2009-2010 University Catalog 
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2009-2010 University Catalog archived

Course Descriptions



  • CHEM 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite or corequisite: 16 credits in chemistry or departmental permission.Advanced work and reading in topics selected by the instructor and meeting the special needs of advanced students, in accordance with departmental guidelines (available from chemistry faculty). May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.Staff.

  • CHEM 421 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: CHEM 242 or permission of the instructor.Literature search, conferences, tri-weekly reports and laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required.Staff.

  • CHEM 422 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 2
    Prerequisite: CHEM 242 or permission of the instructor.Literature search, conferences, tri-weekly reports and laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required.Staff.

  • CHEM 423 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: CHEM 242 or permission of the instructor.Literature search, conferences, tri-weekly reports and laboratory work on a project supervised by the instructor and designed by the student and instructor. A final written report on the project is required.Staff.

  • CHEM 433 - Tutorial

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Honors candidacy or permission of the department.Directed reading, conferences, laboratory experiments, and papers on topics mutually agreeable to the student and the staff. Laboratory course.Staff.

  • CHEM 436 - Tutorial

    Credits: 6
    Prerequisite: Honors candidacy or permission of the department.Directed reading, conferences, laboratory experiments, and papers on topics mutually agreeable to the student and the staff. Laboratory course.Staff.

  • CHEM 439 - Tutorial

    Credits: 9
    Prerequisite: Honors candidacy or permission of the department.Directed reading, conferences, laboratory experiments, and papers on topics mutually agreeable to the student and the staff. Laboratory course.Staff.

  • CHEM 471 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemistry.Literature search, conferences, reports and laboratory. Maximum of six credits. Laboratory course.Staff.

  • CHEM 472 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 2
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemistry.Literature search, conferences, reports and laboratory. Maximum of six credits. Laboratory course.Staff.

  • CHEM 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in chemistry.Literature search, conferences, reports and laboratory. Maximum of six credits. Laboratory course.Staff.

  • CHEM 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3
    When Offered: Fall-Winter

    Prerequisite: Honors candidacy and permission.Laboratory work resulting in a thesis exhibiting a significant understanding of an important problem. A student interested in Honors in Chemistry or Biochemistry should notify the Chemistry Department Head by the end of the sophomore year.Staff.


  • CHIN 100 - Supervised Study Abroad: Beginning Chinese

    Credits: 6
    When Offered: Spring 2011 and alternate years

    Prerequisites: Permission of the department and approval of the International Education Committee.This course is designed to introduce Chinese language and culture to students with little or no previous Chinese language background and prepare them for studying firstyear Chinese. Combining language study with studies of other aspects of Chinese culture (literature, art, history, economy, etc.) provides students with firsthand experience of the development of contemporary China. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities. Students learn through personal experience about the emergence of modern China and its changing culture.Fu.

  • CHIN 101 - Exploring Chinese Language and Culture

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    This course is an introduction to Chinese language and culture. Students learn elementary oral and written Chinese and also about the evolution of the Chinese language. Slides, media presentations and film clips are used to demonstrate the impact the language has had on the culture and their interactions in contemporary Chinese society. This course is not a prerequisite for CHIN 111, nor does it allow a student to move to a language course numbered higher than CHIN 111 without permission of the instructor.Staff.

  • CHIN 111 - First-Year Chinese I

    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Fall

    An introduction to modern spoken and written Chinese. In addition to classroom drill in speaking and reading, extensive use is made of both the language laboratory and the computer in outside preparation.Fu.

  • CHIN 112 - First-Year Chinese II

    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisite: CHIN 111 or the equivalent.A continuation of CHIN 111. Further work on modern spoken and written Chinese.Fu.

  • CHIN 115 - Supervised Study Abroad: First-Year Chinese

    Credits: 6
    When Offered: Spring 2011 and alternate years

    Prerequisites: CHIN 112, permission of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee.This course is designed to improve active oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying secondyear Chinese. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students have opportunities to mingle with ordinary Chinese people, to engage in everyday conversation, and to have firsthand experience of the development of contemporary China. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities.Fu.

  • CHIN 261 - Second-Year Chinese I

    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite: CHIN 112 or the equivalent.A continuation of first-year Chinese with intensive drill in spoken Chinese closely coordinated with acquiring Chinese characters and reinforcing sentence patterns. Audiovisual materials are used extensively.Zhu.

  • CHIN 262 - Second-Year Chinese II

    FDR: FL, GE2
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisite: CHIN 261 or the equivalent.A continuation of CHIN 261 with intensive drill in spoken Chinese closely coordinated with acquiring Chinese characters and reinforcing sentence patterns.Zhu.

  • CHIN 265 - Supervised Study Abroad: Second-Year Chinese

    Credits: 6
    When Offered: Spring 2011 and alternate years

    Prerequisites: CHIN 261 or 262, permission of the department, and approval of the International Education Committee.This course is designed to further improve student oral proficiency in Chinese, to introduce various aspects of Chinese culture, and to prepare students for studying third-year. Classes and discussions are held at the International College of Chinese Studies at East China Normal University in Shanghai. Students discuss and debate with Chinese students about emerging social, economic, and policy issues. The program includes field trips to points of historical interests and many cultural activities.Fu.

  • CHIN 301 - Third-Year Chinese I

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite: CHIN 262 or the equivalent.This course is focused upon reinforcement of Chinese structural patterns and extensive acquisition of Chinese characters, as well as topical conversational practice and the introduction of much cultural information essential to communication in Chinese.Staff.

  • CHIN 302 - Third-Year Chinese II

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisite: CHIN 301 or the equivalent.A continuation of CHIN 301 with added emphasis on writing.Staff.

  • CHIN 311 - Advanced Chinese I

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisites: CHIN 302 or the equivalent and permission of the instructor.Advanced readings with discussion in Chinese. This course reinforces Chinese structural patterns and extensive acquisition of Chinese characters and enhances students’ ability to speak and to write. Topics involving current Chinese culture are introduced and discussed.Staff.

  • CHIN 312 - Advanced Chinese II: Contemporary Fiction

    FDR: HL, GE3
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisites: CHIN 311 or the equivalent and permission of the instructor.This course focuses on advanced readings in Chinese literature with intensive practice in speaking and writing. The texts analyzed are authentic modern literary works from both China and Taiwan .Zhu.

  • CHIN 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Advanced study in Chinese. The nature and content of the course will be determined by the students’ needs and by an evaluation of their previous work.Fu.

  • CHIN 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Advanced study in Chinese. The nature and content of the course will be determined by the students’ needs and by an evaluation of their previous work.Fu.

  • CHIN 403 - Directed Individual Study

    FDR: GE3: only when the subject is literary.
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Advanced study in Chinese. The nature and content of the course will be determined by the students’ needs and by an evaluation of their previous work.Fu.


  • CLAS 200 - Ancient and Classical Art

    (ARTH 200)FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Not offered in 2009-2010

    A survey of art and architecture in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the pre-Classical Aegean world, as well as an introduction to Greek and Roman painting, sculpture, and architecture.Staff.

  • CLAS 201 - Classical Mythology

    (LIT 201)FDR: HL, GE3
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Spring, 2010

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW or GE1 composition requirement. An introduction to the study of Greek mythology, with an emphasis on the primary sources. The myths are presented in their historical, religious, and political contexts. The course also includes an introduction to several major theories of myth, and uses comparative materials drawn from contemporary society and media.Carlisle.

  • CLAS 203 - Greek Literature from Homer to the Early Hellenistic Period

    (LIT 203)FDR: HL, GE3
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Not offered in 2009-2010

    Readings in translation from Homer, Hesiod, the tragedians, the comedians, and the lyric and pastoral poets, including selections from Herodotus and Thucydides, and from Plato’s and Aristotle’s reflections on literature. The course includes readings from modern critical writings.Crotty.

  • CLAS 204 - Augustan Era

    (LIT 204)FDR: HL, GE3
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Not offered in 2009-2010

    An interdisciplinary course taught in English, using the tools of literature, history and art to examine a specific, complicated, and pivotally important period in the evolution of western culture, focused on the literary. Readings from the poets predominate (Virgil’s Aeneid and Ovid’s Metamorphosis, selections from Horace, Propertius, Tibullus and other poems of Ovid) and also including readings from ancient historians dealing with Augustus and the major events of his period (e.g., Suetonius, Plutarch, and Tacitus on such topics as Actium and problems of succession). The topic for each lecture is illustrated with slides of works of art and architecture from the period. Selections from historians and from material remains are chosen according to intersection points with the literature.Carlisle.

  • CLAS 208 - The Classical Epic Tradition

    FDR: HL, GE3
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall 2011 and every third year

    In this course, we read some of the most famous stories of the Western world, from the Iliad and the Odyssey, to Milton’s Paradise Lost and Joyce’s Ulysses, via Vergil’s Aeneid and Lucan’s Civil War. All of these works are epic narratives, each presenting a different concept of the hero, and yet, at the same time, participating in a coherent, ongoing, and unfinished tradition. Questions explored include: the problematic nature of the hero, the relation between poetry and violence, the nature of literary tradition.Crotty.

  • CLAS 215 - Ancient Drama and Its Influence

    FDR: HL, GE3
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite: Completion of FW or GE1 composition requirement. In this course we study ancient tragedy and comedy, both Greek and Roman, and look, too, at the cultural forces shaping ancient drama and some of the influence on later drama and thought. In addition to later plays that hail from ancient drama, we consider some philosophical interpretations of the significance of drama, and, in particular, tragedy.Crotty.

  • CLAS 221 - Plato

    (PHIL 221)FDR: HU, GE4c: Philosophy
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter

    A close study of one or several dialogues.Smith

  • CLAS 224 - The World of Late Antiquity

    FDR: HU, GE4b
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Not offered in 2009-2010

    This course introduces students to the historical period between the close of the ancient world and the rise of the Middle Ages ca. 250 to 650 AD). Students read primary sources and explore the historical evidence in order to investigate the reigning historical model of “Decline and Fall” inherited from Edward Gibbon and others, and study the development of Christianity and Judaism during this period. Finally, the course investigates the formation of Europe and the rise of Islam.Johnson.

  • CLAS 238 - Pompeii

    FDR: SS4; GE6d as sociology only.
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter 2010

    The site of ancient Pompeii presents a thriving Roman town of the first century AD, virtually frozen in time by the devastating eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. In this course, we examine Pompeii’s archaeological remains-public buildings, domestic architecture, painting, artifacts, inscriptions, and graffiti-in order to reconstruct the life of the town. We also consider religion, games and entertainment, politics, and the structure of Roman society.Benefiel.

  • CLAS 287 - Supervised Study Abroad: Athens

    (ARTH 287)FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Not offered in 2009-2010

    Prerequisite: Permission of the department.Classics, art history, and/or studio in Greece. The credits may be distributed in any way between art and classics, or three credits may be earned in an approved independent study course in any department, including classics.Staff.

  • CLAS 288 - Supervised Study Abroad: Rome and Ancient Italy

    FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 6 or 3-3
    When Offered: Not offered in 2009-2010

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Offered subject to student interest and faculty availability.This course will trace the growth of Rome and Roman civilization from its modest beginnings to its glory during the Republic and Empire. Lectures and readings will prepare students for daily visits to sites, excavations, monuments and museums in Rome and its environs, and to locations in the Bay of Naples area. Credits may be split between classics and other disciplines with the approval of the departments involved.Benefiel.

  • CLAS 295 - Topics in Classical Civilization

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Selected subject areas in classical civilization. The topic selected varies from year to year. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.

    Topic for Winter, 2010:

    CLAS 295: Ancient Greek Law: Law, Litigation and Democracy in Ancient Greece (3). In this course, we study the rise and evolution of law in ancient Greece, and the role that social formations (specifically, the city-state) and political arrangements (specifically, democracy) had in shaping the rise of law. We study ancient legal codes but consider as well several philosophical and literary texts showing the complex movements in thinking about law. We also study several forensic speeches from the 4th century. We explore constitutional and criminal law, as well as legal procedure and forms of advocacy in ancient Greece. In addition, we wll look at several parallel developments in recent American jurisprudence in order to show the continuing pertinence of the Greek materials, and also to illuminate the issues inherent in the rule of law. CrottyStaff.

  • CLAS 300 - Seminar in Ancient History

    (HIST 300)
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter 2010 and alternate years

    Prerequisites: Junior standing and permission of the instructor.A consideration of the major Greek and Roman historians, the influence of various literary and philosophical conventions on the development of their method, and their approach to selected problems in ancient history evaluated in the light of modern historical research. (HU, GE3: Literature, only if taken as Classics.)Sanders.

  • CLAS 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 421 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, major in classics, and permission of the department.May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 422 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, major in classics, and permission of the department.May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 423 - Directed Individual Research

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, major in classics, and permission of the department.May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.

  • CLAS 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisites: Senior standing, major in classics, and permission of the department.The student researches and writes a senior thesis under the direction of a faculty member.

  • CLAS 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3
    When Offered: Fall-Winter

    Prerequisites: Senior standing and honors candidacy.Honors Thesis.

Computer Science

  • CSCI 101 - Survey of Computer Science

    FDR: FM, GE5b
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    Not open to students with previous credit in computer science.An overview of the discipline of computer science achieved through an introductory-level survey of a number of major areas of computer science. Topics include algorithms used for computer solutions of important practical problems, computer programming, digital logic applied to computer circuitry, computer architecture, data representation and organization, Web page basics, computer networks, and theoretical limits of computation. Lectures and formal laboratories.Staff.

  • CSCI 102 - Introduction to Computational Modeling

    FDR: SC, GE5c
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Spring 2009 only

    This course provides a hands-on understanding of the computational methods that support science and technology now and that will be essential for success in the science, engineering, and business worlds of the near future. The central theme of the course is building computational models of the processes that surround us every day, from the effects of drugs on the body to the formation of galaxies in the universe to the interactions of nations in the global economy. Classroom lectures and textbook readings are supplemented with lab exercises implementing the models using state-of-the-art software tools.Levy.

  • CSCI 111 - Fundamentals of Programming I

    FDR: FM, GE5b
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    A disciplined approach to programming with Python. Emphasis is on problem-solving methods, algorithm development, and object-oriented concepts. Lectures and formal laboratories.Staff.

  • CSCI 112 - Fundamentals of Programming II

    FDR: SC, GE5c
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisite: CSCI 111.A continuation of CSCI 111. Emphasis is on the use and implementation of data structures, introductory algorithm analysis, and objectoriented design and programming with Python. Laboratory course.Staff.

  • CSCI 121 - Scientific Computing

    FDR: FM, GE5b
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Winter

    Not open to students who have taken CSCI 211 or higher.An introduction to computer programming for scientific applications and a survey of the main methodological areas of scientific computation. The course provides the tools needed for students to use computers effectively in scientific work, whether in physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics, biology, psychology, or any field involving quantitative work. Programming in Matlab, a scientific-computing software package, with a focus on topics relevant to students’ major fields of study. Lectures and formal labs.Levy.

  • CSCI 196 - Special Topics in Computer Science for Non-Majors

    FDR: SC, GE5c
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Special topics of current or general interest chosen on the basis of interest to faculty and students. Topics taught vary from year to year and are announced in advance of registration.Staff.

  • CSCI 199 - Special Topics in Computer Science for Non-Majors

    FDR: This course does not satisfy FDR or GE requirements.
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Special topics of current or general interest chosen on the basis of interest to faculty and students. Topics taught vary from year to year and are announced in advance of registration.Staff.

  • CSCI 209 - Software Development

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite: CSCI 112.An examination of the theories and design techniques used in software development. Topics include the software life cycle, design patterns, the Unified Modeling Language, unit testing, refactoring, rapid prototyping, and program documentation.Sprenkle.

  • CSCI 210 - Computer Organization

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite: CSCI 111.Multilevel machine organization studied at the levels of digital logic, microprogramming, conventional machine, operating system, and assembly language.Staff.

  • CSCI 211 - Algorithm Analysis

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisites: CSCI 112 and MATH 121.Computer representations of data structures as derived from mathematical models: stacks, queues, and linked lists. Access methods into data structures, such as hashing and tree searching. Storage allocation and deallocation procedures. Algorithms for manipulating such structures are introduced, analyzed, and implemented by the student.Staff.

  • CSCI 250 - Introduction to Robotics

    FDR: SC, GE5c
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: CSCI 111 or 121 or permission of the instructor.This course combines readings from the contemporary robotics literature with hands-on lab experience building robots with the popular Lego Mindstorms toolkit (provided). The lab experience culminates with a peer-judged competition of robot projects proposed and built during the second half of the course.Levy.

  • CSCI 251 - iPhone Application Programming

    FDR: SC, GE5c
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Spring, 2010

    Prerequisite: CSCI 112 or equivalent programming background approved by the instructor.In this course, students learn how to develop programs for the iPhone / iPod Touch, the most popular smart-phone platform in use today. Classroom lectures on the Objective-C language and CocoaTouch development environment are supplemented by extensive hands-on programming assignments, leading to an independent application project of the student’s devising. Williams School faculty guest lecture on the issues surrounding the iPhone App Store’s novel business model. The course culminates with a presentation of each student’s application, and an optional upload to the iPhone App Store to see how well the application sells.Levy.

  • CSCI 252 - Neural Networks and Graphical Models

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: CSCI 112.A survey of the major developments in neural and belief networks, from the early perceptron models of the 1940s through the probabilistic Bayesian networks that are a “hot topic” in artificial intelligence today. Topics include the back-propagation algorithm, simple recurrent networks, Hopfield nets, Kohonen’s Self-Organizing Map, learning in Bayesian networks, and Dynamic Bayesian Networks, with readings from both popular textbooks and the scholarly literature. A major focus of the course is on writing programs to implement and apply these algorithms.Levy.

  • CSCI 253 - Genetic Algorithms

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: CSCI 112.A survey of the major developments in genetic/evolutionary algorithms, from the Simple Genetic Algorithm through modern multiobjective optimization methods. Topics include fitness landscapes, the Schema and Building Block Hypotheses, learning and the Baldwin Effect, and genetic programming, with readings from both popular textbooks and the scholarly literature. A major focus of the course is on writing programs to implement and apply these algorithms.Levy.

  • CSCI 295 - Language Laboratory

    Credits: 1-3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Introduction to a computer language, which will be chosen according to needs of students and of other computer science courses. Typical languages include Smalltalk, LISP, PROLOG. May be repeated once for degree credit with permission and if the languages are different. May only be used once toward the major requirements.Staff.

  • CSCI 297 - Topics in Computer Science

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Readings and conferences for a student or students on topics agreed upon by the directing staff. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different. A maximum of six credits may be used toward the major requirements.Staff.

  • CSCI 312 - Programming Language Design

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisites: CSCI 112 and 210, MATH 121.Formal language description tools, semantic concepts and syntactic constructs appropriate to diverse applications. Comparison of several high-level languages, such as Scheme, Java, ML, and PROLOG, and their implementations of these syntactic and semantic elements. Students learn the Scheme programming language and how to use it to write interpreters for other programming paradigms (object-oriented, logic-oriented, and type-inferencing).Staff.

  • CSCI 313 - Theory of Computation

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisites: CSCI 112, MATH 121, and either MATH 102 or 122.A study of the principles of computer science embodied in formal languages, automata, computability, and computational complexity. Topics include context-free grammars, Turing machines, and the halting problem.Staff.

  • CSCI 315 - Artificial Intelligence

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: CSCI 209.Basic concepts of heuristic search, game playing, natural language processing, and intelligent systems, with a focus on writing programs in these areas. Course combines a discussion of philosophical issues with hands-on problem solving.Levy.

  • CSCI 317 - Database Management

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: CSCI 209.Database design with the entity-relationship model, the relational database model including normal forms and functional dependencies, SQL database query language, server-side scripting for Web access to databases. A major project to design and implement a database using a commercial package.Whaley.

  • CSCI 320 - Parallel Computing

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisites: CSCI 209 and 210.A survey of parallel computing including hardware, parallel algorithms, and parallel programming. The programming projects emphasize the message-passing paradigm.Staff.

  • CSCI 321 - Computer Networks

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: CSCI 209.Intended as a first course in communication networks for upper-level students. Covers concepts and protocols underlying modern computer networks. Topics include network architecture and layering, routing and switching, the TCP/IP protocol and network applications. Theory and programming.Staff.

  • CSCI 330 - Operating Systems

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisites: CSCI 209 and 210.Procedure initiation, environment construction, reentrancy, kernel functions, resource management, input/output, file structures, security, process control, semaphores and deadlock, and recovery procedures. The laboratory includes the opportunity to examine and modify the internals of an operating system.Staff.

  • CSCI 332 - Compiler Construction

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisites: CSCI 210, 211, 312, and 313.Lexical analysis, parsing, context dependence, translation techniques, optimization. Students are expected to produce a compiler for a suitably restricted language.Staff.

  • CSCI 335 - Software Engineering through Web Applications

    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Spring, 2010

    Prerequisite(s) CSCI 209 or permission of instructor.In this course, students learn to develop high-performance software for Web applications using advanced software engineering techniques. The concepts of client-server computing, theories of usable graphical user interfaces, models for Web-based information retrieval and processing, and iterative development are covered.Sprenkle.

  • CSCI 340 - Interactive Computer Graphics

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: CSCI 209.A study of the underlying techniques and algorithms used in the display and manipulation of graphics images in an interactive environment. Topics include programming with Motif and the X-window system, two- and three-dimensional viewing and transformations, color models, and realistic rendering of images. A major component of the course is the development and programming of a variety of projects which demonstrate the topics discussed in class.Staff.

  • CSCI 341 - Digital Image Processing

    FDR: SC
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter, 2010

    Prerequisite: CSCI 209.A survey of topics in the acquisition, processing and analysis of digital images, with much of the necessary mathematical background developed in the course. Topics in image processing include image enhancement and restoration, compression, and registration/alignment. Topics in image analysis include classification, segmentation, and more generally statistical pattern recognition. Throughout the course, human vision and perception motivate the techniques discussed.Stough.

  • CSCI 395 - Seminar

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Readings and conferences for a student or students on topics agreed upon with the directing staff. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different. A maximum of six credits may be used toward the major requirements.Staff.

  • CSCI 396 - Seminar

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Readings and conferences for a student or students on topics agreed upon with the directing staff. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different. A maximum of six credits may be used toward the major requirements.Staff.

  • CSCI 397 - Seminar

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Readings and conferences for a student or students on topics agreed upon with the directing staff. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different. A maximum of six credits may be used toward the major requirements.Staff.

  • CSCI 401 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the department.Individual conferences. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.Staff.

  • CSCI 402 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the department.Individual conferences. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.Staff.

  • CSCI 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the department.Individual conferences. May be repeated for degree credit with permission and if the topics are different.Staff.

  • CSCI 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3
    When Offered: Fall-Winter

    Honors Thesis.Staff.


  • DANC 110 - University Dance Production

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.Participation in a university dance production for a minimum of 24 hours of rehearsal and performance. A journal recording the rehearsal/performance process is required. May be repeated with permission for up to five degree credits.Davies.

  • DANC 111 - University Dance Production

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Participation in any production aspect of a university dance production for a minimum of 24 hours. A journal recording the production process is required. May be repeated with permission for up to four degree credits.Evans.

  • DANC 120 - Introduction to Contemporary Modern Dance

    FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.This course combines the exploration of individual and ensemble artistic expression in contemporary modern dance with the study of the history of modern dance. The course culminates in a performance presentation.Staff.

  • DANC 215 - World Dance Technique

    FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. This dance class reflects the world dance form that is the specialty of the dance artist-in-residence. The basic dance techniques of that specific form are taught and movement is tied to the historical narrative of the country.Staff.

  • DANC 220 - Dance Composition

    FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisite: DANC 120 or permission of the instructor.A studio course exploring the craft and art of creating dance performances in a variety of styles and contexts. Images, text, music, improvisation and the elements of time, space and energy are examined as sources for dance material leading to group choreography. This course focuses on creating a finished performance piece for presentation.Staff.

  • DANC 225 - Intermediate Contemporary Modern Dance Technique

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Fall

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. A studio course devoted to refining effort/shape values and pursuing performance quality phrasing and style in “Horton” modern dance technique. Students investigate self-directed reverse combinations, deconstruct movement phrases into sequential elements, and learn methods for written and oral analysis of dance. Students practice listening to the body by connecting movement phrases with kinesthetic experiences. May be repeated with permission for up to six credits.Davies.

  • DANC 230 - Musical-Theater Dance Technique

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Winter 2011 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.A studio exploration of choreography in musical theater from the 1940s to the present. Composition, theme, and form are discussed in concert with practical work in restaging historically significant musical dance numbers. Of particular interest are the choreographers’ styles and the many dance techniques prevalent in musical theater. These issues are experienced through dance practica as original choreography is taught. May be repeated with permission for up to six degree credits.Davies.

  • DANC 235 - Head to Toe

    FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 4
    When Offered: Spring

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.The theory and practice of creating a lecture/demonstration-style performance based on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) for elementary students.  This class spends time researching recent scholarly writings on the brain, neural wiring and how pairing movement with traditional educational concepts can help young children to learn better.  Students then use these principles to create a lecture/demonstration for local 4th- and 5th-grade students, including meeting and discussing ideas with local principals, setting up performances, creating a concert that ties to Virginia SOLs in English, science or mathematics, making costumes, sets or other production elements, choreographing and performing the material.  Students also prepare an evaluation of the production and create literature to leave with the teachers so that the basic principles used to create the performance can be continued if desired.Davies.

  • DANC 240 - Contemporary Modern Dance History

    FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter 2010 and alternate years

    This course is a study of the manifestations of American modern dance from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. Students explore the relationship between dance and developments in U.S. culture and study the innovators of the art form and their techniques, writings, and art works through readings, video and lectures.Davies.

  • DANC 292 - Ballet Technique

    Credits: 2
    When Offered: Winter

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.This studio course is devoted to the practice of classical ballet technique and to the exploration of classical and contemporary ballet in performance. The course culminates in a performance presentation. This course may be repeated for degree credit with permission for up to six degree credits.Staff.

  • DANC 330 - Experiential Anatomy

    FDR: HA, GE4a.
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall 2009 and alternate years

    A study of human motion as it relates to the locomotor and physical activities of the dancer. The course covers the planes of the body; vocabulary of the skeleton; and specific muscles, their actions, and how they relate to the dancer’s body. Injury prevention through alignment and proper movement is considered, as well as the reversal of body alienation. Attention is given to the application of course information to technique class and performance.Davies.

  • DANC 340 - Contemporary Dance Observation and Analysis

    FDR: HA, GE4a
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall 2010 and alternate years

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor.The observation and analysis of live and recorded contemporary dance focusing on the work of emerging and established choreographers. Exploration of methods for describing the moving body in space. Emphasis is placed on the written and verbal critique of contemporary dance in performance.Davies.

  • DANC 390 - Special Topics

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered in fall or winter when interest is expressed and departmental resource permit.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.An advanced studio course for experienced dancers exploring various choreographic styles and methods and the intersections between technique, aesthetics and creative collaboration. This course permits the student to follow a program of specialized applied research in order to widen the scope of experience and to build upon concepts covered in other courses. The course culminates in a performance piece for presentation. May be repeated for degree credit with permission if the topics are different.Staff.

  • DANC 403 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered in fall and winter when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Students enrich their academic experience by undertaking a performance project. Students must demonstrate ability to work with little supervision and must develop a written proposal defining the issue to be addresses, an outline of the proposed methodology, and a statement of the intended outcome with a schedule for completion. The project must include written, historical, and practical components, and permission must be secured in advance of registration.Staff.

East Asian Languages and Literatures

  • EALL 200 - Japan and the Japanese People

    FDR: HU
    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Offered when interest is expressed and departmental resources permit.

    This course is designed to introduce students to Japanese cultures with an emphasis on contemporary Japan. It examines how Japanese people lead their daily lives in a rapidly changing society, which is strikingly different from that of the United States. Similarities and differences between the two societies are studied in depth through readings, videos and feature films on a wide range of topics including the family, educational system, and Japanese cuisine.Ujie.

  • EALL 473 - Senior Thesis

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Fall, Winter

    Prerequisites: Senior standing and major in East Asian Languages and Literatures.Students research and write a thesis directed by a member of the department.Staff.

  • EALL 493 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3-3
    When Offered: Fall-Winter

    Honors Thesis.Staff.

East Asian Studies

  • EAS 391 - Senior Capstone in East Asian Studies

    Credits: 1
    When Offered: Fall

    Weekly seminar in East Asian studies that focuses on research tools and methodology. Students develop and present to the group their capstone proposals. Additional presentations by East Asian Studies faculty and guest speakers.Staff.

  • EAS 393 - Senior Capstone in East Asian Studies

    Credits: 3
    When Offered: Winter

    Capstone project. Weekly seminar, focusing on the completion of the capstone project, including a formal presentation of the finished project to East Asian Studies faculty and students.Staff.


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