajors and 12 credits for majors in applied music courses (140s, 240s, 340s, 440s) is allowable toward a degree. Available in brass, jazz improvisation, percussion, piano, strings, voice, and woodwinds. Special departmental permission is required for students wanting two-credit applied music courses. Staff.

  • MUS 361 - Advanced Composition I

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: MUS 260. This course is the first step in the preparation for the senior composition recital. Original compositions are created and then performed during applied music recitals. Individual instruction is combined with a weekly seminar. Vosbein.

  • MUS 362 - Advanced Composition II

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Winter

    Prerequisite: MUS 260. A continuation of MUS 361. Vosbein.

  • MUS 395 - Seminar for Music Majors: Approaches to Music

    FDR: HA
    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisites: MUS 120, at least junior standing, and major in music. An exploration of a specific musical topic around which music majors utilize and develop techniques in finding and evaluating research resources (in both print and electronic form), as well as applying the tools of detailed analysis. Assignments include those that require writing and presentation skills in preparation for work on a thesis. Staff.

  • MUS 423 - Directed Individual Project

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisites: Music major and instructor consent. May be repeated for degree credit with permission. Staff.

  • MUS 441 - Applied Music: Fourth Year

    Credits: 1-2
    Planned Offering: All terms

    Prerequisites: Instructor consent; seniors must have permission of the department head. One credit is earned for ten 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of five hours practice a week during fall and winter terms; seven 45-minute private lessons and a minimum of seven hours of practice a week are required during the spring term. (A fee is charged for applied music. A music major is entitled to one applied music course per term without charge.) Note: Note: A limit of nine credits for nonmajors and 12 credits for majors in applied music courses (140s, 240s, 340s, 440s) is allowable toward a degree. Available in brass, jazz improvisation, percussion, piano, strings, voice, and woodwinds. Special departmental permission is required for students wanting two-credit applied music courses. Staff.

  • MUS 451 - Internship

    Credits: 1
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: At least 12 credits in music appropriate to the internship. After consultation with the head of the Department of Music and a representative of the sponsoring organization, students may submit a written description of a proposed summer internship with an organization such as an arts presenter, a performance group, a record company, or an opera company. Specific conditions of the internship and of required on-campus, follow-up projects must be approved by the department in advance. Students register for the internship credit(s) during fall registration, and the credit is awarded at the end of the fall term upon acceptable completion of the required, on-campus follow-up project, reviewed by a faculty adviser and the department head. Staff.

  • MUS 452 - Internship

    Credits: 2
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: At least 12 credits in music appropriate to the internship. After consultation with the head of the Department of Music and a representative of the sponsoring organization, students may submit a written description of a proposed summer internship with an organization such as an arts presenter, a performance group, a record company, or an opera company. Specific conditions of the internship and of required on-campus, follow-up projects must be approved by the department in advance. Students register for the internship credit(s) during fall registration, and the credit is awarded at the end of the fall term upon acceptable completion of the required, on-campus follow-up project, reviewed by a faculty adviser and the department head. Staff.

  • MUS 453 - Internship

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall

    Prerequisite: At least 12 credits in music appropriate to the internship. After consultation with the head of the Department of Music and a representative of the sponsoring organization, students may submit a written description of a proposed summer internship with an organization such as an arts presenter, a performance group, a record company, or an opera company. Specific conditions of the internship and of required on-campus, follow-up projects must be approved by the department in advance. Students register for the internship credit(s) during fall registration, and the credit is awarded at the end of the fall term upon acceptable completion of the required, on-campus follow-up project, reviewed by a faculty adviser and the department head. Staff.

  • MUS 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3
    Planned Offering: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisites: Music major and instructor consent. For theory composition students, this culminates with a half-recital of original compositions or an analytical thesis. For history students, this culminates with the writing of a thesis. For performance students, this culminates with a formal half-recital. Staff.

  • MUS 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3
    Planned Offering: Fall-Winter

    Prerequisites: Honors candidacy and senior standing. A summary of prerequisites and requirements may be obtained from the department head. Staff.


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